Erotic Fun
Not having anything planned for the weekend, when Kaz phoned it seemed a perfect opportunity to see her and perhaps get her interested in…

Not having anything planned for the weekend, when Kaz phoned it seemed a perfect opportunity to see her and perhaps get her interested in doing something exciting with me.
I drove over on Saturday morning and we had a relaxing mother/daughter afternoon doing a bit of shopping and then after some food sat down for a cosy evening. Craig had gone off to the pub with his mates and if previous experience was anything to go by wouldn’t be home till after they closed so I had the whole evening to work on Kaz.
My ultimate fantasy would be to be in bed with her and a man. I wasn’t sure if the biggest impediment to that was Kaz’s probable reluctance or my aversion to men!
She knew all about my Twitter account and this blog and was curious to hear how I was getting on with it. My reply was detailed. I wanted to gauge her reaction to my description of what I was discussing with 1,000 strange (meant in the nicest possible way guys) men and the adventures I’d been on, exposing myself, peeing, etc. I showed her pictures and video that Carol had taken. I even showed the set of Carol, Charles, and I and the peeing. I hadn’t been speaking long before recounting the sexy happenings sent signals to my libido.
Kaz interrupted my flow. “Sexy, but some of its downright gross. Still, if that’s what turns you on good for you,” she intervened, “It’s terrific you’re getting a sexy life back.”
Gross? Oh dear that didn’t sound hopeful but I saw an opening.
“How’s yours going?”
“My what?”
“Sex life.”
Perhaps not a normal question a mother asks her daughter, I don’t know, but as I’ve said, we were more like sisters.
“Oh, okay. You know how it is. Life gets in the way, one of us is too tired or stressed. It’s happening but unlikely to reach the top of the charts on Only Fans.”
“Why don’t you try spicing it up?” Listen to me! All my worldly experience of a few months!
“What? You suggesting we do actually go on Only Fans? Ha, Craig would have a fit, besides I can’t see him performing in front of a camera.”
“Well, just you then. Do something sexy with me. Be fun.”
Kaz looked at me, puzzled at what I was suggesting.
“You’re not actually suggesting we… we…fuck are you?” Her voice was incredulous. Hardly surprising if that was her assumption!
“Good heavens, no,” I said hastily. (Although perhaps I was!). “We could pop out, try a bit of flashing. See if that turns you on like it does me.”
“I’m not going out and showing my knickers to strange men. What would Craig say?”
I wondered if there was some chance there. She hadn’t said she didn’t want to do it, just that Craig might object.
“Have you ever talked to him about it? He might find it a turn-on.”
She laughed. “Mum, be serious. Craig? Being turned on by me showing myself to other men?”
She had a point. He wasn’t possessive like my Ex but he was somewhat reserved.
“Well, leave him out. Don’t tell him, let’s just have a laugh.”
There was a slight hesitation before she replied. I did feel I stood a chance.
“Look, I don’t think so, but if you just want to take a few pics of me in my undies, we could do that. I could give them to Craig as a present I suppose, see what his reaction was.”
I pounced on her offer. I wasn’t sure where it would lead but it was a start. So Kaz got changed into some underwear, not that she had a great selection of sexy items. Her undies drawer was like mine before I started this.
We went back downstairs and she poured some more wine. “You’ll have to show me how to pose,” Kaz said, “I’ve no idea what to do.”
“Oh it’s easy,” I said with wine-induced confidence, not having a clue myself. I took off my blouse and skirt. “You just do this. And this.” I’d stood up and adopted some wild stupid poses. Kaz laughed and threw a cushion at me. “Stop being stupid.”
“Don’t you call your mother stupid!” I answered and threw a cushion back at her. That started the fight and soon we were belting seven (or is it nine) bells out of each other, laughing our heads off.
That’s when we heard the front door open. Craig! Back early once in his life. I made no attempt to cover up. He’d seen me in lingerie before and I was sure he fancied me so I hoped it might lead somewhere. Exactly where I had no idea. I decided to try to press him into taking photographs of Kaz and me and see how far I could convince her to go.
“Hello, darling,” Kaz said, “you’re earlier than usual.”
“Er, yeah,” he muttered, his eyes conveying his obvious confusion at coming home and seeing his partner and her mother in their underwear sitting on the floor surrounded by cushions. His eyes lingered on me far longer than they needed to, to assess the situation.
“What’s up here?”
“Just messing around Craig, having a bit of a laugh. I’m trying to get Kaz to pose for some photos. Any chance you could take some of both of us?” I asked.
