Anyone for an Orgy?
It was a strange feeling watching the two of them. It’s not as if she were my daughter but I felt a responsibility. Crazy to be concerned…

It was a strange feeling watching the two of them. It’s not as if she were my daughter but I felt a responsibility. Crazy to be concerned on so many levels. She wasn’t a virgin. She’d done some outrageous sexy things with Mary and me. Charles was a gentleman. But still, I had that twinge. God knows how Mary felt. Less concerned by the look of her! At least what I could see with her head jammed between my thighs, loud slurping noises emanating from the area.
But I ought to start at the beginning…
I had spoken to Mary to let her know I’d cleared it with Carol and Charles. A strange conversation more akin to saying ‘Yes Charles is happy to give Katie driving lessons,’ than ‘Yes Charles is happy to fuck Katie’s brains out.’ I didn’t put it like that. Hardly the thing one says to a mother about her daughter even when they’d done the things they had together.
The location was a difficulty. Mary admitted that after our last session clearing up her house to remove all visible signs of the sexual activities had been stressful. With an added two people turning it into a full-blown orgy the situation could be even worse. The problem with holding it elsewhere was Simon’s 10.00 pm call. Mary was still convinced he had a tracker on her phone and we knew he checked the mileage on her car. In the end, we decided it was safer for Mary to hold it at her house and Carol volunteered to return the next day (or stay on) to help her clear up. After all, she had plenty of practice with me using any room in her house to pee in.
This would be a first for me and for Mary and Katie. Sex with multiple people. (Not exactly accurate but I’m sure you know what I mean.) But Carol and Charles had experience, so we’d be led by them.
It felt a little bit staged given the purpose was for Katie to experience an older man but I was sure we’d have fun!
We agreed to limit the action to the largest of Mary's spare bedrooms (they had three). That way if there was a cleaning issue there was less chance of Simon seeing it.
If Katie wanted privacy they’d use her bed. It was sounding like organising the bedrooms when everyone stayed at Christmas and it brought home to me how ‘normal’ I now regarded this part of my life.
It was less stilted to start than I expected. I introduced everyone and we had a drink in the lounge to relax. We were all dressed. Tops and skirts all round, (well, not Charles. Not this time!) I assumed we’d all be wearing sexy attire underneath.
Katie was eyeing Charles. Was she thinking ‘he’s so old’ or ‘at last, an experienced cock?’ I’ve said he’s a very presentable sixty something, but that did put him at over triple Katie’s age and I wondered if she might be having second thoughts.
Mary seemed relaxed. If I didn’t know better I’d have thought she was a seasoned participant in these sorts of gatherings. It was Carol who made the suggestion we start and we trooped upstairs to the spare room. Mary had prepared it for action. The bed was clear apart from a bottom sheet. There were two easy chairs in the corners and a chest of drawers. Nothing else. No paintings on the walls. No family photographs on the chest of drawers. No vases of flowers. I was certain it wouldn’t have been because Mary had ‘cleared the decks for action’ but Simon’s minimalistic fetish.
Katie jumped on the bed, adopted her star shape, announcing, “I’m ready.” Not too many nerves in evidence there! Spreading her legs revealed she was not wearing stockings or knickers. A twinge of envy shot through me. Lucky Charles. The man in question obliged by sitting on the edge of the bed and gently massaging a tit. It seemed voyeuristic to just stand and watch so I said to the others “Let’s see how comfortable the chairs are.” I took Mary's hand, led her over to one, sat down, pulled her onto my lap and kissed her. As I did I pushed one leg away, opening up a view for Carol who needed no encouragement to drop her head to Mary’s vagina. I felt Mary tense as Carol’s lips made contact, after all this was a first for her, a stranger being intimate. but she soon relaxed and transmitted her feelings through her pussy lips to her mouth and tongue which were busy with mine. My hand undid her blouse and groped a tit. Her hand reciprocated on mine. One of Carol's hands found its way to Mary’s other tit, then to mine. I could hear noises from the bed. The whole scenario was so horny. No one was touching my pussy, but it needed no physical stimulation to go into overdrive producing juice.
