“Dogging?” The word came out louder than it should have done and a couple of heads turned. I regained control and asked again. “Are you…

“Dogging?” The word came out louder than it should have done and a couple of heads turned. I regained control and asked again. “Are you serious? Isn’t that a bit like buying a high-powered Ferrari immediately after you’ve passed your driving test?” I’m not sure why I was so taken aback. After all, she’d had Charles fuck her in front of her husband and now just watched her husband fuck me. But dogging!
She looked a bit taken aback by my outburst. “I thought you’d be excited by the idea.”
“I am. In theory. The thought is as horny as hell, but I can’t get my head around the idea you’d plunge in at what must be the deepest of ends of extramarital sex.” My tone was weird. I’d adopted my professional persona as if talking to a client who was about to do the most stupid thing against my advice. “Don’t you think you should enjoy a few more men privately first?”
“What, like you just having my husband in a pub garden surrounded by strangers? Your first cock since Noah sailed the Ark. That sort of ‘start slow and work up to the weird stuff?” Her outburst surprised me. She was tense. I could say flippantly, ‘I can't think why’ but I should have realised.
Normally our minor disagreements about what we are going to do sexually were good humoured. Usually with me being the one to press Lizzie to go further. But her tone was one of annoyance. Her expression matched it. The atmosphere had gone from sexual to confrontational. And it was my fault.
As in business, when I’ve basically told a client they are planning something stupid, my mind analysed my reasoning to see whether I should continue to advise as I thought right or let them have their way.
The circumstances were different, but I went through the process and concluded I was jealous. Not envious. Jealous. God, I’d just fucked her husband in front of her. It had turned all three of us on to the nth degree. How selfish could I be? But I knew two things for certain. One; deep down, I desperately wanted to go dogging too. Two; there was no way I was ready for it. My objection was purely self centred.
“I’m sorry,” I said. “I shouldn’t have been so negative. If that’s what you both want, then why not? And yes, I’d love to come but don’t expect me to participate. I’ve moved on enough for one night. I don’t want to overreach.” I leant across to Lizzie and kissed her. A kiss that, to my immense relief, she returned.
“Good. Perhaps I should have talked to you about it, but we’ve been so excited by the idea all week since Chris found the site that I assumed you would be too.”
I left the conversation of right or wrong and moved on.
“Site? What on the internet?”
Chris answered. “No. Physical site. I found a genuine thread on social media about dogging and got in touch and eventually found someone who knew where it happened locally.”
My initial reservations were quickly disappearing. My mind conjuring pictures of Lizzie being bent over the bonnet with a line of guys waiting to fuck her. Whether that would be fact or fantasy, time would tell.
“Let’s go then!” I stood up and grabbed my bag. I was now overcompensating for my earlier negativity!
“Whoa, no, not yet,” Chris held out a hand to tell me to sit down. “It’s too early and besides I think Lizzie might need a further glass of courage.”
“Too right. It’s okay planning these things. Seems different when one’s actually going to do it.”
“I’m a crass idiot at times, Lizzie. You know why I said that was because I was jealous. And that it hadn’t taken any of my witchcraft to get you to want to do it, but I know only too well, that feeling. Delicious isn’t it?”
Chris had gone for refills and Lizzie leant in keeping her voice down. “Yes! But I’ve got to be honest. I was not keen to start with. What you said agreed with my thoughts. In at the deep end. I wanted a bit more experience, but Chris is so desperate for me to do it and we’ve sort of agreed I’ll only do oral — oh shit! Only do oral! Listen to me! — also apparently it’s very hit and miss. Sometimes there're loads of men, sometimes none. I can’t make up my mind what I’m hoping for. Watching Chris screw you, I was hooting for half a dozen or so. Now I’m getting closer to doing it, one might be too many!”
“But you do want to do it?”
“Fuck yes. It’s only nerves.”
Chris returned with the drinks and we chatted more generally while we drank them. When the glasses were empty, Lizzie announced she was ready. “Now or never,” she said and stood up. We left my car at the pub and I went in theirs. I too was getting excited now.
The location we were heading for was about half an hour's drive, which we did in virtual silence. The atmosphere was building, though. Palpable in all three of us. Quite why I was getting nervous and excited, I wasn’t sure. I had no intention of joining in.
It was strange. Was my reluctance to join in real? My phobia manifesting itself? Making a fight back after losing out to my willingness to be fucked by Chris? Or was I simply being… Being what? A coward? I couldn’t believe that. I was so far down my rabbit hole I couldn’t think of any sexual perversion I wasn’t willing to try. I concluded it was twofold. I didn’t want to do it in case I did freak out and I lost the confidence taking Chris’s cock had given me. And secondly, I didn’t want to queer Lizzie’s pitch. (Perhaps somewhat naïve of me to think that a second woman being available at a dogging session would queer anyone’s pitch!) She’d sat there earlier like a good girl and watched her husband have me. I’d now do the same for her.
We arrived and parked up. We were the only car there.
“We are quite early,” Chris said. “We’ll just have to sit and wait.”
“Fancy being warmed up?” I asked Lizzie. I leant forward in my seat, put my arms around her and groped both breasts. She didn’t reply, but the intake of breath gave me the answer.
Her nipples were hard. She didn’t need warming up, but I carried on.
Chris had half turned in the driver's seat and was running a hand up and down Lizzie’s thigh and detouring into her knickers which were now back on after her strip in the pub garden. She turned her head towards me and we kissed. Our slight disagreement earlier was forgotten. Now there were no barriers to my touching Chris the three of us could have a fun evening even if no one else turned up. From my angle that could be the best result.
But then a car drove in. Drove around the car park and parked a good way from us.