Baby Sitting my Toy Boy 4

If you want to catch up on my adventures to date, you’ll find the list of all 123 blogs here:

If you want to catch up on my adventures to date, you’ll find the list of all 123 blogs here:

We dozed for a while. What John was thinking I’d no idea but I knew where my thoughts were. Down the dirty end of depravity!

I had a mind buzzing with possibilities for this young man but what was uppermost was his reaction when I’d remarked about him thinking I was his mother. Reading back what I had written I don’t think I conveyed the change in him adequately. It was the equivalent of putting a jet engine on a car. Supercharging him. The intensity. The force. No doubt in my mind he wanted to fuck his mother, and hard.

There was no chance of it happening not least because it was illegal and I doubted Lizzie would even contemplate it. It was one thing getting Mary to play with her daughter, another thing entirely suggesting a mother let her son fuck her.


A thought occurred to me. I wondered if it would be possible to find one of John's classmates that might appeal to Lizzie who had a mother that appealed to John. We could then have a mother swap as opposed to a wife swap! Something to ponder.

The other point I was eager to satisfy myself about was whether John had enjoyed the pissing episode. He’d been happy enough to partake but I wondered if that was simply to please me. I needed to ask the question, but I’d leave that for another day. Time was getting on and whilst I’d have loved to have stayed the night I didn’t think having my car parked in their driveway until morning was sensible. I have too much experience with nosey neighbours.

I roused myself and decided I needed a shower before I went. The smell of piss was a turn-on while I felt as horny as I had done. Now not so much.

I decided on one last play and then to go home. I leant over John and waggled my tits so that my nipples brushed his cheek. That woke him! “Come on,” I said, “time to clean up and get dirty.”

He didn’t need persuading to follow me to the bathroom and we were soon soaping each other under an invigorating hot stream of water.

His hand explored most of my body with one notable exception. We’d covered a lot of new ground so I didn’t think one more innovation would make much difference.

I took his hand and guided it around to my bum pushing it down between my legs. “Finger me there,” I breathed at him. “Please.” Ever the willing student he did, running a finger around the rim before collecting juice, of which there was plenty, and returning to my arse. I had some trepidation remembering how he’d first attacked other areas of my anatomy but he’d learnt the necessary lesson and pushed in gently.

Oh, the glorious feel! I held his cock which wasn’t totally flaccid but hardly gave the appearance of being cast of granite.

It didn’t matter to me though. His finger did the talking and my final orgasm arrived. That he had also stuffed my pussy with three fingers from his other hand may have contributed too!

As I calmed down I squatted in front of him and took his cock in my mouth. It felt hard enough and so it proved. The oral attention combined with a busy hand elicited a further climax from him albeit with a dearth of cum. But we were both satisfied and sated. The water continued to spray over us and I detected it was cooling. Time to dry off and bid him adieu.

Before I went I suggested it might be a good idea if he washed his sheet and asked if he needed a hand with the washing machine. He assured me he didn’t and that he’d do it as soon as I had left.

I gathered up the remnants of my clothes, hardly any of them worth wearing. I put the skirt back on, tucked my blouse sans buttons into it, put my shoes on, gathered up my other items including his mother’s ripped knickers and kissed him Goodnight.

I drove home well satisfied!


As you’ll know I had a horrendously busy week at work and it wasn’t until Friday that I found I’d missed a couple of calls from Lizzie. I tried phoning her back but mine went to voicemail so it was no great surprise that when I answered the door late Sunday morning it was Lizzie standing there.

“Sorry to bother you but we seem to be missing each other and I wanted to thank you for keeping an eye on John.” She handed over a bottle of wine.

I assured her it wasn’t a problem and invited her in for a coffee.

“I hope he wasn’t any bother,” she said as I made the coffee. It was as much as I could do to stop myself from laughing.

“No,” I assured her, “none at all.”

“Was there anyone with him when you popped round?”

I went cold. “No. Why do you ask?”

“Well, it’s a bit embarrassing and strange, but when I was cleaning the bathroom I found a couple of blouse buttons. One under the sink and one by the bath. They’re not mine but definitely off a blouse. And then, god this is a bit embarrassing but considering what we’ve done together I’m sure you’ll understand, then when I was changing his sheets I noticed a stain on the mattress. It’s a bit weird because the sheet looked okay.”

I kicked myself. I should have remembered the buttons although there was nothing I could have done about the mattress.

“I can only think he had a girlfriend round. I don’t mind. In fact, I’m delighted and I’d love to ask him about her and get him to bring her to meet us, but I don’t want to embarrass him and I just wondered if you’d got any inclination as to what he may have been up to.” It all came out in a rush. She seemed embarrassed although I wasn’t quite sure why.

“Certainly while I was there, there wasn’t anyone else in the house,” I replied truthfully, “but that’s not to say he didn’t have someone visit later. If I were you I’d leave it. If he has got a girlfriend I’d leave it to him to tell you.”

“You’re probably right, but John, with a girlfriend! It could explain, I suppose, why he’s been so cheerful recently but I can’t think where he would have met her.”

She showed no sign of putting two and two together but I needed to steer the conversation away before she did.

“I should think it will be one of his classmates from college. I’m sure he let skip once something about one of them.”

Lizzie perked up. “What? That he fancied them?”

I forced a laugh. “No, no. Can you imagine John saying that to me virtually a stranger?”

“Ha no, you’re probably right though, one of his friends from tech. Good for him.”

She seemed satisfied so I changed the subject. “Now when are we going out again?”

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