Carol's head came up and she stole Mary's lips. By the sudden twitch in Mary’s body, I assumed Carol’s fingers had found her cunt. I was now bottom of a pile of three making it difficult to do anything but Carol stood up to get a better feel of Mary’s pussy and I seized the opportunity to stick my hand up her skirt. Another one not wearing knickers. I was seriously overdressed.
Eventually, the whole thing became too squashed and awkward and we ended up rolling off the chair onto the floor and divesting ourselves of skirts and tops and me my knickers. Carol was used to multiples so organised us. A circle. My head up between Mary's legs, her head in a similar position with Carol and Carol's lips firmly wedged up my cunt. Our mouths all drinking hungrily. My thumb was rubbing Mary's clit Carol's finger had found my arse. I had no idea how Mary was amusing herself but I’m sure she was.
Then the cry from the bed. It had been a continual background noise. The sound of kissing, of “yes yes I love it” or “oh fuck! more” but now it was a piercing shout, the decibels equalling last time, “Oh shit!” I had to look. I pulled my head away from Mary's pussy. Katie’s body now naked apart from her shirt, was convulsing. Charles in a perfect curve from his toes to his thrown back head. His body still thrusting the last of his semen into her. (No condom. She is on the pill).
Mary's head had also come up. I glanced at her. She had told me beforehand she wondered if she might want Charles too, a departure from her ‘I don’t want to commit adultery’ stance but understandable. The look on her face confirmed she’d made her decision. I wasn’t in the field to spoil that for her, but I did want to do something with Katie. Charles had rolled to the side and I scrambled onto the bed. “On your knees,” I huskily ordered the young girl. She did as asked and I slid my head between them under her filled cunt. Just in time. Charles's sperm was trickling out. I pulled Katie’s lips aside and planted my own on them. I felt and tasted the cum so slowly falling into my mouth. Then I felt lips on my cunt. I couldn’t see who it was. I didn’t care. The kinkiness of drinking a mans cum from this gorgeous nineteen-year-old and having my clit tickled had me racing towards a climax. I had a mouthful of cum, the flow had stopped, and I was about to swallow when I had a better idea. Somehow I managed to control my bodily functions and not come. If I had I know I would have involuntarily swallowed the semen. That, I wanted to avoid. I extricated myself from under Katie. The lips that had been kissing me were Mary's. Perfect. A ringside view. I wanted her close while I added yet more perversion into her young daughter’s life. I scrambled down the bed, grabbed Katie’s head, turned her face up and opened my mouth. The cum was now finding its third home. I had no idea how she would react but I added saliva. Dirty. Gorgeous feeling. She made no effort to avoid it. I let it follow the cum out of my mouth. A line, a spiders web between our mouths. How fucked. Katie seemed to relish the debauchery. She opened her mouth wide. The fluids drained in. she kissed and licked the remains off my face. One look in her eyes showed she was in seventh heaven. She finished collecting what she could, and opened her mouth to show the load, then swallowed.
“That was gross!” (A word to resurface later) “Loved it. Gotta do you, I know you’re so close Trace.” I had been. I was amazed I managed to stop myself but now urgently needed release. Mary and Katie fought for the honour. Mary slipped between my legs scissoring me. Katie dropped her head to my tits and began suckling.
Mary’s hips thrust back and forth. Vigorously. Her eyes though were fixed on Charlie’s cock and that’s where she was in her mind. Fucking his seven inches of manhood. At that moment she had to make do with the few millimetres of my clit. She was ‘making do’ admirably! It took less than a minute of her grinding her clit against mine for me to release the pent up sexual feeling. Wow. I bucked like a wild bronco.
Mary had brought herself off too. She sat back on her haunches for a second or two, breathing heavily. She looking around at Charles, lying next to her daughter idly wanking his flaccid cock with one hand and fingering Katie with the other. “Let me,” she said and crawled over to take over wanking duty.
