Corrupting Mary?
I didn’t think today would warrant a blog as I doubted there’d be must opportunity for anything sexy. Read on to see if I was right!

I didn’t think today would warrant a blog as I doubted there’d be must opportunity for anything sexy. Read on to see if I was right!
Seeing Mary again reinforced my feeling that we were going to be having a load of fun together. Her bubbly smile and quick peck on the cheek when I arrived at the yard immediately made me hope I could engineer something sexy but it was going to be a full on horse related day so I doubted it.
Katie was her gorgeous self too and although she wasn’t going to kiss me as she said hello I held her shoulders and gave her a peck on the cheek. I wanted to gauge her reaction. I can remember an aunt of mine kissing me when I was twelve and thinking yuk! Katie didn’t have any adverse reaction though.
“Thanks so much for helping Tracy. It will relieve Mummy a lot.”
“My pleasure. Always happy around horses.” And you two.
Katie was dressed in what I call stable yard gear as were Mary and I. Old top and jeans. I mention it because that meant she’d have to change for the event and the thought I might see her doing it sent a frisson of excitement through me. How sick is that? Me lusting after watching a nineteen-year-old strip off. Gorgeous anticipation though.
For those unfamiliar with horses and transporting them, Mary had a lorry with two compartments for horses and a small area at the front for storage of equipment- saddles, etc- and a small stove for making tea. There was no living, that is a bed, but it did have a small portable loo tucked into a corner. I assume you can see where my mind was going! I’ve said before horsey people are quite basic and not prone to being overly modest. I hoped that was the case with my friends.
The journey took about an hour. Mary drove with Katie in the middle and me on the passenger side. Being a lorry it wasn’t cramped which was a shame. I’d loved to have felt young Katie’s body hard against mine.
We talked horses incessantly so I won’t bore you with that. On arrival, I just followed instructions. Everyone has their own way of doing things and I was just going to be the dogsbody, fetching and carrying with Katie doing the grooming. She registered her entry and took her horse for a light warm-up.
That gave Mary and me a chance to catch up.
“Let’s go in the lorry,” Mary said. Not waiting for an answer she climbed in, waited for me to follow, and closed the door behind me. I turned and our lips met. Or rather her lips homed in on mine with the speed and accuracy of a guided missile. Not that I’m complaining! God, she was as hungry as me. If not hungrier. A hand clamped over a tit and squeezed while I put my hand between her legs and started rubbing. I was wondering how far this would go when there was a call from outside, “Mum! Where are you? I left my whip in there!”
“Shit,” said Mary, breaking our clinch, grabbing the whip from the shelf, and opening the door. “Just tidying up a bit and saw it. You’ll forget your head one day.” As an attempt to deflect what we were doing I suppose it wasn’t bad but I wondered if her face gave her away. “Huh, you're a fine one to talk,” responded Katie. I could see over Mary’s shoulder a slightly quizzical look on her daughter’s face.
Mary turned back but didn’t close the door. The moment had passed. For now! I decided to use the intervention to seek some answers.
“I assume you haven’t told her? About us.”
“Heavens no!”
“Why? I’m sorry it’s not really my business, but I just wondered was it because you think she might tell Simon?”
“No. No, that’s not likely. She doesn’t actively dislike her father but they are not close. I’m just not sure how she’d react to me with… with another woman. I have a feeling she’d be more relaxed if I was having an affair with a man. She doesn’t know, at least I assume she doesn’t, that our marriage is sexless, but she must have a good idea it’s not exactly highly romantic anymore.”
That put me in a bit of a quandary. In my talk to Katie the other day she’d said she’d toyed with the idea of having a female lover, so I assumed she’d have no problem on that front with her mother, but I’d promised not to tell either parent and I wasn’t going to break that promise.
“You might be surprised. The young generation seems to have a much more relaxed attitude. Certainly, Kaz had no qualms about me and women.” I decided telling her about how close we were might be too much at the moment. Softly, softly and all that.
“You think so? Perhaps you’re right. One day if my courage holds!”
I looked out of the box (horse box!) and couldn’t see anyone around. “Want to try again?”
“Oh do I! But best not. She usually only does ten minutes this early. Don’t want to get caught again.” She hurriedly kissed me and we climbed out and started checking over the tack.