“Er, yeah. ‘Spose so.” He certainly wasn’t unwilling!
He smelt of beer and was swaying slightly. He’d obviously consumed a good deal which was great. If he was half drunk I hoped he’d be more amenable to anything that might happen.
His intervention had rather spoilt the atmosphere but after a bit we forgot about him and concentrated on hammering each other with the cushions. I was vaguely aware of him snapping away, but we’d got back into the spirit of things and cushions were flying around.

I decided to risk moving things on. Kaz had lost her grip on a cushion and turned her back on me to pick it up. I wrapped my arms round her and pulled her bra and negligee down exposing her tits.
This could have had a number of consequences. She might have shouted at me and trounced off, Craig might have sworn at me for being so crude. What happened was, Kaz swung back and did the same to me. Perfect. Topless in front of my son-in-law! (They aren’t married but it’s easier to write than ‘my daughter's partner’!). I wondered what Craig would do. The answer was nothing. Literally nothing! He stood like a statue just staring at my swinging tits. I didn’t want to break the momentum of what Kaz and I were doing so ignored him and instead pushed Kaz backward and straddled her on my knees. She wasn’t struggling, just giggling. I knew a weakness so started tickling her. “No stop it,” she pleaded, laughing her head off. I did, but grabbed her tits gently, and pushed them together (she’s not got big tits as you’ve probably noticed!) and bent down and kissed her nipples. So horny. So deviant. God, was this overstepping a mark? Was this incest? More importantly, did Kaz object? It appeared not. In retaliation, she grabbed my tits and kneaded them like lumps of dough. I took a quick glance at Craig. He hadn’t moved a millimetre. Whether he thought he was dreaming or had fallen down a porn rabbit hole I had no idea but I couldn’t worry about him. I was surprised by how amenable Kaz was. We were now wrestling and she turned me over and sat on my stomach. She wore a broad grin. “Naughty mummy. Bad mummy,” she said waving a finger at me. I’m larger than Kaz, and probably fitter so was able to tip her off. She squealed and shouted. “Craig, help me! Get this monster off me.” It was all very lighthearted and playful but the underlying sexual temperature was rising. At least inside me.
Kaz’s entreaty to help broke through Craig’s inertia. Either that or the idea of getting to grips with his mother-in-law’s tits was too great an incentive to ignore.
This was going to be a test. A tough test. A monumental test. Could I cope with a man touching me? As long as the atmosphere stayed light and not sexual (Who was I kidding?) and as long as he didn’t actually grope me, I felt I might be able to.
He came behind me, threw his arms around me, and hauled. He was being careful thank god. He’d linked his arms together under my boobs. So far I could cope. I didn’t resist much, let him pull me up slightly then tipped my weight back so we both crumbled onto the floor. His grip broke and a hand brushed against a tit. Alarm bells rang on one side of my brain, but the other side yelled “Shut up, this is too much fun.” I rolled over on top of him grappled his hands and held them on the ground. I was straddling him and leaning forward over him. I’m sure you can picture it. My tits swinging inches above his face. I was doing something sexy with a man, albeit my daughter’s partner. Perhaps that’s how I could cope. Two parts of my brain declared war.
“What the fuck are you doing? He’s a man. You hate them. Look what they do to you.”
“Oh shut up! This is just a bit of fun, he’s not going to hurt you.”
“You swore you’d never give them the chance.”
“Sod it who cares, I’m coping!
“Leave my man alone. He’s mine!” Kaz’s voice penetrated my thoughts. It still had plenty of humour in it so I took no notice. She pushed me to try to get me off Craig but I just collapsed on him. His face now buried between my tits. He wasn’t struggling! Can’t think why, it must have made breathing difficult.
Where did I want this to go? Things had developed naturally. I was in contact with a man. In a sexual environment. And I wasn’t having a panic attack. As with Charles, I seemed to be able to cope due to familiarity. Which was reassuring after my meltdown last weekend with Jane. But back to the point. Where did I want this to go? The thought of Charles provided the answer.
I pushed up and allowed Kaz to haul me off him. “Mother!” She admonished. “What the fuck you doing?” There was still humour there. I can only think we’d consumed a lot more wine than I remembered as I couldn’t imagine Kaz being this relaxed about the situation sober. I’d worry about her thoughts in that state of mind later.
“Just thought he deserved a reward. Why don’t you go and give him a wank while I have a play over there?” I said. You know, the sort of remark so common in every family home on a Saturday night. I was suggesting a rerun of the scenario at Carol and Charles’s although I’d left the peeing out! I wondered if I’d gone too far. Kaz gave me a long hard stare, a questioning stare, a “are my ears really hearing this?” stare. She looked at Craig. There was no doubt he was up for it. There was a considerable bulge in his jeans. Kaz saw it as well. Hopefully, she also saw it as possibly boosting their sex lives.
