Elizabeth gets naughty
Friday evening. The whole weekend stretches ahead. Time to relax. Time to take my knickers off in public.

Friday evening. The whole weekend stretches ahead. Time to relax. Time to take my knickers off in public.
Whether I got to that stage or not would be up to Elizabeth I thought as I walked into the hotel to meet her. A different hotel to last week as Elizabeth was concerned we -I!- had attracted too much attention in the one we’d used then. We were still avoiding pubs due to the World Cup so our choice was limited. We chose from a web search. Trip Advisor ratings were not exactly reassuring but we were not interested in gourmet food and somewhere less than Hilton standard was less likely to get us thrown out.
Mary was ahead of me this time. Interestingly she had chosen a table that would have been near the top of my list. Away from the bar, near the wall, in a corner. Whether that was by luck or not I’d find out.
Her outfit raised my hopes too. A skirt this week. Calf length and with a wide hem. Nothing exceptional and appropriate for the weather if trousers weren’t the order of the day, but another possible hopeful sign she might be prepared to play.
She wore a jacket which was buttoned so I couldn’t clearly see what was underneath.
I went up to her and greeted her with a kiss on the cheek which she returned with a welcoming smile.
“We’ve hit the jackpot here,” she said waving an arm to indicate the room.
Faded glory came to mind. The building was Victorian. The decor likewise. There was a bay window with a faux leather bench around it. Otherwise, all the seating was around small square tables for four. Lino on the floor. Where it hadn’t been totally worn through. On the plus side, there were a number of people around the room. Mainly couples. Mixed and men. Some singles and a group of six businessmen who had pushed two tables together. They were having an impromptu Christmas party by the look of them.
“Mm. Well let’s see how it progresses,” I said vaguely, not intimating quite what ‘it’ was. Being vague on the word ‘it’ would come back to hit me later.
Elizabeth had her drink so I went to the bar, bought a glass of wine, returned to the table and sat down.
“So. How’s the gold medal table standing at the moment?” She laughed.
“Much as you’d expect after what you did when we dropped you last week. I certainly awarded Chris one and he returned the favour.”
“Glad to be of service. Good to know I can still affect men.”
“Oh come on Tracy, don’t be so modest, I bet I could walk around this room and offer your services and not one man would refuse.” I think she was joking, but I wasn’t going to suggest she did it. I didn’t fancy fending off seven or eight horny men. Not before I’d finished my first drink anyway.
“Fancy pimping for me then?”
“No. Hardly. But I’ve an idea it might be less traumatic than what you have planned.”
I feigned shock. “You know what I’ve got planned?”
“No, but I assume it will involve removing some or all of your clothes to some degree.”
“You could be right. Is that a problem?”
“No. Far from it. It adds a great deal of spice to my life.”
“Even more could be added if you’d join in.”
“No, no. We’ve done this. I’m here as the audience only.”
“That’s a shame and I thought you might have dressed to participate.” I took a gamble. I put my hand on her knee and pushed her skirt up her thigh. Just an inch. As I’ve said it was calf length and was well covering her knees. There was no danger of her revealing anything but I wondered how she would react to my touch. She didn’t. She totally ignored it, which I took as a good sign.
“Dressed to participate? Oh, you mean the skirt. No. No special significance in that, I just fancied a change from trousers.”
“No chance of you having stockings underneath then?” Another laugh.
“I admire your tenacity. No. No stocking just tights. It’s pretty parky out there.”
“Best I warm things up then.” I re-crossed my legs and hiked my skirt to reveal some stocking top. No one was watching. No reaction from anyone but Elizabeth.
“Starting early tonight are we?”
“Well this isn’t exactly a hive of stimulating entertainment, is it? I thought I’d better provide some.”
“Mm. That’s a bit tame for you,” she replied, lent across and pushed my skirt up further above my suspenders.
