
That was quite a week. I think my chargeable hours amounted to sixty seven. Lucky client! Serves them right for the sheer stupidity of what…


That was quite a week. I think my chargeable hours amounted to sixty seven. Lucky client! Serves them right for the sheer stupidity of what they’d done.

By the time Friday night arrived, I was bushed. I was speaking to a colleague about it and he assured me that brain power uses more calories than running so I should be a lot slimmer now.

It meant I slept late into Saturday morning had a leisurely breakfast and then planned to laze around for the rest of the day.

The problem was I was desperate for something sexy to happen. Anything sexy. Unfortunately, my options were limited. Carol was away and Mary’s Sunday visits to the stables have been curtailed by Simon insisting on a Sunday walk and Lizzie had forbidden John to contact me! She told me in a text she’d said to him, “Poor girl, she’ll be exhausted and won’t want you round there pumping her for information.” Yeah, I know. Pumping! She herself wasn’t available as they were visiting friends. The only other contact I had was Geoffrey with a G. The old boy with the silver tongue who fired blanks. I tried phoning him, a landline not a mobile, but got no reply. I briefly wondered if I had given him the heart attack he kept going on about but thought it unlikely.

Then I had a call out of the blue from a number I didn’t recognise.

“Hello Tracy, this is Caroline. Remember me? We met at Simon and Mary’s Christmas party. I have the misfortune to be Simon’s sister. I’m back in the area for a bit and wondered if you fancied a drink.”

You may remember that she and I had an interesting discussion about the possibility of her experimenting with some lesbian sex. I admit I’d not thought anything would come from it although I hoped it would. She is in her fifties, slightly rotund but has a hellishly bubbly character. I jumped at the offer of a drink and we arranged to meet that evening.

I dressed for sex, ( I’m a good girl guide, always be prepared!) and wore a dress which, if the evening appeared to be going dull, I could easily liven things up with.

That attitude, that things may not develop, looked the favourite when I saw her. She was wearing jeans and a sweater and little, if any, makeup. She hadn’t set out to impress. I felt severely overdressed. If nothing else happened I vowed I wouldn’t be by the end of the evening.

“Tracy! Nice to see you!” she enthused as we kissed each other's cheeks. We had arranged to meet in the hotel where she was staying and after she’d got me a drink I had to ask why she wasn’t staying with Mary and Simon.

“I’m not actually down to see them, I’m going to a christening tomorrow of a God daughter’s newborn. If I’d stayed with them I’d have been in a filthy mood by the time of the service. Don’t get me wrong, I love Mary and know it would help alleviate her situation for a few hours but I guess I’m not that altruistic.”

We discussed Simon for a while or more correctly pulled him to shreds for a bit. I spent the time trying to assess Caroline and whether I could move the conversation around to sex. In the end, she did it for me.

“…And do you know, in a comment recently when she was certainly drunk Mary confided in me that he hadn’t touched her sexually for years.”

“Lucky her,” I replied, “I’d have swapped that for what my Ex put me through. Still, now I’m into women…”

I raised my eyebrows as I said it.

“Ah, so you do recall our conversation! I’m sure you won’t be surprised to hear that’s why I wanted to meet you. It’s been on my mind since that party and with me coming back for this christening it seemed too good an opportunity to miss. And to be totally honest it’s another reason I didn’t want to stay with Simon. He wouldn’t have let me out for the evening! So, convince me sleeping with a woman is a good idea.”

“I’ve no idea,” I replied, “I’ve never slept with a woman. There’s always far too much going on for anyone to think about sleep.”

“Ha, alright clever clogs, convince me playing around with another woman is fun.”

“Well, look at the positives. No twenty-four-hour stubble rubbing your tender parts raw. No gales of beer-laden breath wafting over you. No thirty-second entry/deposit/exit/snore. No…”

“Stop! I wanted some positives not just reasons to thank my lucky stars I’ve forsaken men.”

“I was getting to those. First is the fact you know what works to turn on the taps. I know we all have preferences but your knowledge puts you streets ahead of any human with a cock attached. The second is there’s no need to fake an orgasm to satisfy a male ego. My experience is that they are real, numerous, and earth-shattering. I could go on, the smell of gorgeous perfume rather than rancid aftershave, smooth skin rubbing against smooth skin, but it would be so much easier to show you!”

Now I’m not sure if that was a good chat up line or not but Caroline seemed to think about it.

“Do you use toys?” She asked.

“Sometimes, a dildo or a strap-on but it’s mostly fingers and tongues, at least with my friends.”

She didn’t reply but finished her glass of wine and stood to get refills. I protested and said it was my round but she insisted saying, “Later, you can pay in kind.” And winked as she turned for the bar!

On her return, she put the glasses down and said, “This is a very comfortable hotel, and the beds are massive. Do you like football?”

