Flashing with Carol
I’d been thinking about this trip out with Carol all week. As time went on the thought of exposing myself, making an exhibition of myself…

I’d been thinking about this trip out with Carol all week. As time went on the thought of exposing myself, making an exhibition of myself, was more and more exciting. I had in mind a couple of scenarios but knew Carol would have her own ideas.
I’d heard from her following our little escapade last Sunday when I’d got her to pee in her jeans. She’d told Charles and, as she’d thought, it did excite him. “Another gold medal performance,” in Carol's words! So she was up for repeating the idea. Unfortunately, she made it clear that no way was she going to do it in public, but I live in hope she might change her mind.
We decided I’d drive so Carol could take photos en route, which would have worked if we hadn’t been such a couple of dippy women. I’d told her about my flashing stocking tops on the way to work and how unsuccessful I’d been in attracting attention. (At least the second time. I still wondered if the cyclist continued to wank over what he’d seen the first time I tried it).
Just driving with my skirt hitched up was a turn on in itself but I longed to get some reaction. Lorry driver followers assure me they can see down into cars and I’d hoped at least one of those I passed may have seen something. If they had they gave no indication. No flash. Of lights! No playing with their horn. The one that makes a noise!
So Carol decided I needed to be more brazen.
We drove away from her house and the route to the dual carriageway takes us down a mile or so of country lane.
“Pull in there.” I was instructed. A field gate. I did as told. “Take your dress off.” I got out of the car and did as told. “Put it in the boot.” Carol was taking this seriously. God, I’d have no chance to cover up if I needed to. I had my first leak of the day. So many scenarios flashed through my mind. Ha. Appropriate word.
I got back in and off we went.
It was the strangest feeling. We were still on the country lane so I had time to get used to the idea that anyone glancing in the car would see me in my undies, displaying them to the world. A few short weeks ago if such a thought had passed through my mind I’d have died of shame. Now I couldn’t wait for it to happen. We joined the dual carriageway and headed for town. Traffic was not heavy particularly the lorries, presumably because of it being bank holiday Sunday, but there were enough to give me the chance of brightening a driver’s day.
We spotted a possible chance ahead. A transit van. I checked my mirror and we had nothing close behind so I accelerated alongside the lorry and then matched his speed when beside his cab.
Carol glanced up and waved at him! “That’s got his attention!”
“Can he see me?” I asked. The thought he could had already moistened me.
”Judging by the smile on his face, yes!”
Oh god! Concentrating on driving and keeping pace with the van was not easy.
“What’s he like?”
“Looks middle-aged, Indian I think. Quite good looking I suppose.”
It was immaterial, I’m not sure why I’d even asked. He was a man. Seeing me in scanty lingerie. Oh, the turn on! I dipped my head and had a quick glance at him. The smile Carol had mentioned I would have described as more of a leer. Satisfying result.
I checked my mirror again and saw we had a couple of cars behind us. I had to accelerate away and then moved over. I wasn’t in any state to drive fast.
“Well, that’s one happy bunny,” Carol said. “Let hunt for another.”
I wondered if the driver we’d just flashed would have a hard from the view. Or even wank himself. I should I suppose have been concerned about the safety aspect but was far too turned on to worry.
It took us a while to find another candidate, the traffic had got a little heavier and I couldn’t sit in the outside lane without creating a queue.
Eventually, the circumstances were right and I drew up next to a small lorry. Carol repeated her wave and burst out laughing. “What?” I asked.
“So comical Hun. He glanced down at me, looked away and then his brain caught up with his eyes and his head shot back. If he’d been a cartoon character his eyes would have been out on springs.”
I stayed next to him as long as I could. This was proving so hot I had to touch myself. I took a hand off the steering wheel and rubbed it over my knickers. I was asking myself if I had the courage to pull them aside when I saw a light flash in my mirror. Shit. I had a queue of cars behind me. I accelerated in front of the lorry and let them all pass.
“I’m getting too randy,” I said to Carol. “I think we’d better do something else.”
“Okay, Hun. Let’s go visit an ancient monument.”
It took us fifteen minutes to reach our destination. (Excuse me for being a bit vague but I don’t want to give precise locations. Not sure why, but it just seems the right thing to do.)