That did two things. Her touch sent tremors through me. It wasn’t a sexual touch. Not in the caress style. But the fact she’d touched me and revealed more of me was a turn-on. The second thing was that it attracted attention. Quite why I don’t know. I suspect it was just one of those things where a person was glancing around and happened to have their eyes in the right place at the right time. Whatever the cause I now had an audience. Another reason for the tremors in my body. It was one of the six businessmen. The only one facing our way. Six of them. If I liked men that would have signalled gang bang. As I don’t, it didn’t. Interestingly though I had to remind myself I didn’t!
I avoided eye contact with him. Too early in the evening to have to leave due to unwelcome attention.
“You have a fan,” Elizabeth pointed out.
“I know I’ve spotted him. You think he might appreciate a glimpse of my knickers?”
“I’m surprised you’re wearing any.”
“Have you not noticed the temperature? I always wear thick winceyette ones in weather like this. Inherited from my grandmother.”
“Huh, why do I not believe you?”
“Bet?” She gave me a quizzical look. One of those that says, ‘I know you’re lying, but I have a scintilla of doubt’.
“Yes go on then. Loser buys the next round.”
“Done.” I lifted my skirt. I could have lifted it an inch or so so she could see but you know me! I gathered the hem and lifted it to just under my bust. “There.”
She roared. “You lose, they are as far removed from granny’s drawers as the North Pole is from the south.” I looked down and pretended to be shocked. “Oh my! I must have changed my mind at the last minute. I dropped the skirt down. Fairly carelessly. It did little to hide anything.
“Another wine or something stronger?” Chris was picking us up again so we were free to get happy!
“It’s Christmas. And as you’re paying. I’ll have a large gin.”
I picked up our empty glasses and went to the bar. Which entailed passing the group of partying men with the one who’d noticed us. I avoided eye contact. Wondered if he’d try to chat me up as I went past. He didn’t. I wasn’t sure if I was disappointed or relieved.
I bought myself a G and T too and returned to our table.
“You’ve definitely got a fan,” Elizabeth told me, nodding her head in the direction of the businessmen, “His eyes followed you all the way to the bar and back.”
“Perhaps I should reward him. What do you think would be appropriate?”
“Nothing less than a tit flash darling.”
“Aren’t you worried it will get us thrown out?”
“It strikes me that this is the sort of place that rents rooms by the hour so I doubt that would a problem.”
“Really? You obviously have more knowledge about such a subject than I do.” Another gale of laughter.
“Only through reading the local paper.”
“Yeah, I bet.” She playfully punched my arm. “Come on then, get them out.”
I was feeling excited. Not simply from the idea of flashing my tits but from the fact Elizabeth was being so forceful in getting me to do it.
I was wearing a jacket over a blouse. I could undo the blouse, pull it aside. Put my fingers under my bust, hook my bra and lift it off my boobs then quickly replace it. I could do that. It might get noticed. It might not. Or I could do what I had done the previous week, or was it the week before? I could take my jacket off. Take my blouse off. Unclip my bra and remove that and then, depending on the level of attention, I could cover up with the jacket or the blouse as well. So that’s what I planned. Amazing how carefree one can be after a large glass of wine and a double G and T!
The disrobing went to plan. My businessman friend noticed. He nudged the man sitting next to him. He stared as hard as the first, but they kept it a secret from their colleagues. By the time I had my hands behind my back unclipping my bra, I had produced torrents of juice. I hesitated. This really was public although the bar had emptied somewhat since we’d come in. The early evening drinkers had gone. The late social drinkers hadn’t turned up, but even so apart from the group there were two other occupied tables. I don’t know why I hesitated. I’d shown everything in a pub before, on the seafront, in a cafe and at various other locations. Whatever the reason it didn’t stop me. After a moment’s hesitation, I unclipped the bra shrugged my shoulders and let the bra fall in my lap.
I replaced my jacket. No bra. No blouse. I didn’t button the jacket. I let it hang. It covered my nipples. Just. I felt scorchingly hot. On fire. The two men! I imagined they were on fire too. I hoped their friends weren’t imparting important information. Their minds were elsewhere. Somewhere around the top of my legs.
I looked at my companion. She wore a huge smile.
“Are the knickers following?” she asked.
