Family Christmas 1
It would be the first Christmas in many years that I had celebrated it with both my daughter and my mum. It would also be the first…

It would be the first Christmas in many years that I had celebrated it with both my daughter and my mum. It would also be the first Christmas where I expected to be fucked by my son-in-law. You all know how deviant I am now and there was a small part of me that yearned for him to be able to fuck the three generations of us. I’m not so insensitive to know that that was not on the cards. First, because my mother was still recovering from her hospitalisation and second and more to the point her attitude to sex was puritanical. As a teenager, I’d rebelled like all teenagers and if my Mother thought sex was a sin then I was determined to be a sinner. And sin I did. But that’s another story. Back to the present.
Craig and Kaz arrived late in the afternoon of Christmas Eve. Kaz had been working that morning even though she had been officially on leave so she looked tired. Was tired. They were staying for three nights so we had plenty of time to catch up. And have sex.
I collected my mother Christmas morning and we had a pleasant day with no family rows! I took her back home early in the evening as by then she was getting weary.
Having got her comfortable I got back in the car and realised how horny I felt. Having Kaz and Craig around but not being able to be sexy with them had been frustrating and I now needed action. So much so before I drove home I hiked my skirt to my waist, took my knickers off, and dropped them on the dashboard. I left my skirt where it was and had a little play before starting. The chance of anyone seeing me was unfortunately very low. It was now dark and there were no people around but it heightened my libido driving through town like that, and by the time I arrived home I was simmering.
My return to the house signaled the start of a fuck fest.
The relaxing day and a good quantity of wine had left my daughter in an excellent frame of mind! She wasted no time in mentioning the subject.
I walked into the lounge and she handed me a glass. “We've been talking,” she announced without preamble, “about what we’ve been getting up to and you and your aversion to men. You know Craig’s brought some of his friends round to screw me, well, we wondered if it would help you get over your problem if he introduced you to his mates.”
“Mates? As in gangbang?” I asked. I hadn’t updated Kaz on my progress on my man phobia front and while it wasn’t something I felt I needed now, the idea of an orgy/gangbang with me and Kaz in the middle held more than a little interest for me.
“Haha. No, I wasn’t thinking all at once...”
“Oh that’s a shame,” I interrupted.
“God, Mum, you’re terrible. No, just one really. A mate of Craigs has moved down this way and we were going to try to see him while we were here and just sort of wondered…” She left the sentence unfinished.
“Have you had him?”
“No, he’d moved before we got into this but I’d always fancied him. He’s got quite a body.”
Craig hadn’t said a word during this exchange although he was paying attention and I was certain I detected movement in his trousers. That could have been because of the topic we were discussing but more likely due to me lounging back on the sofa with my feet up on it giving him a clear view up my skirt. His staring reminded me I was knickerless, and that reminded me I’d left them prominently displayed on the dashboard of my car. Ha. I wondered how many early dog walkers would spot them. Should help my reputation in the neighbourhood no end! The thought inched my wanton feelings up further. “Don't just look, Craig.” I said smiling. I let my knees drift apart. My skirt was very full and remained over my knees which suited me. I wanted him burrowing up there. Like a dog going down a rabbit hole.
He didn’t hesitate but came over, sat on the sofa, and ran a hand up my leg.
“No. Get your head up there. I need you licking me out.”
He obeyed. His head and shoulders disappeared up my skirt and his tongue started work. Oh, my heaven. The oral technique of the young men in my life, Craig and John, had improved so much over the last year. I must write them a good end-of-year report!
Kaz had no intention of being left out and she unbuttoned her husband’s trousers and extracted his cock. It didn’t need help in becoming erect so it made it difficult for her to free it which for some unaccountable reason gave me a fit of the giggles.
“You need more practice at that Kaz,” I said as she eventually freed him. “Yeah, you’re right. It was something my mother failed to teach me. Useless parent.” I playfully reached out to slap her, but at that moment Craig moved his attention from my lips to my clit, found it engorged, and nibbled on it.
Suddenly any thought of playfulness left me. I needed fucking. I told him so. His head came out from under my skirt and he thrust his cock up there. Thrust. Jabbed. Speared. God, he needed this as much as me. Kaz came up to my head and we kissed. She grabbed a handful of tit through my blouse and bra and squeezed. My hand found its way to her crotch. She was wearing trousers. I wasn’t in the state of mind to fiddle and undo them. I grabbed what I could. Rubbed hard between her legs. Hoped that was turning her on. Her husband’s cock was sending waves of electricity through me. I couldn’t remember how many times we’d fucked but whatever the number I couldn’t recall him being so dominant. Ramming his cock, balls deep, into me. Thrust after thrust. Kaz was watching. Each time he entered me she squeezed my tit harder. His thrusting quickened. Kaz ripped my blouse, buttons exploding. I banged the heel of my hand into her crotch. It was all I could do. “Fucking mother!” she shouted and violently pulled my bra clear of my tits, dropped her head to one, and bit a nipple. Bit. Not nibbled. God, it hurt but sent signals to the rest of my body. I returned Craigs thrusting. Pushed my hips high to meet his incoming cock. Too much for us both. I felt his sperm eject. Travelling deep. His body arched. He kept his penis in deep. Sowed his seed. Kaz was licking my sore nipple. I needed to repay her for that.