We had an hour before we needed to tack up the horse for the competition so when Katie returned we unsaddled and tied him to the back of the lorry in shade, gave him a small hay net to keep him amused, and sat down for a coffee.
It was a pleasant interlude. I was liking these two more and more, but it was frustrating too, being so close but not being able to touch either.
Eventually, Katie announced she should get changed. I’d decided how I might be able to get at least a glimpse of her doing that. Am I totally weird? I know you guys love to watch women undress, but do any other women get turned on by it? I said in my last blog it had never affected me before I started on this journey, so perhaps it’s just the longing to take it further. To help them undress. To feel their bodies. Especially ones as delicious as Katie’s.
I gave her a couple of minutes then announced I’d start tacking up. Mary made no comment so I climbed the steps to the groom's door and opened it. I didn’t ask, I didn’t want her to have the chance to say no, but in the event, she didn’t flinch. She’d taken off her shirt and trousers and was standing in a sports bra and white cotton knickers. Not sexy attire but then I wouldn’t have expected it to be. But it was her figure that took my breath away. Now nothing was disguised by clothing I could appreciate it all the more. Her tits were larger than her mother’s, perfectly proportioned to her body. Like her mother, she had an hourglass figure, muscular and firm, devoid of fat. The thighs were perfect too. I could picture her in a black basque with stockings, my head firmly wedged between her legs!
I daren’t stop. I didn’t want to give any indication I was lusting after her or was a perv, even though I suppose I am! I picked up the tack and took it round to the horse and Mary and I saddled him.
Katie emerged and came and checked we’d done the job correctly. Oh boy. Those jodhpurs. Talk about a snug fit. I had trouble stopping myself staring. I wondered if she rode without knickers as I do. It was difficult to tell although there was no panty line. Oh, that I’d find out!
She mounted up and went to warm up. We checked she had all she needed. “We’ll just tidy up then come over and watch,” Mary announced. Not that much needed tidying, but Katie was getting herself ‘in the zone’, so wasn’t really listening. She’d no sooner left the lorry park than Mary was up the steps and looking at me. “Coming?”
“I hope so,” I replied with a smile. This was a bonus. I hadn’t expected sex today. By the time I’d climbed the steps and closed the door Mary had dropped her jeans and knickers and was lying back on a couple of straw bales in the corner of one of the horse stalls.
“Heaven, this is scratchy,” she announced accompanied by her signature giggle. Silly and girlish, but it turned on my taps.
I pushed down my own jeans and clambered on top of her. “Need to be quick,” she breathed out as my fingers found her wet pussy and my lips hers. And quick it was. Not quite as fast as the first time at our previous meeting but not a huge amount longer. There was a squirt too. “Heavens Tracy I’m so selfish, she said as her orgasm subsided, “I’d love to repay you, but I’m sorry I really think we should go and watch Katie. Can you wait? Hopefully, she’ll get through this round and we’ll have time later.”
Hardly I thought, the sight of Mary thrashing in the straw as she came had made me desperate to feel her fingering me, but I had little choice. I decided I’d use it as an excuse to see if I could push further.”
“With difficulty,” I said, “but I will, but you’ll have to pay a forfeit for being such a selfish whore.” I said it with a smile. I hoped the use of the term would do for her what it did for me and her reply confirmed it. “Oh goody. Make it something naughty.”
“Oh, I will.”
“Do tell. What is it?” She asked as we clambered out of the lorry and strode for the warm-up arena. I was in two minds. Should I tell her now or leave it until later? Should I say it involved flashing, watersports, or bedding her daughter? I opted to do it now and restrict it to flashing. I hoped I could corrupt her enough that asking to have sex with her daughter would hardly seem depraved! Was I corrupting her I asked myself? No, I decided, I was just giving her the option to corrupt herself! She had seemed to indicate in a text to me she was up for flashing although I couldn’t be sure I’d understood the text correctly. She’d simply said. I hope we can enjoy some displays together. I assumed she was referring to my flashing but didn’t want to use the word in case Simon examined her phone.
We’d arrived at the warm-up area and leant on the fence watching Katie put her horse through its paces.
“So what is it you’re going to make me do?” I heard in her voice a nervous excitement.
“I want you to come flashing with me.”