She’d used the fuck with me to heighten her sexual need. To give her the courage to touch (at the very least) a cock other than Simon’s. Good for her.
Charles didn’t seem to mind.
Carol and I left her to it and paid attention to Katie who was clearly still in the afterglow of her tumultuous orgasm. My guess was that her cunt would remain available to cock for a while yet, although perhaps with an age requirement!
The bed was full with the five of us but cosy, lots of overlapping bodies and hands legs and heads intermingling. Everything seemed available to everyone although Mary monopolised Charlie’s cock. It was soon erect again. Amazing. Either Charles had been at the viagra or Mary had a stunning hand technique she hadn’t forgotten from lack of use. That it was solid again didn’t deter Mary. I wondered how far she’d go. Certainly at least one more step. Her head went down and Charlie’s cock went into her mouth. Being closest to her upraised bum, Katie leant in and started licking and kissing her mother's cunt and bum. Carol joined the conga line by plugging herself into Katie. Then me. Carol's cunt is yummy and I pulled her lips apart to sink my tongue in deep. Everyone kept at it until Charles let out a long sigh announcing his second coming! I wondered how many he was capable of. Carol was close to coming too, so I continued my attention on her pussy. I was right. Her head came back. “Oh god Hun, magic!” With that, her juices erupted. Yes, magic was the right word.
We collapsed along with the others. A pile of shagged out bodies. I asked the question. “From the sounds of things Charles convinced you that men can provide satisfaction, Katie?”
(So much more a professional way of putting it than ‘Did you enjoy that shag?’ don’t you think?)
“Fuck, yes!” Was the emphatic reply.
“So you’re not becoming a lesbian?”
“No way! I’ll still be bi though. Can’t do without your attention.” She confirmed it by giving me a long wet kiss.
Mary was looking thoughtful and commented, “I guess I’ve crossed a bridge too.”
“How was it after all these years? what is it, six?”
”To suck a cock off? I should think more like ten. That came off the menu ages before he finally gave up on me, but it was gorgeous. I always adored the taste of cum, probably because I got it so rarely. Loved it.”
“Christ why’d he stop you giving a blow job?” asked Charles, “if you’re happy to give head, it’s an easy way for him to get satisfaction.”
“I know, but he seemed suddenly to be of the opinion it was dirty.”
“You don’t think he’s secretly got religion?” Carol offered.
We roared but as in the previous week talking about Simon summoned him up. We had warned Charlie and Carol and we all sat silently while Mary answered. There was no winding him up this week just a very curt, very short conversation and he was gone.
“What now?” asked Carol, “anyone for seconds?” Everyone’s hand went up! “Actually,” said Mary, “I wanted to watch Charles screwing Katie but got carried away by the taste of someone’s pussy. Any chance of a rerun?”
“I’m up for it,” announced Katie sitting up at one end of the bed and spreading her legs, a smile as wide as the Atlantic on her face. Poor Charles! Being asked for a third helping inside a couple of hours!
“Give me another half hour or so. You girls amuse yourselves, I’m not quite as prolific as I used to be.” Wow! What did he use to be like? I leant forward and kissed him. “You’re doing a sterling job.”
He climbed off the bed and sat in one of the chairs.
“I need a pee before anything else,” stated Carol. “Unless we’re doing watersports?” On my first night with Mary, it had been evident she wasn’t a fan and I’d not raised the subject again. I couldn’t remember ever discussing it with Katie so had no idea how she would react, but the very mention of the word sent more tingles through my body. “I’m in,” I announced, “anyone else?”
Katie almost shrieked, “Watersports? You mean peeing? Like, over each other?” Carol and I both replied, “Yes.”
“Gross! Can I watch?” Katie had a huge excited smile on her face. “You can join in if you want,” I replied.
“God no, but I think it might be horny to watch.”
“How about you Mary? You could just pee on us?” I offered.