She smiled and looking at me said. “Go on then. Dares ya!” I think the remark was for Craig’s benefit as he was unaware of my ‘hobby’ but whether the words penetrated was doubtful. His hand was now over his groin. His eyes still superglued to my tits.
I threw myself into a chair lifted my bum and slipped my knickers down. Oh the feeling. exposing myself like a tart to a man. The fact he was my daughter’s partner only emphasised the depravity of what I was doing.The look on their faces was something to behold. Craig’s was as though he’d been told he’d won the lottery. Kaz’s that she’d suddenly realised her mother was really doing all the things I’d told her about.
“Best help him out Kaz before he wastes it in his jeans.” God! Could that really have been me? What a slut!
Kaz did as bid, pulled Craig out of his jeans, and started wanking him. Not that she needed to. He came out fully erect. Another average sized cock. (Where are all these huge ones I keep seeing in videos and on my timeline?).
So I’d moved on another huge step. Two weeks ago with Charles, I’d been able to keep sane while watching him wank himself. Then last week a step back with my wobble with Jane. Now another step forward. I was in the same room as a cock being used by a woman. Albeit not in her. Now there’s a thought! I wondered, “Fuck her if you want to Craig, I don’t mind” A mistake. The suggestion triggered even sexier thoughts in his mind and his eruption was immediate. Kaz carried on wanking him, extracting every drop but made no attempt to catch it, in either hand or mouth. I couldn’t bring myself to suggest I mopped it up, that was still a step too far at the moment. I was still okay though. My fingers were working overtime and my mind hadn’t freaked out. I followed Craig with an orgasm. A deeply satisfying orgasm, one prompted as much by my happiness at having been able to cope with the situation as the sexiness of it. I dimly recall the look of horror on Kaz’s face as I came. Natural I suppose, how many daughters watch their mothers finger themselves off?
So Craig was satisfied, I was satisfied, that just left Kaz. I didn’t want to push my luck. Well, I did, but decided not to! But she needed something. Craig was looking a bit sheepish, embarrassed perhaps. “Craig, for god's sake, give Kaz some.” ‘Some’ I didn’t define. He could hardly fuck her having just cum, but I didn’t know what she might like, him licking her out or fingering her or giving attention to her arse. My suggestion, demand more like given my tone, prompted him into action. He pulled her knickers off and dropped his head between her legs.
Oh my. Not in my wildest dreams did I think today would get to this. I’d hoped it would, but dared not believe it might happen. I re-engaged my fingers watching the two of them.
It happened quickly. Kaz had been as turned on by the evening as I had. Her eyes closed, her head went back and a long deep sigh escaped. I didn’t come again, but my first orgasm had been enough to satisfy me. For the moment.
Craig pulled himself up and collapsed on one of the cushions we’d been playing with. He still looked sheepish. A teenager caught wanking by his mother. I tried to help. “Wow, that was sexy. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did Craig.” I addressed it to him to convince him not to feel guilty. I wanted him wanting to do it again “Eh, ha. Yeah, you could say that. Fuck. You okay with this Kaz?”
I think he was concerned he might be in trouble, for what I wasn’t sure.
“Yes. Why not? That’s the sexiest we’ve been for months. If not longer.”
“Yeah, ‘spose it is. Nice to have a trigger.”
“Any time,” I interjected with a smile. I wanted them to know this wasn’t a one off aberration.
Kaz opened another bottle of wine and we filled our glasses. Craig was the only one who bothered to get dressed,
“Let’s have a look at the photos Craig,” Kaz suggested.
“Oh, yeah, right.” He handed over his phone. I looked over Kaz’s shoulder.
“Is that it?” I asked having seen a few of us having the pillow fight.
“Yeah well, I got kinda distracted.” Kaz and I roared. “Don’t matter does it? No one would see them ‘xcept us.” Ah. I decided now was not the time to say he had disappointed my 1,000 followers. I glanced at Kaz, and said, “No, I suppose not, but it would have been a nice memory,” I saw an opening, “we’ll just have to make sure we get plenty next time.” The response was interesting. “Yeah.” No argument or flat out refusal to do it again from either of them!
