Flashing Tracy 2
Exposing myself to the man in the park got the day off to a great start but I needed more. We went back to the car and I changed. Such a…

Exposing myself to the man in the park got the day off to a great start but I needed more. We went back to the car and I changed. Such a delicious feeling. Removing all my clothes sitting in the confines of the car parked at the kerbside. The houses were old Victorian cottages, no gardens, their front doors immediately opening onto the pavement. If there were curtain twitchers in residence it might not just be the curtains twitching! Unfortunately being residential there was a distinct lack of pedestrians. What a shame.
After changing we wandered for a bit, chatting as we strolled, then came to a bridge over a river (the River Gipping I think) with a footpath running beside it. We went down and I sat on the steps, delved in my bag, and found a toy I’d taken with me.
“You really going to use that?” Carol asked.
“Why not?” I replied.
She shrugged and got her camera out!
I had no idea how busy the path would be. We’d passed few people on the street walking to it, and as I sat down the footpath itself was empty. But I’d never done this before so the act of fucking myself with a vibrator in public would be a turn-on in itself, audience or not. And my, it was! I admit it. I got excited! Got to a stage where I couldn’t have stopped even if the local constabulary had turned up. I almost came, but eventually managed to slow down. Coming in a public place without an audience seemed so wasteful.
“Let’s try somewhere else. I need my public!” I told Carol. It’s a pity I can’t convince her to flash too. We could have so much fun. My two friends; one won’t flash the other won’t allow photos. Oh that they would merge! I wasn’t sure what Carol got out of these sojourns, but I wasn’t complaining. Doing them on my own would not be nearly as much fun, and a damn sight more difficult to take photos.
We wandered on. The footfall didn’t seem that different, but my need to bring myself off hadn’t dissipated. I needed that toy in me again so we found a spot beside a graffiti covered wall and stopped to take more photos.
I removed my knickers, sat on the dirty path spread my legs, and started playing.
I’d only just started when Carol announced that someone was approaching. I glanced over my shoulder. A man on his own, elderly by the look of it. Not that I cared. God, how brazen could I be? The vibrator was doing what it should and I was way too hot to stop. I let my juices cascade out. Where was he? He should have reached me by now. I looked over my shoulder again. He’d stopped about twenty metres away. Staring. From where he was he wouldn’t have been able to see my pussy or the toy, but he would have had to have been a monk not to work out what I was doing. I noticed a hand in a pocket. I didn’t stare; I didn’t want to frighten him away. My blouse was undone and I half turned to him and fondled my tits although I kept facing Carol. “He’s coming,” Carol announced. I wasn’t sure which way she meant so asked. “Ha. Approaching.”
I’d made a decision. I stood up as he reached us and parted my dress. I didn’t address him directly but announced “God I need a pee.” He stared even harder. I managed to let my steam go. He didn’t move. Hand still deep in his pocket. He was elderly. I would guess in his sixties. He looked harmless enough so I risked it. “You can get it out if you like.”
Describing how I felt defies me. It was a combination of sexual energy-need, nerves, fear almost, but a sense that I didn’t care. Whatever it was it was delicious in the extreme
He looked around. There was no one else in sight. He unzipped and pulled his cock out. Wow. At last a large cock! I’d thought I’d never see one in real life. It wasn’t BBC huge. Not 12” but it was larger than Craig’s or Charlie’s. Not that I was going to use it!
I’d dried up. My pee was in a pool at my feet. I started fingering myself, eyes fixated on this man’s cock. He was wanking hard, his eyes as locked on my cunt as mine on his prick.
He came before me, but the act of his eruption triggered mine. It was a good job I had the wall to lean against. My knees trembled. My head went back. I made a sound. Gurgling I suppose. God, I felt so complete. I opened my eyes to look at him. I’d missed a lot of his eruption, but from what I could see the quantity didn’t rival Charles’s. It was tiny in comparison but I didn’t care.
He zipped himself away, muttered something which I took as “thank you” and shuffled off.
I looked at Carol. “That was nice.”
“Hun, if you are saying what I’ve just watched is only ‘nice’ I can’t wait for you to experience something exceptional.”
“Mm. Perhaps not the best choice of words. Anyway, what shall we do now?”
“You want more?”
“Oh god yes! That’s got me in the mood.”
“Mood for what?”
I thought about it. “The mood to be totally naked.”
“Of course, silly me,” responded Carol, “what else? Where had you in mind?”
“I thought in your car travelling down the A14 might be fun. The Felixstowe strike is over so there should be masses of lorries.”
“Okay, Hun. It’s your call.”
I left the dress unbuttoned to the waist for the walk back to the car The bra I left on. I thought it might attract some attention and it did. I felt so shameless. So slutish. Having let those men see everything I thought about stripping off and walking at least topless back to the car. I did it on the seafront, but deep in Suffolk? I did have my job to consider. It was a close run thing, but in the end, I decided to stay as I was. After all, as the skirt flapped it exposed my pussy but it was deniable. “Really officer? I can’t understand how all those buttons came undone.” There were more people around than earlier and the flashing skirt and visible bra attracted some attention. ( Some is probably an understatement of monumental proportions.) No one stopped us but plenty stared. Each look was like putting another lump of coal on an already roaring fire. It stoked my temperature to nearly bursting the thermometer. There was no going back. I had to do something mad.
We made it to the car.
“Did you want to get naked here?” Carol asked.
So tempting. Standing on the pavement (sidewalk for US followers) only feet away from front doors and windows. Imaging who might be behind the curtains. But no. Some sense prevailed.
“No, I’ll strip as we go along.”
“Your call Hun.”