“Is that all? Of course I will. I’m desperate too, I thought I’d said so in my text.” I explained I had not quite understood what she was saying. “Ah yes. Euphemisms abounding. Sorry about that. Simon can be nosy. But honestly, this forfeit, I thought it would be something horrendously kinky.”
“You don’t think flashing your cunt at strangers kinky?” There was plenty of incredulity in my voice.
She giggled, “Put like that I suppose you’re right, but I am a little disappointed it wasn’t something shall I say, even more, kinky.” I wasn’t sure how serious she was being but that was an opening I couldn’t waste.
“Okay then, scrub that. I want you to pee over me and allow me to pee over you.”
You know in cartoons when a character is shocked or surprised their eyes spring out of their heads? Well, I swear Mary’s did that.
“That is utterly disgusting.” Judging by her tone of voice she meant it. I needed to backtrack, but she continued. “It certainly fits the description even more kinky so I can hardly complain. But are you serious?”
I made a decision. No good hiding these things. If like Jane she didn’t really want to do it, it would be a disappointment but there was plenty else I could enjoy with her.
“Yes, I am.”
She kept her eyes on Katie sailing over the practice jumps but was clearly having an internal argument.
“I don’t know. It seems weird. Dirty. I’ll need to think about it.”
Not an outright no which was hopeful.
“Of course. It won’t affect anything else.”
She looked up at me. “It’s not a ‘deal breaker’ then?” There was a hint of a smile on her face.
“Good god no. I’m happy to stick to everyday things like revealing our undies in crowded pubs!”
She laughed. She hadn’t decided I was too far down the rabbit hole. “That I can look forward to.”
At that moment Katie rode over. “Come on, you two,, I’ve been called.”
It put paid to our conversation and I tried to forget my horny feelings for a while and enjoy watching Katie.
It was difficult. Mary being so up for joining in my public displays was exciting. I could live without peeing with her. I had Carol and Charles for that anyway.
Katie did a clear round which meant she would have to jump again over higher fences but given the number of entries, it would probably not be for a couple of hours.
Back at the lorry we tied the horse up in the shade again with its hay net and sat outside having another coffee.
The talk was horses, but my mind was on sex. On the sex Mary had enjoyed earlier. On the sex I hoped I’d get to enjoy later. On the fantasy sex with Katie. It was hard sitting opposite her looking at her delectable body not knowing if I’d ever get the chance to feel it or taste it.
We finished coffee and Katie announced she was going off to find her mates. Perfect. I hoped Mary wouldn’t have been put off by my talk of peeing.
Katie disappeared but Mary made no attempt to rush into the lorry as she had done earlier. She didn’t look at me, just stared into the mid-distance.
“What is it about getting older? One suddenly realises life is slipping away. It’s halftime. Was the first half successful? Are we winning? Can the second half be better? I said before I’d come to the decision to throw caution to the wind. I just hadn’t realised that wind was a howling gale and would immediately rip every vestige of decency I had away.” I decided I’d have to get used to her use of metaphors and euphemisms. “But then so what? In for a penny, in for a pound.” She brought her eyes round to me. “I need a pee. What do you want me to do with it?”
I suspect my mouth did literally drop open. I’d already reconciled myself to her not wanting to have anything to do with pee.
“I need an answer, Tracy. Time and peeing wait for no man. Or woman” She wore a face-splitting smile. I thought of my options. I didn’t have a change of clothes. I’d noticed there were towels on the lorry, but not any way to wash. It was a warm day. If I spent the rest of it with dried pee on me it might raise a few eyebrows. How depraved should I be? Start slowly or in at the deep end? Start slowly I decided. I was tempted to say I’d drink it, but I was so scared of putting her off me. There was so much more I wanted to experience with her.
“In the lorry, I’ll watch you.”
She raised an eyebrow. “That it? I wrestle my internal monsters to submission to convince myself playing with pee is okay and all you want to do is watch me?” She had a questioning look. A look that said ‘come on Tracy you can do better than that.’ I could. I did.
She wanted depravity. Depravity she would have.
“Follow me then,” I announced. I stood up, grabbed a clean mug from the hamper, and climbed into the lorry. Mary followed and closed the door. “Can’t have you peeing all over me here, can we? I’m going to do something so disgusting you’ll either freak out and banish me or decide you’re as kinky, depraved, and lost, as I am.” Mary didn’t reply and I couldn’t read her expression so I pressed on, passed her the mug, and said, “Pee in here.” If she realised what I was going to do with it she showed no signs of objecting.