The car park was almost full, it being a bank holiday. Getting out and getting dressed was going to be exciting. I’m still amazed at myself for being able to think in those terms.
I’d brought a suitcase full of clothes and undies. While planning this I had no idea how things would go, but wanted plenty of options.
The parking place I found wasn’t too prominent withtrees behind it and a hedge to one side. Given I was only wearing a bra and knickers I was torn between being totally brazen and just stepping out and putting an outfit on in clear view and trying to slink round the back and hide behind open doors. Carol of course had no doubts and insisted I just step out as I was and walk round to the boot to find my outfit.
She was right and my sexual persona agreed with her. I opened the driver's door and got out. As soon as I did, a feeling of total wantonness came over me, a feeling I’m beginning to not be able to live without. I looked around. The only reservation I had now was if there were children around. I wasn’t naked but even so, I didn’t feel it appropriate to display myself like this in front of youngsters. Luckily there weren’t any so as casually as I could I wandered to the back of the car to choose what to wear.
Carol had already decided. “This is perfect. Far too smart really for here, so you’ll be noticed and it’s an outfit that suits you to a T and Charles loves it.”
Carol also sorted out my lingerie and I’d just changed bras when a car reversed into a space immediately opposite. If I’d stayed where I was they may not have seen me. That was not an option in my current mood so I moved to the side of the car. I hitched up my skirt and changed stockings. I’m not sure how. Internally I was shaking like a leaf. Me, standing in the middle of a car park in my bra, skirt hoisted so stockings, suspenders, and knickers were on view to this couple. My breathing changed along with my heart rate. At first I pretended not to notice them. I then looked over. Two very different expressions. Both locked on me. The man, I guess in his seventies, had a neutral expression, but his wife’s was anything but! She glanced away from me, at her husband, said something, and his eyes immediately left me. I suspect he was being scolded. It didn’t matter. I’d been seen. Spotted by strangers. It gave me an immense lift as well as moistening me even more. I could do this.
I decided to go without a blouse and just wear a jacket over the bra. I knew at that moment one day I’d need to take this further, to be outside naked, but for the moment what I was doing was presenting as much adrenaline as I could handle.
Carol stepped around the car, smiling broadly. “I hope the vision he had is sufficient to outweigh the roasting she’s going to give him.”
“You think so?”
“I know so, I’ve had that expression often enough when I’ve been about to castigate Charlie.” Poor Charles!
“Come on Hun, let's go flashing.”
I grabbed my jacket and a hat, (no idea why other than I thought it suited me), and off we went. The pictures tell the story. I undid the buttons on the coat, leaving it gaping, displaying my bra. I let my legs drift apart giving views up my skirt. Carol snapped away and I think people at first thought it might be a fashion shoot, I was certainly overdressed compared to most visitors, but that attracted eyes and that’s what I wanted. We positioned ourselves as best we could to let plenty of people see how much I was displaying. We’re going to have to finesse our system because we missed so many good opportunities of taking photos of people looking, but it was our first time in amongst people so hopefully, we’ll improve. Then I decided to be even more brazen. I needed to pee. Yes, that way! I was desperate to do it with people around. The guy on the station may not have seen anything, I wanted an audience. We wandered to a wall opposite the entrance where there was plenty of coming and going although we weren’t too close. I did what I now love. I hoisted my skirt, parted my legs, and let my pee flow. The sheer, sheer joy of the feeling. Pushing into my knickers, forcing its way through, a steady stream pouring out, splashing on the ground. It’s difficult to believe the people coming out of the fort didn’t see what I was doing.
I was desperate to do more. To show more. My knickers were coming off at our next stop!
Back at the car Carol went round to the boot and chose my next outfit. A business suit. She was insisting on a total change, stockings, everything. She even made me apply more makeup and nail varnish. Nothing if not thorough is our Carol! Now, exhibiting myself was my overriding need. I hardly gave it a second thought as I stripped off, but I did balk at being totally naked. I swopped skirts before removing my knickers. I wasn’t ready yet to display my naked pussy. Ha, that didn’t last long.
