Hotwife Lizzie?
What am I? Two or three weeks in to my new job? Seems longer. The content I’m enjoying, it stretches my mind. The pressure is another…

What am I? Two or three weeks in to my new job? Seems longer. The content I’m enjoying, it stretches my mind. The pressure is another thing, although that’s partly due to my continuing to have oversight of my old department. I think I won’t know for a few weeks if I’ve made the right decision. If I decide I haven’t, I’m not sure what I’ll do.
Since writing this I’ve had a few very rewarding days, so things are not so bleak!
Come last Saturday morning, all I wanted was a lazy couch sluffing day watching a favourite old movie. I really honestly and truly didn’t want any sexual activity. Then Lizzie texted me.
Hi Trace. Any chance you fancy a meet up for coffee? I’ve got things I want to chat about. X
I texted back.
I’m totally wiped out Lizzie, but if you can pop round to mine this PM we could open a bottle.
Sounds perfect. About 3?
Hey ho. Still, I thought I can always watch Humphrey Bogart another day. I wondered what she wanted to talk about. The tone of the text seemed too neutral for it to be anything to do with John.
She arrived. I opened a bottle. We sat in the lounge. I hadn’t dressed for effect. I was in a sloppy tee shirt, no bra, and baggy old jeans. Although slightly smarter, Lizzie was dressed much the same. It seemed she hadn’t used the ‘I want to chat’ line as a euphemism.
“Trace, you do look wiped out. If I’d realised you were so tired I’d have not come. You want me to go?”
“No, you’re here now and having a girly chat should be relaxing. Shouldn’t it?”
“Well, I’m not sure the subject matter is. Sex always seems to excite you!”
“Now you do have me intrigued. Come on, spill.”
“Okay. Look, considering what we’ve done together, there’s no point in being shy with you. Chris is badgering me to have sex with another man.”
From my conversation with Chris a while back, that surprised me.
“Badgering you? How?”
“No, that’s wrong. Terrible choice of word and it’s given the wrong impression. But I’m sure you can read a man as well as I can. He… he hasn’t as such asked me, or even pestered me, to do it. It’s much more subtle than that. He sort of mentions it when I’m right on the verge of coming and I know the thought excites him so I sort of say yes I’d love to. Not quite like that mind you.”
“But you don’t? Want to go with another man, I mean.”
“Not really.” The ‘really’ opened a door, hopefully.
“You sound undecided.”
“No. Not really. Ha! sitting here in your living room sipping wine. I’m sure I don’t want to. Or at least need to. Chris provides everything I need.”
“Everything? But you go with me.”
“Yes, I know, but that’s different, isn’t it?”
I needed more insight before I put my feet firmly in it.
“Well, you’re a woman.”
“So I believe, but you’ve had sex with me.”
“Yes, but it’s not the same.”
“Why not?”
“Trace! Are you being deliberately obtuse? You don’t have a cock, so what you and I do I can’t do with Chris.”
“But that means you accept you get, let’s say, feelings, from me that you don’t get from Chris?”
“And you enjoy those feelings?”
“God yes.”
“And they make your love making with Chris more intense?” I deliberately used the term love making rather than fucking. I was guessing I needed to convince her going with another man was an act of love for her husband, not a betrayal.
“Do you both get more satisfaction?”
“Christ yes. I can’t remember getting more turned on by what he does and he is so much more… dynamic?”
“Okay, so suppose he’d asked you to do something else which would move it up another notch. Not another man. Say spanking or dressing up as a policewoman or watersports. Assuming you don’t do any of those, would you to please him?”
“I can’t imagine our lovemaking getting much more intense, but I guess I would. Not that they particularly appeal.”
“Right. So why not add another man to that list?”
She thought about it and took a gulp of wine.
“I don’t know.”
“How would you feel about Chris going with another woman? Not behind your back, but as he’s suggesting with you, you watching. Perhaps even joining in.”
