What an evening. Again! If I ever wrote an autobiography I’d start and finish with this last month.
What an evening. Again! If I ever wrote an autobiography I’d start and finish with this last month.
I popped home from work to pick up my new lingerie and threw a couple of outfits in for good measure. I really had no idea what we’d do or shoot. It had been a spur of the moment idea to see if Carol would take some photographs but I was so hot I knew I needed to do something and setting up all the gear myself can be a real faff, although for my more lewd pics (peeing!) it was ideal. Little did I realise how the evening would progress.
I had told Carol I wanted her to take the photos. I still had a slight niggle in my mind about Charles although I’m not sure what I was concerned about as I felt certain he would not make a move on me, especially with Carol there. Just me and my man phobia I suppose.
He was around but made himself scarce after we’d had a bite to eat.
I’d brought my camera gear with me but we decided Carol should use her own as she knew how it worked which was a sort of bonus!
Up in a bedroom and I showed Carol my purchases from the previous day which made her quite envious. We chose a set and started shooting. I’d explained to her I wanted to be more daring and given how sheer most of the lingerie was I didn’t have much choice!
Carol clearly loves doing this as I’d discovered on our previous outing. It gave her the perfect excuse to boss me around and she didn’t waste it, urging me to be more and more brazen. “Open your legs more. Let me get close to your pussy. Stick your bum up more.” Not that I needed the encouragement. I was hot, and couldn’t stop touching myself. Not that that phased Carol, she kept shooting away.
After we’d done a couple of sets I suggested to her she join in so I could show all my followers what a glamorous 60 year old she was.
She protested that no one would want to view her old body so that’s when I tweeted and asked followers if they wanted to see her. We took a break and Charles brought us a coffee while we waited for responses.
I think he would have happily brought us cup after cup by the look on his face when he walked in. I can’t remember which set of lingerie I was wearing but I was only in bra and knickers. He appreciated the view for sure and that did nothing to quell my libido.
It dawned on me when I saw his face that my doing this and turning men on is subliminally my way of getting my own back for being downtrodden and ignored for so many years. Control was with me. Power in my hands. I deliberately let my legs drift apart and as my knickers hid virtually nothing, he had a great view which I could see was having an effect. Yes, it was definitely the power element that was turning me on. You don’t mind being under my thumb do you guys?
I hoped Carol wouldn’t mind either but she didn’t notice or chose not to. By the time we’d finished coffee, my tweet had dozens of lovely responses and Carol said she’d give it a go. I don’t think she was that averse to the idea really but just wouldn’t admit it to herself. She did add the proviso that her face should be blanked but I have a sneaking suspicion that won’t last long.
Carol didn’t ask Charles about posing and I had the impression they may have already discussed the possibility. She simply called him back and told him he’d be taking some pictures. (As I’ve said with Carol around you don’t need to think for yourself!) He didn’t seem to mind!
I suggested to Carol she might find it easier if we both started dressed rather than in lingerie and this is what we did. We went off and rummaged through Carol’s lingerie drawer to find something suitable. She’d been envious of my purchases but her drawer was full of sexy items anyway. She chose a set and put back on the skirt and top she’d been wearing. She soon got into the mood to display her undies giving Charles some horny upskirt shots in the kitchen.
She had got the hang of things, far faster than I had!
The banter between us was getting more and more risqué and I did wonder if it would lead to my second bi encounter or indeed a threesome. Could I cope with that? I had no idea, but couldn’t worry about it, I was having too much fun.
We had a slight break between sets and were joking around when I felt Carol’s arm around my shoulders and a hand down my top! (Photo proof below) It was all done in a very jokey manner but I was willing it to go further. I can’t recall what she was saying, but I felt her fingers tweek my nipple and then she pulled her hand out. I find it amazing how when I think my libido meter is banging on maximum something occurs and it rises more. That certainly happened then.
But nothing else and Charles suggested we carried on which we obediently did.
I think we could have gone on all night, I certainly could have, but I was conscious I had work in the morning so eventually, reluctantly, called a halt.
I got dressed in what I’d come in and realised I was in dire need of a pee. I hadn’t been since I’d left the office. I told Carol and went to go to the bathroom, but she stopped me.
“Honey, I thought you were becoming a deviant slut. Do it there!”
What? I was standing in their spare bedroom! They used it as a storeroom and Charles’ man cave but it was carpeted. Carol had said it in her tone of voice that brooked no dissent, but I didn’t think she could be serious.
“You’re joking.”
“No. Pee there. I want to know how depraved my best friend is.” There was a smile on her face but she obviously meant it.
There was no way I was going to refuse. For one thing, I was so hot I would burn toast. For another, I was desperate for a pee. But mostly because I’d been eager to pee over furniture or carpet since I’d done it in my kitchen. The need to do something so, so dirty had been eating me up
I didn’t reply. I just looked at her, smiled, opened my legs and let go. I had no knickers on, so the stream was concentrated. The relief was pleasant, but the sheer depravity of what I was doing, of pissing over their carpet was mind blowing. There, dressed in an office outfit, looking at my best friend as I unleashed a torrent of piss over her carpet was a memory that will stay with me forever. What a perverted slut. Carol snatched the camera up and took some shots. Oh. My. God. I looked down at the spreading wet patch on the carpet.
“Good girl. That should please your followers”
She really was pushing me but I had to see if I could shock her. I couldn’t let her have all the fun! I pulled my skirt up so she could see what I was doing, wiped the drips of piss off my pussy and sucked my fingers! The taste was mainly my juice. All this sexy activity had prompted me to get very wet, but there was the taste of pee in there too. Magical.
Carol’s response was to burst into laughter.
“You always were one to have the last word weren’t you?”
We hugged. I made it an intimate hug. Pressed my body close and ran my hand down her back as Jane had done with me, but I felt no response. Nothing was going to happen. I’m not sure why given how hot we both were and how she’d fondled my tit earlier, but it was probably a good thing in the circumstances, given I had work the following day. I said goodnight, gave Charles a peck on the cheek and somehow managed to concentrate enough to drive home.
Enjoy the pics. Sorry about the colour on some. I was going to try to adjust it but thought you’d rather see them sooner than later-like months given my computer skills! There are so many different sets I’m going to split the posting in two. Tomorrow’s will concentrate on my new lingerie. XXXXXXX