“Perhaps, see how it goes.” She sounded less than enthusiastic.
“Come on Charlie you don’t need a solid cock for this,” Carol grabbed his hand and hauled him out of the chair.
So it was that the five of us trooped down to the guests bathroom. No one had actual said about going there to do it, but if four or five of us were going to empty ourselves cleaning the bedroom carpet would have been a mammoth task.
The bathroom was big. Naturally. A large bath and a huge walk-in shower. “Who’s first?“ asked Carol. The atmosphere was more lighthearted than sexy, but still horny enough to reintroduce some life back into Charlie's cock.
“Pee on me,” I said to Carol, “you’re the desperate one. I climbed into the bath and knelt down facing the four of them. Quite an audience. That moved the atmosphere rating for me towards sexy quite a bit. The bath was in an alcove and at the end away from the taps there was a large ledge festooned with bubble bath and shampoo bottles. Mary swept them away and Carol clambered up helped by Charles. She took aim. My perfect slut scenario! Taking a face full of piss from another woman while being watched by an assorted crowd. The feeling caused by those voyeurs was new. I know I’ve shown everything in public but it rarely results in such a blatant sexual act. To be watched while I fingered myself and drank down as much piss as I could was on an altogether different level. Imagine if they were strangers! All too soon her flow dried up, but I couldn’t halt my fingers. I looked at the viewers. Imagined they were strangers, sat back in the bath opened my legs wide and drilled myself with three fingers. Further fantasising. In the street. Pedestrians walking by. My skirt hitched up. Pee streaming out. I came again. Carol followed my example and Katie started fingering her mother. Charlie wanked. I hoped he had control of it. We were all desperate to watch him sink it into young Katie again. “Get in Carol,” he said, “I’ll do you both.”
My friend joined me. The orgasm had left me wobbly and as Carol climbed in we got sidetracked as she nearly slipped and fell into my arms. The next couple of minutes were spent tasting the scent of so many different bodies and their fluids on each other. Now my body was screaming for release again — already! We turned to face Charlie. He climbed on the ledge and was about to aim his cock. “Oh, let me,” giggled Mary. How her mood was still lighthearted I didn’t know. Perhaps because of her aversion to peeing. I know my mood was now one hundred per cent deviant sex. She leant across and took control of Charlie’s cock. “Fire!” shouted Katie with a laugh. The man amongst us did. Mary aimed well, sharing the flow between us, Carol now as eager to drink the golden nectar as I was. When it was finished we set about cleaning each other’s faces. “Can I taste?” The question was from Katie, her fingers still exercising in her hole. God she was going to be sore in the morning. “Of course,” we both replied helping her in. She licked Carol's face, then mine. There wasn’t a great deal of piss left and I wondered if she’d be able to appreciate the taste.
“Shit, this is so horny. Can I try?”
“You mean being peed on?”
“Okay, kneel down,” I said. It had to be me. Apart from Mary, I was the only one left with a full bladder and her mother was standing back from the bath seemingly wanting to take no part, other than using it as an excuse to handle Charles's cock again. But she was getting some finger exercise. Or rather she was benefitting from Charles's fingers. I couldn’t pay much attention though. Katie was now kneeling in front of me looking up like a puppy expecting a treat, still fingering herself. Carol sat behind her, legs either side and massaging both her tits, while she waited for me to start. My bladder was reasonably full. I hadn’t anticipated watersports so hadn’t prepared, but I was sure I’d be able to muster a good flow if not for too long.
As my piss hit Katie’s face she clamped her mouth shut and grimaced. I clenched my muscles and stopped the flow. “Not good? Want to stop?”
“No, no,” she spluttered. “I was just surprised; warmer than I thought and stronger.”
I didn’t give her a chance to change her mind but let go again. She kept her mouth and eyes closed but moved her face around under the stream as if it were a regular shower. My flow ended. Carol turned Katie’s head to the side and began mopping up with her tongue.