Oh god. Sitting there naked in front of a man, a man twenty years my junior, I felt a need, a physical urge to have him. To feel a real live penis pushing into my cunt. I had no idea if I could, and, probably luckily, Craig was flaccid. Given his alcohol consumption and the wank he’d just had that state would not be rectified for some while if my knowledge of inebriated men was anything to go by. Admittedly that knowledge was only of one man but over a considerable period of time.
What would I have done if he had still been hard? Would I have asked him to fuck me? Molested him? With Kaz there? Would she have objected? Jeez. Listen! How deep into this debauched world was I that I thought my daughter wouldn’t object to her partner fucking her mother? I’d been watching too much porn. Too many make-believe fantasy stories. Real life wasn’t like that was it? Was it? Perhaps it was and it was me that was out of synch. Would I have thought a year ago I’d be having this sort of evening? Groping my daughter, watching her wank her partner? We were all mellow and well down our third, (fourth? fifth?) bottle of wine. I decided to ask. How stupid was that?
I chickened out at the last minute in asking a straight question. I decided to just steer the conversation in the right direction.
“You’ve got a great cock Craig.”
“Thanks,” came back the drowsy reply. Drowsy, but his eyes still feasting on my tits.
“I hope you are treating Kaz to it regularly.” I looked at Kaz. She was looking at me intently, asking with her eyes, “Mum, what are you saying! Where are you going with this?”
If I hadn’t drunk so much. If I wasn’t feeling so sexed up. If I wasn’t so happy that I’d got this sexual with a man without freaking out, I’d have stopped. I should have stopped. But I had and I was. So I didn’t.
Craig replied, “Probably not as much as I should.” That was an admission! How many men drunk or sober would admit that to their mother in law? Ha. How many mother in laws would ask?
“Why’s that? Such a waste. You’re only young once.”
“Yeah, spose so. I dunno.”
“Needs spicing up perhaps. Doing something different. Like tonight. I bet you feel like fucking her now don’t you? With me here.”
Writing this down now makes me realise how stupid, how crude I was being, but then that’s what alcohol does.
“Well yeah, if I could.”
“Shall I see if I can help?”
“See if me wanking you gets you hard. Then you can give Kaz a fuck.” I think I said it in a matter of fact voice. It’s difficult to remember. Almost like a dream
Perhaps it would have been better if it had been.
“Mum!” I looked at Kaz. The humour had gone. By her expression she was livid. Truly angry.
I sobered in an instant. Shit.
“Sorry darling, only joshing”. I decided I needed to back off and fast. “I think I’ve drunk too much. Time for bed.” I found my top and skirt, put them on, and kissed Kaz on the cheek but got nothing from her in return apart from a steely stare. I took myself up to the spare room. Shit shit shit. The evening had been perfect on so many levels and I’d messed it up.
I didn’t sleep much. My mind was in a turmoil. I’d been so turned on by the events of the evening but then, upsetting my daughter put a total different complexion on it.
Perhaps I should stop this. Give up all this sexual nonsense. Go back to being my dreary lonesome old self. Even as I tried to tell myself to give it up I knew I wouldn’t be able to. I just hoped I hadn’t lost my daughter over it.
Eventually morning came and I went down to breakfast with trepidation. What welcome would I get? There was no sign of Craig, I assumed he was too embarrassed to face me. Kaz was at the stove cooking scrambled eggs. The radio was on and she didn’t turn when I entered and said hello. She may not have heard me but I assumed she was too livid to speak. I tried again. “Kaz, I am so, so, sorry about…” I didn’t get to finish the sentence. She turned. I feared she was going to throw a saucepan full of eggs at me. What she threw was a huge smile. “Oh Mum I didn’t hear you come down. Don’t apologise. I over reacted. We ended up having the best night we’ve had in years.”
I was taken aback. “You mean…”
“Yes, I think last night would have got five stars on Only Fans!”
“Wow. I am pleased. Pleased and relieved.” The tension raced out of my body. I’d been so fearful lest Kaz had ended up hating me. I couldn’t lose her too.
“Yes, I knew you’d be upset and I was all for popping in when we’d finished and telling you everything was okay but Craig said it was 4.00am much too late.”
“Wow, it was a good night!”
“Yeah, and how.” The grin on Kaz’s face couldn’t have been bigger.
“I’m still going to apologise,” I said, “it was overstepping the mark.”
“Definitely, but it promoted us to talk about you and things just sort of escalated! No harm done in fact quite the reverse.” She came over and hugged me and whispered, “You do realise Craig has got the hots for you don’t you?”
“Did he tell you that?”
“Not in so many words but what else promoted him to turn into super stud?”
“Does that bother you?”
She pulled away and laughed. “Better you than some chav down the road.”
