Elizabeth gets naughty Part 2
Check the title — Part 2. I’d strongly recommend you read Part 1 first. It’s here…

Check the title — Part 2. I’d strongly recommend you read Part 1 first. It’s here: https://medium.com/@TracyTrouble/elizabeth-gets-naughty-60dea0403577
I sat back. I could have pulled the blouse wide open. Pulled her bra up off her tits. Exposed her to the room. It would have turned me on but would it her? I knew I had to let her choose. She was only where she was because of the alcohol. I’m not suggesting she was drunk, far from it, but the gin had loosened her inhibitions. I didn’t want to be the one to tighten them up.
I leant back in my chair. My jacket on one side caught under my arm. I left it there. My nipple exposed. I smiled at Elizabeth. “Well?”
She turned her head to me. She’d been staring into the room. Not at anything, just thinking about what she planned to do. Or not do.
She looked into my eyes. I saw mischief in hers. “You really are the most insistent person I know. Do you never take no for an answer?” She opened one side of her blouse mirroring my situation. The only difference being she still wore her bra. A red one this week. I wondered if it matched her red knickers, the ones I still had in a drawer at home courtesy of her son.
“Very rarely,” I replied, “especially when I know I’m trying to convince someone to do something I know they want to do.”
Another laugh. “Perhaps you’re right. Perhaps not.”
Suddenly I became aware of a man approaching. At first, I thought it was one of the businessmen but no. A stern face and an authoritative step. Shit. The owner or manager I guessed. I let my jacket fall back and cover my nipple. Elizabeth drew her blouse together clasping it as though needing it for warmth.
“Ladies,” a reassuring start. He hadn’t called us sluts or whores, “much as some of our customers appreciate the floor show, I don’t have a licence and some seem to regard it as unseemly-no accounting for taste- so regretfully I need to ask you to stop and cover-up, leave or come up to my office.” The last option was added with a grin, not a leer. No doubt if we’d said yes to the suggestion he’d have been happy but there was no lewdness in the remark.
There was no question that all three choices were genuine but they were made in a friendly spirit.
I smiled at him. “The last is tempting but alas our husbands might object. We’ll finish our drinks and leave.”
“Sad to see you go ladies. Let me know next time you’re coming and I’ll sell tickets.” With that, he smiled and walked away. We looked at each other and burst into fits of laughter. Elizabeth texted Chris, who said he’d be five minutes so we finished our drinks and sauntered out of the bar, coats and blouses left unseemingly undone.
Outside it was freezing so everything got buttoned up while we waited.
When Chris arrived we hurriedly got in the car and Elizabeth turned the heater up full.
“You’re earlier tonight girls. Everything okay.”
“Yes, darling apart from getting thrown out we had fun.”
Elizabeth related the evening to her husband while he drove home. I sensed a frisson of excitement go through him when she got to the bit about her flashing in return for a show from me but no comment was made. As she completed the story she turned to me. “Would you like to come back for coffee? Chris can run you home after.”
“That would be great but won’t John be there? I assume you want me to keep my end of the bargain.”
“Er, oh yes. I hadn’t really thought.” She looked at her husband. I felt that suddenly the realisation that it might actually happen, a woman stripping off in front of her husband, was giving her second thoughts. I added, “No problem if you want to save it for another night. Perhaps come round to mine, or why not now? Come back to me for coffee.”
“Could do that,” Chris said quite casually although I could see his eyes reflected in the rearview mirror indicating some sparkle. “Any problem Lizzy?”
“No, none. Good idea, can’t wait to see you turned on by Miss Flasher22 here.” She sounded enthusiastic which was a relief.
We arrived back at mine. I sat them down in the lounge, put some music on, and went to percolate the coffee. And panic. This felt different from flashing a stranger in a pub. More intimate. More involved. I wasn’t concerned because of my phobia. That was sleeping peacefully somewhere. It was that I was about to show myself in a contrived way. It’s difficult to explain. I’d stripped for Charles and Craig. I’d definitely shown myself in a contrived way to John. I suppose it was the slight niggle that Elizabeth had a concern about her husband being propositioned. Anyway. Nothing I could do about it. I was committed and it had been her idea after all.
I took the tray, coffee, cups, and biscuits - I’m nothing if not the perfect hostess- into the lounge and set it on the coffee table.
Chris and Elizabeth sat together on the sofa. I poured their coffee, offered them biscuits, sat down opposite them, and undid my jacket. You will recall I’d taken my blouse and bra off in the hotel bar and not put them back on. Chris’s eyes! His comment was succinct.
“Wow. Fuck!”
“There! See! That’s what she’s like out in public. Not a moment’s hesitation. Off with the clothes. Let’s anyone see. Doesn’t stop with your boobs does it, Tracy?”
I seemed to have misjudged my friend's mood. She was as buoyant and forward as she had been when we were out.
“No,” I replied, and opened my legs.
“There. Imagine seeing her do this surrounded by men, and women come to that. Can you wonder I come home hot?” Chris appeared to be doing a lot of imagining.
Elizabeth’s alcohol consumption was clearly still having an effect on her. She was delightfully tipsy.