Her eyes were locked on mine, almost a smirk on her face. I decided it was saying ‘yes I can be as depraved as you’. She undid her jeans, pushed them down, and squatted holding the cup under her. I undid my trousers and pushed my hand down my knickers to finger myself. She nearly filled the cup, shook herself, found a tissue then held the cup out for me “What now?” She asked.
“Can’t you guess?”
“You’re not!” She shrieked. I’d thought the realisation might be accompanied by a look of horror, but the expression was the one she’d worn when she shouted Wowie! in the bar after I’d taken my knickers off. Pure excitement. Pure sexual anticipation.
I was the one with doubts now. I’d drunk a glass of my own pee a few times. I’d tasted Charles and Jane's pee but not in quantity. I’d never drunk a cup of someone else’s. Our eyes were locked. I hesitated. Mary smiled and said, “Dares ya!” She stepped over to me. My jeans were around my ankles. She knelt down pulled my knickers aside and kissed me, keeping her eyes on the mug.
God such depravity. All it needed was for Katie to return and join in. Wishful thinking. And being greedy. God, surely I could be satisfied with this? I was. I was loving the feeling of Mary’s tongue. I was leaking copiously as I drank the piss. I should have felt sick with myself. Hated what I was doing. Being so deviant. Encouraging Mary down the same path. Instead, I’ve never felt so elated. So high. How disgusting, looking in the eyes of this woman as I downed her piss. An utterly gorgeous, perverted feeling.
I finished the pee put the mug down and pulled Mary’s head into me. She was using her thumb on my clit. And I came. Boy did I come! A thunderous volcanic eruption. I grabbed hold of a saddle rack to stop myself collapsing. My knees gave way. A knee trembler! I ended up kneeling next to Mary. We hugged and kissed. Long and hard. Each with a hand on the other's cunt. Fingers working. I felt Mary stiffen. A gush. That fire hydrant. God. Two middle-aged women. Lost in a sea of depraved sexual activity.
We gradually came out of the alternative world we were occupying. Mary looked at her watch. “Shit. We need to get sorted.” We quickly rearranged our clothing. Not much we could do about the wetness on the floor other than to lie we’d spilt water. Not much we could do about our wet jeans either. They’d both soaked up more than a sprinkling of the fluids we’d expelled.
I hoped Katie was too focused to think about us.
The rest of the day was busy and we had no opportunity to talk further until we got back to the yard.
While Katie was feeding her horse Mary took me aside.
“I meant what I said earlier. I am prepared to do anything.”
“I think you’ve shown that,” I smiled at her.
“I’m not sure if I could do what you did with the pee, but I’m certainly willing to see how far I can go. But first, I’m desperate to see if I’ve got the courage to display like you. Can we do that before we go to yours on Wednesday?”
“Yes, of course, but are you sure?”
“Oh yes! That was such fun when you took your knickers off. The look on those men’s faces!”
“And you’d do it?”
“I’d hope so. Did you need much persuasion?”
“We’ll, it was always my idea, but Carol did do a lot of urging in the early days. I don’t need it now.”
“We’ll, I’m sure with your urging I can do it. What fun. Do it before we go to bed for a fuckfest at yours? Can we do the peeing there? More fun!”
I stared intently into her eyes. Where was she coming from? This was so at variance with those first two meetings. She saw the puzzlement in my face. “I know. I’m not behaving rationally. I’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”
“I’ve no problem understanding that,” I said, “I’m on the same page. Let’s set the town alight!”
With that, Katie reappeared and again our conversation was halted, but my oh my. What does the future hold?
So much to think about. How could I be so lucky? Finding friends who were on my wavelength evaded me for forty-three years. Apart from Carol who was more family than friend. A mother hen looking after her defenceless chick. Ha, that’s changing.
I realised there was still more to tell Mary. My lusting after her daughter. My Twitter account and public posting of photographs. Would she be as amendable to those? Would she pose for photos? Let me show you all how sexy she is? I decided I’d wait till she had done some flashing and peeing. See how committed she was. Then open up fully. Another sexciting week to look forward to!