I wasn’t sure if she’d chosen her words carefully or that just happened to be the phrase she used but it struck me as indicating she might not object to something happening between us. (So much for my heart to heart with myself tge night before saying I ought to stop.) Possibly one obstacle down. Now just the tinny weeny problem of my male aversion to overcome but I needed to check I was reading her right.
“So you want me to ‘provide comfort’ to stop him wandering?” I air quoted the words. I hoped I’d hear a ‘yes’.
Another laugh. “That’s one description of it. But Christ, that’s a bit further down the road than I’ve thought.” Good job I asked but not a direct ‘No what the fuck are you suggesting?’ “And I know all men are capable of it but Craig?” She had a point. I’d always wondered exactly what she saw in him. Mind you no doubt everyone I knew said the same about me and my ex. I hoped the difference was that they were right and I was wrong. Not that he had the faults of my Ex, just that he was so non. Boring is the word that comes to mind.
Yes, Kaz was right, it was difficult to imagine Craig committing adultery.
“Well if you ever feel he needs that distraction call me over.” I said it in the lightest tone I could manage and Kaz seemed content to accept it in the same lighthearted manner. “Oh I will. You’re be on speed dial for ‘Craig needs a screw’
“By the way where is he?” I asked.
“Still asleep. I should think that’s the most exercise he’d had in years.”
Our lighthearted conversation continued and we ate breakfast without Craig. He may have been tired but I suspect it was partly embarrassment that kept him upstairs.
They had a christening to go to later in the day so I decided to set off home after breakfast.
My mind was buzzing. The previous night had been incredible and had it not been for the thought I’d upset Kaz I would have left very wet sheets behind.
Now without that concern I was steaming. I said my goodbyes to Kaz (still no sign of Craig) and got in the car. I sat there for a minute or two trying to clear my mind. I couldn’t. The only thoughts were those from the previous night and my hand kept finding it’s way into my lap and rubbing my pussy.
I was in no fit state to drive home down the A14 but couldn’t sit on Kaz’s driveway, so decided to take a short drive to the nearest service station and calm myself down before driving back. It was about ten miles and that was a difficult fifteen minutes. My mind was locked on watching Kaz wank off Craig, of my suggestion I wank him. Could I have. With that much wine in me and the sexual atmosphere I thought perhaps I could. My mind was filled with images, not the speeding traffic, I had to stop.
Thankfully I made the service station safely and pulled in. Plenty of spaces but plenty of cars and people milling around.
It wasn’t until I’d parked that the thought hit me. I had to do it. I had to bring myself off in the car. I’d done it before with Carol filming it. The difference now though was this was in a busy car park not a deserted lay-by. But I had no option. The desire, no, the need to finger my self off in this public place was overwhelming. Irresistible. I didn’t even bother to look around to see where people were, if anyone was nearby. I undid my jeans, raised my bum from the seat and pushed them and my knickers down to my ankles. I was already leaking. I had no dildo but delved in my bag and found my hairbrush. I barely felt it I was so lubricated. My fingers joined in. Oh god. I closed my eyes and pictured the scene from the previous evening. My orgasm arrived in record time, I didn’t scream, I uttered a sort of guttural sigh. I was floating. As high as I imagine you’d be on drugs. I continued lightly touching myself absorbing the feeling. Then reality started to creep back in. What had I done? Dare I open my eyes? God, what would they be greeted by?
I forced them open. Nothing. Nothing untoward anyway. No policeman waiting to arrest me. No irate women calling me a slut. No men, cocks in hand, relishing the view. Nothing. If I were sane that would have been a relief but in the frame of mind I had then I was desperately disappointed. Not perhaps by the absence of police but certainly the other two. Weird though it might seem a horde of women thinking I was disgusting would have almost been a greater turn on than men waggling their dicks. No doubt a thought promoted by my men phobia fighting back after having lost the previous evening’s battle.
I looked further afield. Nothing. No one, but no one, appeared to have seen me.
Hey Ho. I was too intoxicated with the sexual feelings to be too downhearted and I still had the drive home to contend with.
Although feeling sexy I had my libido under control and although for one wild moment I did think of driving home naked I decided to be sensible. I’d save that for another day.
With hindsight my feelings haven’t changed. I thought they might. With the adrenalin and my libido getting back to their normal state I thought I might breath a sigh of relief I hadn’t wanked or fucked Craig or fingered Kaz or been spotted in the car park. But that’s not how I feel. I’ll keep Kaz and Craig on my wish list and for good or bad one day soon I’m got to savour strangers watching me finger myself off .