Hotwife Lizzie? 6
In other circumstances, one might have thought there’d been a mass murder. There were five bodies strewn over my living room. All in…

In other circumstances, one might have thought there’d been a mass murder. There were five bodies strewn over my living room. All in various states of undress but all, to put it in the vernacular because I can’t think of a more appropriate word, shagged out.
To think the plan had been for a nice quiet supper so Lizzie could meet Charles and then go away and discuss with her husband whether she was willing to start life as a ‘hotwife’. I don’t know if there’s a dictionary definition of the word, and I suppose it could be argued that as Lizzie hadn’t actually been fucked by Charles, she hadn’t earned the title. But that’s being pedantic. She and Charlie had done pretty much everything they could to each other except push his cock up her vagina. But perhaps that was to come.
At that precise moment nothing was coming. We were all recovering from our personal highs.
I looked around. Carol and Charles, old stagers as far as wife swapping is concerned, looked contented. Chris still looked as though he’d discovered the biggest train set in the world under the Christmas tree. Lizzie looked… I looked long and hard at Lizzie. Her lack of clothes made that a definite pleasure, but I wondered what was going through her mind. For one thing, her tits had taken a beating. Not that she’d complained. Perhaps it wasn’t unusual. I knew little of their domestic sexual preferences other than Chris wanting to be cuckolded. But then, was what had happened tonight strictly him being a cuckold? I doubted it, but so what? He was deliriously happy. Back to Lizzie. She was sitting on the floor, her back against an armchair. Her knees up, her head resting on them sideways, watching Chris. No, not watching. Looking. Admiring. Loving. Clear as day. She had no regrets about what had transpired that was obvious.
Then there was me. Almost the interloper. The instigator. The organiser. The spare P at the wedding, as the saying goes, although perhaps not anatomically accurately. Had I had a good time? Hell, yes! How many times had I orgasmed? That’s not rhetorical, I hadn’t a clue. Perhaps you can tell me. It was more than one, but other than that I had no idea. But what stuck in my mind was the total lack of discomfort I felt at the close proximity of two horny men. I know them both, of course. I’ve had Charles cum over my face. I’ve been inches away from Chris’s cock when he’s been fucking his wife, but somehow that night with a sort of free-for-all atmosphere was different. It should have made me feel more vulnerable. Available. But I hadn’t even thought about it. And that was almost my biggest thrill of the night.
Conversation was stilted. There was some but I can’t remember who said what to whom. The wine glasses were empty and so was the bottle. I offered to open another, but there were no takers. I suggested coffee and that brought positive replies.
So it was that I found myself in the kitchen percolating coffee and sorting out a tray when Lizzie joined me. We simply looked at each other and smiled. “Okay?” I asked. She leant back against the counter and answered. “I am. Sometime earlier I seem to remember saying to you something about not being sure I’d enjoy it and you asked me what and I replied everything and that was true. I wasn’t sure. I went through with it, no I started to go through with it, purely because I knew Chris wanted me to do it so badly, but almost as soon as I began I realised I was enjoying it! Having the attention and touch of a different man was intoxicating. Then I watched Carol and Chris and you know what? That turned me on! How crazy is that? Watching my husband with another woman. I’d assumed I’d be as jealous as hell, but I wasn’t. It made me wet just watching. God, Trace. Tonight has been a watershed moment for me. I can’t wait to hear how Chris feels.”
“Oh, I don’t think you need worry about him,” I assured her, “I think he’s on another planet.” She laughed. “Joined me on Venus, has he?” It was my turn to laugh. “Something like that. “
We took the tray of coffee into the lounge. The men had put their boxers back on, but otherwise the room still looked like the aftermath of a jumble sale.
No one was talking, but the atmosphere was relaxed. Carol and her husband were cuddled up next to each other on the sofa and Chris was lazing in an armchair. My feeling was the evening was concluding. Finishing on a high with no regrets anywhere. Perfect.
It’s strange how things which to some can be perverted or disgusting are to others a normal part of life. Who’d have thought a few short hours ago looking at the five of us having supper would end up like this? Men in nothing much apart from their underpants and three women all still revealing things women don’t usually reveal at dinner parties.
I have to admit at that moment I still felt sexy. God knows why. As I’ve said, I’d had multiple orgasms, but my body seemed to be telling me I wanted more. I guessed I’d have to do some finger exercises later, as looking at the assembled group, no one seemed similarly inclined.
“What’s up Hun?” Carol broke the silence, looking at me over the top of her cup.
“Not a thing. Why?”
“You look a bit pensive. Still horny?”
I should have said no. I was the hostess. My guests, especially Lizzie, were the important ones, but I said, “A bit.”
“Well, I’m sure there are a couple of men who’d happily lick you to a climax even if their cocks have retired for the night. Am I right guys?” Both men nodded. “Count me in,” enthused Charles. “Care to join me Chris?” he added as he stood up to come over to me. Chris looked at Lizzie. “Don’t mind me, lover boy, she deserves it after organising tonight.”
So. Could I? I’d been telling myself how well I’d been doing, but that was with the adrenaline flowing. Sexual activity going on in front of me. Now I was sitting on a sofa drinking coffee and had two men kneeling at my feet waiting to give me a licking.
My thought processes went into overdrive. My internal arguments. Brain versus heart, or more correctly sexual need. And yes, I did need it. Need it as well as want it. I’d coped with Charles’s cock up close and personal. For god's sake, he’d sprayed cum over my face. I’d fantasised about having Chris. Admittedly, with his son, but still! Neither cock was rampant. I knew Charles was capable of a quick recovery, but I knew too he was controllable. Having seen Chris that night I knew he had extreme self control when he wanted it. So where was the problem in having a couple of tongues stimulating my clit?
There is another part!