“You have an audience,” Carol announced. I looked up. A man in his thirties was standing by his car ten metres away. Staring. Making no attempt to hide the fact he was watching. My legs started to tremble. At that moment I had a bra on but no top, my skirt hitched to my waist as I secured a stocking to a suspender. I took my time completing attaching the stocking and then put my hands up my skirt and pulled off the knickers,
threw them in the boot and rummaged around for the ones I wanted. My heart rate was through the roof. Bending forward, to give him as much a view of my cleavage as possible I pulled the knickers up. I’d like to say I hoisted the skirt to my waist so he could see my lips, but I’ll be honest, that was a bridge too far. I finished dressing, pulled the suit jacket on, and as I got into the car I waved to him. I actually waved! My god. How brazen I’d got. Carol’s presence and her urging had given me the confidence I needed.
I sat in the car contemplating my feelings. “God Carol. I’ve got to ease this,” I hoisted my skirt and started rubbing myself through my knickers. “Don’t stop for me Hun. Here use this. I’ll try videoing it.”
She rummaged in her bag and came out with a velvet pouch and passed it over. A vibrator! Here? In the car park? I hesitated momentarily but yes! I needed no further urging, my needs now were too strong. I looked around the parking area. The man who had watched me strip had gone, but there were plenty of other people wandering around. No one too close. Was that a disappointment or a relief? A disappointment, definitely. I hitched my skirt right up. At that moment I knew nothing was going to stop me. Carol started recording.
I should have said no to Carol filming me. No way was I prepared to post a video of me doing this. No way. But I was too wrapped up in my horny world. I kept my eyes on the people milling around. I told myself it was so I could cover up if they came close. The truth was it was a turn-on. There I was rubbing myself, fingers going in and out of my sodden pussy while people, men, and women, were wandering around only metres away.
We had cars parked either side of us. Oh that their owners would come back. Would I stop? Would I cover up? The way I felt, not a chance.
I had to do more. Use Carol’s dildo. I started playing with myself and the little vibrator. I couldn’t think why I’d never got satisfaction from toys. I obviously hadn’t had the right state of mind. Or perhaps the right toy. It was sending shivers through my body. I pushed it in deep. Hardly pushed. It seemed as though I sucked it in. Come to Tracy. Touch me deep. I’d forgotten Carol. She and her camera. Inches away. I had disappeared into my own world. I was creaming up. Oh god. I looked at the dildo as I pulled it out. Covered in my juices. I licked it. There, sitting next to my best friend I licked it clean. A man walking by and glanced in. The exhilaration of his eyes on me! I gave the toy an exaggerated lick. I’ve no idea if he registered what it was or if he thought it a stick of rock! I hope he realised the truth. Then I had a thought. Something you readers might appreciate with so many asking for sight of my dirty knickers. I pushed the toy back in, as deep as I could. My juice production was still on overtime and very soon the toy was again covered in a layer of sticky juice. I’d come. There in the car. Carol sitting next to me. In broad daylight. I was euphoric. I extracted the toy, picked up my knickers and wiped the juice off with them. I showed the camera, then wiped my cunt with them and held them in front of the lens again. How dirty? How filthy? Gorgeous!.
I was done. Totally sated. My only regret was that no one had come particularly close. To have had men, like at a dogging venue, looking through the window, watching. That would indeed have been spectacular but it wasn’t to be. Next time perhaps. No way was there not going to be a next time.
“Your followers will love that video.”
Carol's comment brought me back to reality.
“No! No, no, no. I can’t show that!”
“Of course you can Hun. Think of all those rampant cocks spewing cum everywhere watching you.” So eloquent is Carol at times! “No, no I couldn’t.” Even as I said it I heard doubt creeping in. “Someone might recognise me.”
“Hun, you’re posting photos of yourself in your undies, left right and centre. If people haven’t recognised you from those they aren’t going to recognise close-ups of your pussy lips; unless you’ve been doing things I don’t know about!”
“I’ll think about it.” But the jury is still out. I’ve watched it and whilst Carol's video skills are not as good as her photography, it certainly captures what it needed to! The horny side of me desperately wants you to see it. The ‘Everyday Tracy who has a job she needs to keep to buy food’ side of me is unsure. No point asking you lot! I have posted a couple of frame grabs on Twitter and there’s more in the zip file (see below). I’ll see how you react. XXXXX
As before, I can’t post all the photos here. What I’ve done is loaded them up to Dropbox. If you follow this link you should be able to download the whole zip file. https://www.dropbox.com/s/znwr98tktvcrgid/Sunday3June.zip?dl=0
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