“They’ll follow yours,” I replied.
“In that case, they’re staying on.”
“You really are a spoilsport.”
“Why, I haven’t stopped you. In fact, I’ve encouraged you.”
“Yes but it’s more fun with two.” I was so hot I couldn’t resist taking a chance. If I’d been more in control I’d never have done it. It was too risky. Too likely to upset her.
I leant across. Dropped my hand below the table. Below her knee. Found the hem of her skirt. Slid my hand underneath. My eyes on hers. No reaction. Started to walk my fingers up her leg. More friendly fun than sexual intent. No reaction. I reached her knee. No reaction. Her face still with a hint of a smile. Perhaps fixed. Perhaps hiding gritted teeth. Perhaps she didn’t want to make a scene. Perhaps she was hating my touch. I couldn’t stop because of a perhaps. Or multiple perhaps. I had to know definitively. My fingers continued their walk. Our eyes remained locked. I was halfway between knee and knickers. I was providing interest for our two watching friends.
“Going to join me? You don’t need to do anything. I’ll pull them off. Would you like me to pull them off?”
My voice was husky. My hand trembled. I’d swear Elizabeth was the more composed. Her smile remained.
“God, you are so persistent! No, no, no!” Her words whispered. As husky as mine. Perhaps not more composed than me. The smile on her face still belied the words. She took hold of my arm. Extracted it from up her skirt. Held it in her lap. Whether by accident or design near her crotch.
“I’ll compromise. I’ll do it, but not let you. I’ve talked to Chris about it.” She stopped there. Taunting me! I had no idea what she meant. She picked up our glasses. “My round,” and went to the bar. God, she was teasing me. But what was she suggesting? It seemed to be hours before she returned.
“What’s’it’?” I asked. She looked mischievous.
“Yes. ‘It’. You said you’ve talked to Chris about ‘it’.”
“Oh yes.” She picked up her recharged glass. Another large G and T for both of us and looked over the top at me. Considering how far she could wind me up before I throttled her.
“So I did.” She couldn’t hold the smile back. A wide ear to ear grin took over her face. Her hand dropped to my knee. “He said.” She hesitated, “He said I had his blessing if I wanted to join in your games but…” Another hesitation. Another sip of her drink. “Not only would he want a full private description from me but a…” Yet another gulp. She was certainly having difficulty saying what she wanted to. Or she was loving winding me up? My money was in the latter. “…a re-enactment. From both of us.”
It took me several seconds to realise what she meant. The gin was having its effect on me too.
“He wants me to flash him? Is that what you're saying?”
She looked relieved to have spoken the words. “Well, yes.”
“And if I agree you’ll join me in some fun and games?”
“Whoa! Only some flashing! I’m not going to bed with you!” Her voice had risen. With the stress of what she was saying and the effects of the alcohol, the control of her vocal cords was suffering. It coincided with a lull in the conversation of our partygoers too. Heads turned. I laughed. Elizabeth turned pink but laughed too.
I was excited. Stripping off in front of Chris was no problem. Quite the reverse. Exciting. I wondered where that might lead.
“No problem as far as I’m concerned,” I said. “We starting now?” Her hand was still on my knee. Mine in her lap. I wiggled my fingers. They stroked her body in the right place but three layers of clothing separated them from their goal. Elizabeth’s fingers reacted by squeezing my knee. She leant in and whispered. “Yes. While I’m tipsy. No way could I do this sober. Best be my bra.”
She sat up. Undid her jacket which she’d studiously kept done up like some shield against exposure. Her hands went to the top button but were shaking so much she couldn’t undo it.
“Here, let me.” I thought she may object, she should have objected, she had said she wouldn’t let me strip her. But here we were. She let her hands drop into her lap. Her blouse was high-necked and buttoned to her throat. The first two buttons exposed nothing. I reached the third. “We have an audience,” she said. I didn’t look but continued with my task. “That's the whole point,” I replied.
“I know. Exciting isn’t it?”
I was down to the last button. I pulled her blouse out of her skirt but left it to her to open it wide. TO BE CONTINUED.