Flashing on my Own
My apologies before you read this. I can be so ditzy at times. I’d planned to take selfies during the whole thing and managed to shoot a…

My apologies before you read this. I can be so ditzy at times. I’d planned to take selfies during the whole thing and managed to shoot a couple as I got out of the car but then with my nerves the sexy feeling drove it straight out of my mind. I deserve punishment. I’m sure you can think of something appropriate! XX

Well, today taught me two things. Firstly, flashing on my own is not as much fun as with Carol, but secondly, flashing on my own is one hell of a lot sexier than doing it with someone else.
I needed to convince myself I could do this. When I’d been out with Carol, we were chatting and laughing and she was goading me on so much that even though it was incredibly sexy, especially when I peed, somehow I felt I was cheating. I had to do it totally alone.
So this morning I set out with that intention. The weather was not exactly kind, it being dull and overcast, but at least it wasn’t raining and I thought it might make life easier for me with fewer people around.
I decided on a set of lingerie with tan stockings and a white slip. I know I’m ridiculously old-fashioned and perhaps the only woman in the country still wearing one, certainly on a day-to-day basis but they do make me feel that extra bit sexy. I completed the outfit with a wide hemmed dress.
I’d decided I was going to Felixstowe. It has a long promenade and plenty of benches to sit on. There were always a number of people wandering around and hopefully not huge crowds due to the weather.
I wandered around for a while trying to get up the courage I needed. Being on my own and with no one goading me certainly made me more nervous. I eventually chose a bench that I thought would be okay. It was on the far side of the prom away from the sea so everyone walking past would be in front of me.
Time to prove I could do this. I sat down, crossed my legs, and hitched my skirt up to just the tops of my stockings. The welts and my suspender straps were there for all to see. It produced a feeling of sheer wantonness.
I pulled my phone out and pretended to be using it so I had an excuse not to catch people's eye.
My heart rate had quickened when I’d hitched my skirt up and remained there. I also left my blouse buttons undone, revealing my bra. I had to wait for what seemed like hours for the first people to walk by, but in reality, I suppose it was only a couple of minutes. It was a middle-aged couple but as far as I could tell they didn’t notice me.
There followed a cross-section of people but none, as far as I could see spotted what I was displaying. I was beginning to think I was going to have to do something more drastic when a young couple probably in their twenties walked by. He was on the side away from me and talking to his girlfriend. I glanced up just as I saw his eyes take in my display. I reacted without thinking. I uncrossed my legs and left them apart, as I had done at the station. He definitely saw what I displayed! Oh, what a feeling! I’d assumed the guy at the station had seen everything, but this was no assumption. This was definite. This was me, showing the world my knickers, my bra! The leak was immediate. The feeling sublime. Okay, so no doubt many reading this will think a flash of knicker is nothing, but to this, until very recently, staid middle-aged woman it was earth shattering.
I left my legs as they were and hitched my skirt up beyond my suspender snaps. God, I could feel my juices seeping out.
Within the next five minutes I had three further voyeurs appreciate the view. The last was an old gent of about seventy. He glanced over as he walked by and his head nearly twisted off as he kept his eyes on me as he walked on. If it hadn’t made me feel so hot I would have burst out laughing. Two minutes later he was back. I so wanted to speak to him. To get him to come over and tell me what he thought of me, but my courage failed me. He was walking slower this time and I did summon the courage to widen the gap between my knees. God, how I wished I’d left my knickers off.
Too soon he was gone. I was now unbearably hot. I decided now was the time to see if I could complete my other idea. I glanced left and right. No one was too close. I raised my bum off the bench and pulled my skirt from under me, leaving it covering just the tops of my thighs.
Still no one too close. It was now or never, so I started to pee. That delicious feeling of my piss soaking into my knickers was quadrupled by my doing it in this public spot. I’d drunk plenty during the morning so I knew the stream would last. I could hear it splashing on the ground under the bench which only heightened my feeling of depravity.
I looked left still no one. I looked right. There was another middle-aged couple approaching. Before they arrived though, my flow dried up. I had a sense of relief, but at the same time a terrible sense of disappointment.
The woman did stare and I realised I was still sitting with my legs apart and my stocking tops and knickers on display. I also had that puddle of piss under me. Whether she realised what it was I shall never know. Her husband appeared to miss everything!
I felt elated on so many levels. I’d proved I could do this without anyone having to encourage me and I felt so hot, so sluttish, so depraved.
I could have stayed, but decided I had enough in my memory to cherish. I’d save further experiences for another day. Another day when I remember to take photographs! Sorry!
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