Carol Part 2
You may have seen my tweet about Carol's text to me the day after our photo session:

You may have seen my tweet about Carol's text to me the day after our photo session:
“Hell of night Hun. Charles hasn’t been that randy for years! We must do it again soon if that’s going to be result!”
I’m not surprised, he certainly enjoyed feasting his eyes on my body, and taking pictures of his wife groping my tit would hardly have reduced his horniness.
I phoned Carol back to thank her for what she had done and to apologise for the mess in her spare bedroom. I wasn’t sorry for doing it, it’s a straight entry into my top five most deviant actions, (See previous blog if you don’t know what I’m referring to), but I did feel guilty about leaving someone to clean up. She wouldn’t hear of it though. “Charles will enjoy it, imagining how it was caused.” Ever the organiser our Carol. Personally though, I think Charles might be a bit miffed he’d missed watching me do it. Would I have liked him watching? Oh yes!
Carol said she loved seeing me be so degenerate and was all for me doing more! I told her about the huge positive reaction to her pictures and she admitted she’d found the whole thing quite sexy, but, unfortunately, was still adamant she wanted her face obscured.
I was wondering whether she’d comment about groping my breast but she didn’t mention it, so I didn’t raise it either. She did ask though when we were going to do it again.
“Desperate for another romp with Charles then?” I asked.
“Haha. I think the vision of the last one will keep his tank full for a week or so, but no harm in having reserves!”
She suggested we fixed a time on Saturday to go out and do some flashing pics, but I explained to her I wanted to delay it. The last few weeks have been a hectic roller coaster and with work being full bore I was running out of energy. I said I thought it best for me to switch off for a few days to recharge so we tentatively booked the following Saturday.
On to the pictures, assuming you haven’t already looked.
I’d asked Carol to avoid including my face in the more risqué ones which she certainly did, but shot everything like that. I must chastise her for her failure! I’d have liked a few more shots with more of me in, but I guess you guys will be happy with what’s on show. After all, you know what my face looks like now.
This is a big deal for me. I’ve never shown these parts of my body before. Even when flashing it’s only my undies that I’ve displayed. I think I’m ok with it. As I type this the overwhelming feeling is one of sexy excitement so here goes. Compliments will go a long way to me doing more like these! I was going to post one from each set we did, but thought it might be better for you to see a selection from one. This lingerie set by the way is the one I wore when I took my knickers off earlier in the week at work. XXXXX
PS I love the dress, can't wait to wear it to a party without a slip! (If I have the courage).

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