“I’ve been playing that in my mind. Last time we were out. In the car with that guy outside thinking what a hoot if Chris joined in…”
Her voice faded away. Possibly because she was embarrassed at suggesting in a roundabout way, her husband fucked me, or possibly because she was imagining the scene in her mind. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. Not sure that I was ready for that, but anyway I didn’t want the conversation drifting.
“So you could cope? Or you’d enjoy it? Get turned on by it?”
“Definitely the second in my fantasy.”
“So you can understand where Chris is coming from?”
Another gulp of wine while she thought about it.
“You know what? Deep down, I think my reservation is that I fear I would enjoy it.”
“What’s wrong with that if Chris does, too?”
“I might want more.”
“So? If Chris is on board with it, where’s the problem?”
“Yes, but supposing he wasn’t? He watched the first time, didn’t get the buzz he expected, and didn’t want me doing it again.”
“Sitting here now, on a scale of one to ten, how likely do you think either of those scenarios is?”
“Chris not liking it? Four perhaps. Me liking it?” She hesitated for quite some seconds, then sheepishly said, “Nine or ten.” I almost laughed, but it wouldn’t have been appropriate.
“So you're pretty sure you’d enjoy it and that there’s little chance of Chris not. Lizzie, I can’t see you enjoying it if your husband didn’t. You’re not programmed that way, so I can’t believe you’d end up fucking guys behind Chris’s back.”
The bottle was nearly empty, and I went to get another.
When I returned, she said, “If I agreed to do it, how would we find a guy?”
Da da! Breakthrough time!
“Not a problem. I know at least one who would be pleased to help.”
“Who?” I detected a hint of excitement in her question. I was positive it was a done deal.
“Carol’s husband Charles.”
“Someone’s husband? What about his wife?” I couldn’t quite tell if having someone’s husband was an added turn on or off.
“It’s not a problem. They are very open and go to sex parties.”
Silence for a while covered by a long sip of wine. “What’s he like?”
I guessed she wasn’t asking about his sexual prowess or size.
“He’s charming. A real gentleman. Would only ever do what his partner was happy with.”
“Have you… has he… have you and he had sex?”
“No, you know me and my phobia, but I’ve come close. I’ve wanked him. Had his cum spray over me. Played games with him.”
“Yes, he enjoys dressing as a maid and being told to do housework.”
“God, I wonder if I could get Chris interested in that?” She burst out laughing. “I’m just picturing Chris in a French maid's outfit. Too much!” She laughed again and took another gulp of wine.
She got serious again. “What’s he look like?”
“He’s in his sixty’s, dapper. Distinguished, I guess you’d say. Imagine a business executive.”
“Anyone else you have in mind?”
Your son? No. Not going there. Not yet. Not for some while, Likewise suggesting Kaz’s partner might be a bit too much too.
“Not that I know. I’m sure Carol and Charles know lots, though. Don’t you fancy an older man?”
“It’s not that. Not sure why I asked, really. I think if I can ever bring myself to do it. I’d need to be totally comfortable with the man.”
“Look, tell you what, why don’t I organise a supper for the four of you? No pressure, just a meal together. I’ll not even mention any possible sexual connotations just introducing friends. See how you feel in his company. Go away and think about it, then take it from there.”
“Would you? I think I could cope with that. Yes. But don’t mention the sex. I’d feel less ‘on show’ then.”
“No probs. Next weekend?”
“Oh god. Yes. Not too long to think of chickening out!”
“Will you tell Chris why we’re having it?”
She thought for a while. “No. I think I’d prefer everyone to be in the dark.”
“Fine. Leave it with me. I’ll text you time later.”
And that was it. If you’ve read through this thinking any minute now, one or other of them will start the action. I’m afraid you’re in for a disappointment. We chatted on for a bit, then she left. The sexiest it got was a peck on the cheek as she said goodbye.
I was bushed and she could see it, but I think she was also preoccupied with what we’d discussed.
I had an idea though that this coming weekend could be interesting. I know I’d suggested she go away and think things through, but I’d do my best to engineer some action.
Watch this space!