“Come on off with them.” I obliged. I raised my bum off the seat, pushed my hands up my skirt and pulled my knickers off. I left the skirt bunched around my waist and opened my legs again. Chris commented, again brief, “Fuck me!”
Elizabeth had cuddled up to him. Her legs were tucked under her and she was hugging his arm and with her other hand gently massaging his thigh.
“This is a first for us Tracy. We’ve never sat together and seen another woman’s bits. Not in real life, in the same room.” Her hand moved to Chris’s crotch. “It’s certainly exciting my husband.” She looked up at him and kissed his cheek Chris came out of his trance and returned the kiss, but on her lips with passion, and then returned his attention to my pussy. His wife had described what I did to him after our previous outings but seeing it in the flesh was clearly something else. I could see his bulge. I hoped I’d get to see it out of his trousers. It looked impressive. Like father like son I wondered. Perhaps in action with his wife! The more close contact I had with a penis the better for my phobia, but I’d let them call the shots. I still felt they were so new to this (listen to this seasoned trooper!) that I didn’t want to scare them.
I relaxed back into my chair, put a hand down to my pussy, and started gently rubbing it. Both sets of eyes were fixed on my hand but Elizabeth was rubbing Chris’s cock through his trousers and his hand was struggling to pull her long skirt up so he could get to her pussy.
“Can I help?” I offered. “Don’t forget you’re supposed to be joining in Elizabeth.”
Chris glanced at his wife. She smiled at him. “Why not? Remember darling I told you she was bi!” The words that didn’t get said, but I thought were implicit were ‘so if we end up fucking don’t blame me!’ Oh, that it would get that far!
I stood up went over to them and knelt in front of her. Pulled her legs out from under her and slid my hands up her skirt. She turned her head towards her husband inviting him to kiss her which he did. It was a ‘please hold my hand daddy this is going to hurt’ action. Goodness knows what had transpired when she’d tried it with another girl in her teens but I got the impression she was having the same problem with me as I had with men. I couldn’t stop what I was doing but I’d not push this any further.
Their kiss continued. My hands traveled up her legs. I found the waistband of her tights and tugged them down. She helped by raising her bottom. She’d already kicked her shoes off so I peeled the tights off in one move, threw them on the floor, and returned for her knickers. I felt her stiffen. Much as I wanted to get my hands up there near her pussy to touch her intimate parts I didn’t want to spoil things. I pulled my hands out and said. “You do them. Or let Chris. I’m sure he’s a gentleman and would love to help.” I felt the relief in her. She giggled. “Huh. Some gentleman, letting me be led astray. Alright then.” As Elizabeth stood up and in front of her husband I backed off, scrambled across the floor and sat with my back leaning against a chair. I pulled my knees up together. Feet apart. Encouragement for Chris should he need it if he glanced in my direction. He didn’t. He pulled her in close. Buried his head in her crotch. Nuzzled his face against her pubes two layers below. His hands disappeared up her skirt. Her expression conveyed her feelings. Sexual, tinged with relief it was her husband doing it.
His hands descended. She stepped out of her knickers. They were red but a thong. Not like the French style John had stolen. Chris tossed them to me. I knew what I wanted to do with them but hesitated. Chris didn’t. He spun his wife around. “Pull your skirt up Lizzy.” His voice was husky almost unintelligible. A man whose fantasies were coming true I guessed.
His wife did. Slowly. She was still ‘in the zone.’ Part tipsy part sexually stimulated. Totally enjoying herself. Like me!
There it was. Her pussy, cunt, vagina. Call it what you will. Naked. Nude. Devoid of hair like mine. A surprise. It was my turn to stare. I opened my legs further. Parted my knees. Started rubbing myself with Elizabeth’s thong. I was leaking copiously. Another lounge carpet I was about to soak. I’d hoped my friend would follow suit. Start frigging herself. She didn’t. She sat down again and they kissed. Hard and passionate. Chris's eyes were on me. Still on my hand working my cunt. His hand went to his wife’s. She was as wet as me if the slurping noise his fingers produced was anything to go by. That did for me. An erotic stimulus. My climax rushed to the surface. No gradual build up. I pushed my fingers in deeper, pushing her thong in. I’d now had two pairs of this woman’s knickers in me in two weeks. I came in a bucking violent climax. Closed my eyes. Threw my head back. Screamed. It was a good job we weren’t at their house with John upstairs. Not only do my orgasms seem to be getting easier to trigger, they seem to be getting noisier.
I came down from my high and opened my eyes. The pair were locked in an open-mouthed kiss, Chris's fingers working his wife hard. She’d extracted his cock and was wanking it at speed. It was a case of like father like son. In a blind test, I doubted I’d be able to tell the difference! They weren’t paying me any attention. I was them! Chris’s eruption was spectacular. His son had clearly inherited his father's sexual attributes. Cum sprayed everywhere. Elizabeth didn’t suck him or try to catch it. Was that because I was there I wondered? It seemed a waste as I’d have love to have tasted it, but I didn’t want to press. Had they planned all this? Talked about it. Discussed how far they’d go. Perhaps I’d find out. For now, I was more than content. As it appeared, were they.