The twinkle in her eye combined with the bed reference left little doubt that we’d be having fun later. I guessed the football reference was an attempt to disguise her embarrassment although she didn’t appear to be the sort who suffered that state easily. I replied, “No, can’t stand it but I do like scoring.”

She laughed, “Okay, my dear, let’s leave it there. Shall we take our drinks up?”

We did.

Once in her room, I detected a change in her. Downstairs she’d be carefree and jolly. Suddenly she seemed nervous. Understandable, but still a surprise.

We sat on the edge of the bed and I leant forward to kiss her but she pulled her head back.

“You’re going to think me a right wuzz Tracy, but I’m sorry that seems just too weird. Can we start somewhere else?”

“Of course. I’m sorry. Much too presumptuous of me.” I gently put a hand on her knee and slowly ran it up her trousered thigh. “Is that okay?”

She’d closed her eyes, whether to pretend it wasn’t happening or through the sensuousness of it I wasn’t sure but her answer seemed to confirm the latter. Simply, “Mm!”

I continued the movement and on reaching her waist detoured down between her legs and lightly ran my hand over her crotch. The “Mm” continued so I increased the pressure a little. She seemed content. I stood up, knelt down in front of her, unbuttoned her trousers, and pulled them off along with her knickers. She raised her bum to help me so I took that as a signal to carry on. Wow was she hairy! I thought in my natural state I had a forest down there. If that were true hers was a lush jungle.

I pushed her knees apart and sunk my head towards her pussy. She seemed to be relaxed about it so I tentatively kissed her. There was a sharp intake of breath but no rebuke so I carried on. She was dry. Totally dry. I brought a finger up to help, gently rubbing in between her lips, not trying to penetrate. Simply to stimulate. I alternated finger and tongue. Finger and tongue. Caroline began issuing a mewing sound. I guessed her own sign of contentment as at the same time I detected moistening. I eagerly lapped up what there was much as a parched man would a puddle. My energised tongue had an invigorating effect on the right parts of her body and I soon had a flow to contend with. By no means a flood, but her body was clearly indicating it was loving what was happening to it.

I decided it was time to broaden my exploration. I left my tongue lapping while I reached up to fiddle with a tit. She wasn’t being retroactive at all just lying there but I didn’t mind. My hand made contact. As I mentioned she is well built and that included her tits. My hand couldn’t span one but I enjoyed the feel! I kneaded it through her jumper at first but then pushed a hand underneath and pushed her bra clear. It was awkward doing that while trying to continue kissing her cunt so decided to move my concentration northward. I got off my knees and lay on the bed beside her, pushing her jumper clear of her enormous globes. Considering their size they were surprisingly firm and after some groping, I brought my lips down to suckle a nipple.

Her breathing was indicating I was doing something right. It was coming in sharp shallow gulps, interspersed with soft groans.

Now I was in a better position to attend to both tit and pussy but before I did I wanted to see if I could get her to play with me. I found a hand and moved it toward my own tit. She didn’t fight it and let me place it over my breast but made no attempt to move it. I left my hand over hers and rubbed it over my tit. It had an effect on me even though it was my hand doing the work and whilst I still had my bra and blouse on my nipple responded to the attention which I’m sure she could feel in spite of the layers of clothing.

I left her hand over my breast and returned mine to her pussy. More evidence I was having an effect. I easily pushed two fingers in. They produced a gasp from her and her hand clamped on my tit. I started working my fingers and at last she responded. She half turned to me and her other hand touched my knee and quickly made its way up my leg. It didn’t stop when it reached my knickers but burrowed under them and mirrored what I was doing to her. I was as wet as she was and as turned on by her two fingers.

We were face to face. Mirror images of each other. Hands on breasts. Fingers up cunts. I looked into her eyes. I saw no concern. No reservation. I’d try again. I move my head towards her. Keeping eye contact. Making my move slow but obvious. She didn’t shrink back. Simply closed her eyes. I brushed my lips against hers. I felt pressure. She pushed towards me. Our lips locked. She was on board! The next, what? One minute? Five minutes? Ten? I’ve no idea, were magical. Having crossed the bridge she needed to make up for lost time. Didn’t I know that feeling? Only too well. I indulged her. From reticence to complete immersion. After we had kissed and our tongues had introduced themselves she explored my face. Kissing me everywhere. Urgently. Hard. I was now on my back. Our hands no longer in each other. Hers held my head while she imitated a cat washing my face. Her breasts hung down and I squashed them together. Tweaked her nipples. Then she was fully astride me. I heard her mumble, “Fuck me.” My hand founds its way back to her hole. Wet. Sopping. Desperate to be filled. I obliged. Three fingers. Still it felt there was room. Four! I started pumping. Imitating a cock as best I could. Successfully it seemed. Her face licking stopped. Her head went back. No scream but an almighty groan as her body threatened to shake itself apart.

Funnily - funnily? Hardly! - I didn’t feel close. I’d concentrated on giving her encouragement. And succeeded. I felt sure there was more to come from the evening.

And how right I was.