Coffee with Katie
I was surprised when Katie texted me and asked if we could go for a coffee. She offered no explanation simply saying ‘As Mum can’t make it…

I was surprised when Katie texted me and asked if we could go for a coffee. She offered no explanation simply saying ‘As Mum can’t make it tonight can we meet? Just for a coffee?’
I had a mountain of things to do before I went away, but not only was I intrigued by the text, I welcomed the opportunity of pushing Katie towards some sexy fun with me so said yes.
The coffee shop was not one I’d been to before but then I’m not nineteen.
Katie was already there and I joined her having ordered my mocha.
“Thanks for coming Tracy, I know you must be busy but I wanted to get things clear before you went.”
That didn’t sound like good news to me. I had thought she was happy to try some lesbian fun with me but sounded as if she may have changed her mind.
“Such as?” I asked with some trepidation. My concern reflected in my voice.
“I want to know about you and Mum.
“Me and Mary? How do you mean?”
“Oh, this is difficult, and it’s not really any of my business is it, but Dad is getting more and more controlling and it’s driving us both potty, especially mum, I can escape more, but can’t do too much cos he keeps threatening to sell Rebel if I don’t do as he says, and I think Mum’s of the verge of telling him to piss off and I’m worried you would stop you seeing her, then she’d do something stupid and…”
“Katie!” I stepped in to the verbal flow. I felt bad, there was me wanting to talk her into letting me in her knickers and she’s worried about her mother’s mental state.
“There’s no chance of me walking away from your mum. We are having far too much fun. And you do know that’s all it is? I’m not dating Mary or thinking of a relationship. Mary knows this and it’s what she wants. I know those evenings are what’s keeping her sane. Two years ago I was so low too, I can understand where she is, but don’t think you will affect our relationship if we do anything, your mum does know, you know that I want to…,” I decided to be direct, “…bed you, have the same sort of fun with you I have with her, and she’s fine with it. Look at her attitude last time I was round at yours.”
“Yeah, that was a bit surprising. I wasn’t sure if I was reading it right.”
Her face had cleared a little, the frown she’d been wearing dissipating so I carried on.
“Oh, you read it right. She-she and I, — would love us all to have fun together.”
“You mean that, don’t you? All in bed together? Like, Christ, I don’t know, like what?”
“Like three adults having adult fun. Given we’re all women it’s not against the law you know?”
“Isn’t it?”
“No, it’s weird the way the law was written, obviously the lawmakers weren’t concerned or didn’t understand, but the main reason for the law is to stop breeding between family members because of the genetics so with same sex it’s not a problem.” God, I was sounding off like a lawyer, I hoped I was right!
“I never thought of that aspect, but not sure it’s just the law breaking.”
“Katie, let’s leave a threesome aside. You can come to terms with that later if you want to. Just remember that you being happy and relaxed will help your mum so you need to do whatever you feel comfortable with.” I hated giving her an out, but on balance, I did want them happy.
The conversation stopped and we both sipped our coffee. I took the opportunity to look around the cafe. It was full of the younger set. I was certainly the oldest there by a fair margin but there were men and women up to about thirty. You can guess where my mind was going. I had a business suit on, a pencil skirt and stockings. It wouldn’t take a great effort to let my skirt wander up my legs and reveal things.
I wondered how Katie would react. It dawned on me she might not even know her mother and I did the outrageous things we did do. Had Mary told her? If she had she hadn’t mentioned it to me. Sod it. I desperately wanted Katie and I’d been approaching it very softly, softly but I needed one last excursion before I went on holiday. Where I was going the likelihood of flashing anything other than a swarm of midges was remote.
I unbuttoned my suit jacket and followed it by unbuttoning my blouse and ensuring my black bra was well on display.
Katie stopped mid gulp. “Tracy!”
“What are you doing?” She hissed. I smiled back and leaned in conspiratorially. “Didn’t your mother tell you about our special little hobby?”
“Hobby? What hobby?”
“Flashing. We both love showing ourselves.”
“Flash… showing your… you’re not serious? Mum?”
The revelation clearly came as a shock, so much so that the fact I had my bra on display had now slipped from her ‘most pressing’ thoughts.
“No, honestly. I can’t remember how I introduced her to it, but she loves it. She says it makes her feel alive.”
“Ha. Dad would make her feel dead if he found out.”
“Would that be any different from finding out what we’re doing in his bed?”
I was pleased to see a smile cross her face. “True. You can only be hung once.”
“Quite. You ever thought about doing it?”
“What? Me? Flashing?”
“God no!”
“Why not?”
Her mouth opened to give an immediate riposte but nothing came.
“We’ll, it’s slutty isn’t it?”
“You think your mum and me are slutty?” I kept the tone light, I had a good feeling about where this was going.
“Oh god no! Obviously not but I dunno, I mean, what do the guys who see you think?”
“Who cares? I don’t know them. They don’t know me. It gives them a bit of a thrill, and it turns me and your mother on dramatically to think we’re getting all these strangers hard and wanking in their pants.”
“Tracy!” She looked around to check no one was listening. “God, what a revolting thought.” Her eyes and face tended to give away the fact that she didn’t actually agree with what she was saying. I had a thrilling thought.
“Why? When men look at pictures of beautiful women, don’t you think they get hard over them?”
“Well yes if they’re porn or something.”
“Not just porn, any old photo. I bet I could post your picture on my Twitter feed, just your face, just your passport photo even, and a load of guys would wank off over it.”
“Fuck off!” I knew with that comment, with the humour in the words, I was over the mountain.
“Bet they would! Let me post your photo, any photo you choose and I’ll guarantee at least three guys will give you a tribute.”
“What’s that?” Katie did surprise me at times. I was still unsure how worldly wise she really was. I explained.
“Yuk.” But again the word and tone were streets apart.
“Well it’s proof isn’t it? Proof you turn them on. Go on let me. Tell you what, let’s have that bet. I’ll bet I can get three guys to come over your pic. If they do you’ll come flashing with me. If I don’t get three, I’ll do your mucking out for a month.”
“Jeez, I hate that job.” She thought about my suggestion. That in itself was a good sign. “Make it two months and six men and you’re on.”
“You drive a hard bargain! Okay, agreed! Let me have a photo.” She got her phone out and scrolled through.
“Dad got me to have some professional ones done for my eighteenth, here’s one that I hate!”
She sent it across to my phone. She might hate it, but I’d finger myself off to it!
“If you hate it why keep it?”
“Mum really. She said I won’t be eighteen again and should keep as many memories as possible.”
I looked at my watch. “Katie I’ve got to go. I’ve a million things to do before I get away tomorrow. Look let’s meet on the Tuesday after I get back. I’ll show you the results and we can go do some flashing!” I felt confident in my Twitter supporters!
“Happy to meet then. I’ll bring a shovel so you can start the mucking out that evening!” She had a broad smile, so different from the start of our conversation.
“We’ll see.” We stood up and left, my jacket and blouse still undone, but there seemed no response. We were parked in different places so we kissed goodbye (platonically) and went our separate ways.
So guys it’s up to you. Not a hard task is it? There’s a copy of the photo on my Twitter feed. Please don’t let me have to do that mucking out!