I took my coat off, threw it in the back, and got in. It was a few minutes drive to the A14 through the outskirts of town and a light industrial area. I guessed there’d be few people around there as it was Saturday so needed to expose as much as I could quickly for the benefit of town residents. Not that I had to do much. The single button at the waist dealt with the dress and I pulled my tits out of the bra rather than taking the bra off. Not naked but everything on display. Sheer debauchery. I continued leaking. I had been since exhibiting myself on the park bench. I dipped into my bag and retrieved the toy. God, I needed to come, but at the same time wanted an audience when I did. I totally get why pornstars or strippers do what they do. The buzz from having leering men and jealous or disgusted women watching is an amazing aphrodisiac.
The best part of the drive to the bypass was when we approached a roundabout and overtook a couple of teenagers on their bikes. I was lucky. There was a line of cars waiting to enter the roundabout and we had to stop. The bikes could have gone though on the inside, but guess what? I could see them in the mirror. They’d stopped just behind my shoulder the one in front gesticulating to his mate. His friend edging forward to see. My toy was on. Deep in me. My eyes watched the teenagers. My mind gave up the fight of controlling my orgasm. My hips shot forward. I yelled. “Oh god!” Or something. I soaked Carol’s car. How she concentrated on driving I have no idea. The line of traffic moved off and we left the cyclists behind.
“We still going?” Carol asked.
I couldn’t answer, I was too engulfed in my feelings. Was I on a down or an up? What was I feeling? Euphoria, yes. But why? Easy. I’d proved to myself I had a body that was capable of making men lose control. Is that narcissistic of me? Probably, but from where I was just over two years ago with my self-esteem non-existent I’ll enjoy the fact I’m right.
We were now on the dual carriageway. I’d been so engulfed in my thoughts I hadn’t even noticed which way she’d turned. “Where are we heading?”
“Bury.” Away from home.
“In that case might as well cheer up a few lorry drivers.”
“How? What am I supposed to do?”
“I need you to draw alongside their cab and keep there as long as you can.”
“Lord Hun, you don’t ask much do you? I signed up as your photographer, not a stunt driver.”
I knew she was joking as, as she said it, she pulled out next to a huge artic and did exactly what I’d asked. I’d done a little bit of flashing like this before but on my own, now being in the passenger seat the lorry driver's view was going to be so much better.
I made sure the dress was wide open, as were my legs. I looked up at his cab. He was concentrating on the road ahead, but the fact that we were maintaining our position promoted him to look. I shall treasure the smile that enveloped his face for a long while. I waved to him, blew a kiss and started fingering myself. His head moved as if watching a tennis match. The road ahead, my body, the road ahead. The time his concentration was on me though was far the greater. A bit worrying! I was building to another climax when there was a blast on a horn behind us.
“Gotta move Hun, the natives are getting restless.” We’d caused quite a tail back.
We repeated the exercise numerous times with Carol now watching for a queue behind us and pulling forward when one started to build. Several of the lorries gave a huge blast on their horn as we left. So rewarding.
The car seat was awash with my juice. My pussy was getting saw with the constant fingering, but I still wanted that final climax. What could I do? A service station loomed up ahead. Thoughts coalesced in my mind. “Pull in here Carol, head for the HGV area.” She obediently did as instructed and parked up between two transit vans. It wasn’t a huge HGV area as you get on the motorways but there were half a dozen large lorries with their drivers taking their break. The HGVs were parked in a line at the back of the service station. Perfect. The thought was making me nervous and excited in equal measure. I looked at Carol. I could see from her face she realised what I was going to do.
“You sure Hun?”
“Yes. Got to. Be ready for quick get away!”
I stepped out of the car. Took off the dress, unclipped my bra and threw them both in the car. It left me wearing suspenders, stockings and shoes.
There was the one transit behind us, which didn’t appear to have anyone in the cab so I walked forward. My libido was through the roof telling me to walk slowly, give anyone in their cabs time to appreciate me. My brain was telling me to imitate Usain Bolt. My libido won.
If this was it. If for some reason I couldn’t flash any more, because I was languishing in jail for instance, I’d be able to bask in the memory. The delicious debauched depraved memory.
There were five vehicles. Another transit and four bigger ones. I was approaching them all from behind so couldn’t see if the drivers were in their cabs. If they were I hoped they’d see me in their mirrors.
The transit driver was there, busy texting, so he didn’t react as I passed. The other cabs were too high for me to see into. I reached the front lorry. By then I was shaking. Mainly nerves! I must have been a hundred metres from Carol, butt naked. But the underlying feeling of naughtiness was indescribable. I could have walked on but courage failed me. I turned to walk back. There was no one in the front cab but as I approach the second the window went down. “Fuck me luv! You’re fucking gorgeous. Want some action?” A face appeared at the window. A leering smile. Somehow I managed to get my voice functioning.
“No. Sorry. Looking only.”
“No worries luv. Keep me hard for a bit.”
I walked on. No one in the next two vehicles. The transit driver looked up. The word literally is overused, usually in the wrong context, but not here. His mouth did literally drop open. His eyes! Wider still and wider as the song goes. I smiled at him and kept walking. I wondered if he would think he was hallucinating. “Fuck! Brilliant. Made my day!” His words followed me back to our car. I made it to the bonnet, had to stop and lean against it as my climax arrived. Anyone watching probably thought I was fitting. I clamped a hand over my pussy. The juices cascaded over my fingers. I heard a low moaning. It took me a while to realise it was me. I’m not sure how long I erupted for, but when I could take in my surroundings again I found Carol standing next to me, a smile on her face. “That was some climax Hun. Finished now?” I nodded, she helped me into the car like an invalid and we drove home.
What a day.
Introspection later. Hope you enjoyed me!