Craig, three in a shower
The afternoon returned to a normal family gathering albeit with just me and Kaz. And a bottle or two of wine. Craig had gone off to…

The afternoon returned to a normal family gathering albeit with just me and Kaz. And a bottle or two of wine. Craig had gone off to football. Reluctantly I have to say, but I suggested it was best he give himself recovery time as I wanted ‘a big load delivered hard’ in the evening. I shall treasure the look on his face as I said that!
My serious chat with Kaz had happened in the morning so this was just inconsequential natter. Well, most of it, but there was a sprinkling of seriousness and sex. The two intermingled. I’ll save the content for another blog, but just to say, Kaz wants to get more involved with what Mary and I get up to.
Normally after football, Craig and his friends adjourn straight to a pub and Kaz doesn’t see him until late evening. Unsurprisingly, he forewent the pub and came straight home.
It reminded me of what had started them on this sexy journey; him coming home and finding the two of us having a childish pillow fight. If my memory serves me right, it ended with very adult games. I sensed a repeat!
Craig was muddy. The pitch they used was hardly Wembley stadium and was just a mud patch for most of the year. He dumped his kit and told us he was off for a shower.
My afternoon with my daughter had put me in a naughty frame of mind ad what with the coupious amounts of wine we had drunk I was up for anything. Most unusual. (!!!) As Craig disappeared into the bathroom, I suggested to Kaz, “Think we should go scrub his back? And things?” Kaz giggled. “Yeah, why not?”
We crept upstairs and took off our clothes, piling them on the landing. We heard the shower start, edged the door open, and peeked in. He’d just started soaping himself and appeared to be paying particular attention to his genital area. Which was giving him a reaction. Kaz and I looked at each other and giggled again. I pushed the door open. “Let me help with that,” I announced as I stepped into the cubicle with him. Their house is not large, and neither was the shower. It was going to be a cosy fit with three of us.
At my words, his head turned, and a look of horror crossed his face. He was still embarrassed to be caught wanking by his mother in law even after what we’d done earlier in the day! And it made him drop the soap. Someone needed to pick it up. I bent forward to do it, which meant my bum pushed back against Craig, forcing him into a corner. It also brought my arse into contact with his cock. No pretending he wasn’t excited! I stayed bent double for a few seconds and wiggled my bum over his crotch. If I’d had doubts that his prick was at full attention before, I didn’t now.
The cubicle was too small for him to fuck me like that. If we’d tried I think it would have demolished it, so I stood up and turned to face him. He still looked sheepish, so I went to kiss him but then thought better of it. How would Kaz feel about that? Fucking just for sex was one thing, but kissing him? Would that be too personal? I played safe. I licked his face instead as I started rubbing his chest with the soap. His chest, then moved south. I soaped my hands and cuddled his cock and gently lathered the whole length, balls and all.
Kaz had now squeezed her way in, too. It was more crowded than the London Underground at the height of the rush hour, but hornier.
Craig was spoilt for choice. Four tits pushing into his chest. He mastered on mine. While he did so, I continued soaping his cock one-handed and used the other to finger my daughter. I was relieved to find her sopping (not from the shower silly!) Her body was confirming her words. She didn’t mind me fucking her husband. Not that I was. Not at that moment. But I wanted to. Somehow the three of us pressed together like that was extra sensuous.
I could see from Craig's face he wanted it too. I told him to bend his knees. Leaning back in the corner he had support and as he went down, his cock dragged across my stomach and over my naked pubic area. It arrived at my lips. He looked up at me for confirmation. “Yes. Fuck me!” I breathed in his ear.He looked at his wife. “Go on Craig, fuck her.”
It wasn’t going to be the greatest fuck imaginable I knew. But it was one of the horniest. His dick entered me. He started thrusting. I turned to Kaz, and we kissed, open mouthed. The water was still cascading over us, adding an extra sensuous touch to our bodies.
It wasn’t until we reached that point it dawned on me. Another man's cock. A fully grown adult man. A man I knew, but a new man. And my dragon slept on.
It didn’t take long. It’s not how I’d thought my first fuck with Craig would be but I prefer things to happen spontaneously. So much sexier.
Craig’s position made it hard for him to get long thrusts into me, but it didn’t matter. I felt him coming. I bent my knees and took his length just as he erupted. Sublime. We stayed as we were for a minute until I was sure he’d emptied himself deep into me. Then I suggested Kaz clean me up.
Would she find that to depraved? Licking her husband's cum out of her mother's cunt?
Answer. No. We spilled out of the cubicle, Kaz dropped to her knees and I opened my legs. I really think I could spend my life like that. I loved watching her head deep between my legs, slurping at my juices, holding my lips apart so she could sink deep into me. Her husband wasn’t idle. He stood behind her, brushing his flaccid cock across her head and massaging her tits. The tableau was too much for me. Her tongue did what Craig’s cock had started. I came. My body convulsed. I grabbed the only thing close by to stop me collapsing. Craig. He didn’t mind. We ended up kissing. So much for my earlier misgivings. I’d check with Kaz later. For now, his lips were on mine, his tongue was in my mouth, his hands were groping my tits, while my daughter sucked up my juices. So kinky.
My orgasm gave no indication of stopping.
It did, of course. Eventually.
Then it was Kaz’s turn to be violated.