I glanced over to Mary and Charles. I was glad to see he still had his erection. The two of them were clinched together, mouths locked, Charles's hands on Mary's buttocks spreading them, feeling her anus. Mary’s tiny hand encircling Charlie’s weapon.
Carol climbed out of the bath and tapped Charles on the shoulder. I did momentarily wonder if she was angry or jealous. He came up for air. “You’re here to screw Katie, control yourself!”
Her tone was lighthearted. No problem there thankfully. “Yes, indeed. I think I’m ready.” We all laughed and Carol gave his manhood a playful slap. “So I see.”
Charlie led the way back to the bedroom, sat on the bed and patted it for Katie to join him. The atmosphere! Physically and metaphorically. I need to try to describe it. Physically it was pure unadulterated sex. Debauched. The aroma of sweat mixed with our sexual juices and piss soaked bodies was all pervading. It wasn’t only the sheet Mary would need to ensure was sweet smelling by the time Simon returned. The pee had now dried on us. How fucking perverted. Ages ranging from nineteen to sixty plus. All as deviant as the next. Mary, sweet innocent Mary, ‘I don’t want to commit adultery ’ Mary. Well, she hadn’t but couldn’t get much closer. I loved her for it, we were such soul mates. She’d kissed Charles passionately. She’d wanked him, she’d given him a blow job, she’d swallowed his cum. No, your honour, no intercourse. Katie. Sweet nineteen. Too reserved to show a peek of stocking in public but happy to be fucked in a room of people including her mother by a man over forty years her senior, to take a faceful of piss from her mother's friend.
As for Carol and I, well we’re beyond redemption anyway!
So to what I suspected was going to be the finale. We were going to watch Charles fuck young Katie. Ringside seats. Where’s the ice cream? Popcorn? God. Perverted isn’t the word. The whole scenario deserved that description without the presence of Mary. Add the mother of the girl getting fucked and it had to be off-the-scale perversion. And every one of us there was dripping from the anticipation.
We three women went and sat on one of the chairs, Mary in the chair and Carol and I sitting on each arm. A hand each groping Mary’s tits while she had a hand on our pussies.
I have said in earlier blogs I didn’t think Katie had a lot of experience but the way she and Charles fucked I think I may have been wrong!
I loved watching them. Apart from my couple of evenings with Kaz and Craig, I’ve never been in the same room as a couple having sex and having my fingers up one of the participant’s mother certainly added appeal. Charlie went through quite a repertoire. Missionary, sixty-nine, doggie, Katie’s legs over his shoulders, anal. All accompanied by appreciative moans from his young partner. My hand up Mary’s pussy acted as an accurate guide as to how she was enjoying watching her daughter get screwed. Lots of leaking on a continuous basis with spurts for things she found extra sexy. Charlie’s cock disappearing up her daughter's bum being one. Access was clearly tight. It took him a long while teasing his prick against her bum hole. Licking his fingers and using her juice for lubrication, but eventually with a screamed “Oh fuck!” from Katie he slid in. He’d dispensed with her anal virginity. Mary was still idly fingering me but her whole concentration was on what was happening to Katie. It was sexually exciting her without a doubt.
As Charles withdrew from her arse he rolled over in the bed pulling Kate on top of himself, but facing the ceiling and slid his cock in her cunt announcing, “Come on ladies, give me a hand.”
None of us was going to refuse the offer but Mary was out of the chair like Usain Bolt virtually throwing herself on the bed and introducing her tongue to the combination of Charles’s cock and Katies pussy. Letting her tongue run the length of manhood as it emerged from Katie, then licking and cupping his balls as it returned into her. Carol and I had taken up a position on either side of Charles. Carol's interest unsurprisingly was young Katie and she lent over her kissing her full on the mouth and a hand went to a tit. That left Charles for me. No hesitation. I locked lips. Open mouthed. Tongues clashing. He was still fucking Katie so his body was shunting back and forth with each stroke. It made a passionate kiss difficult but I— we all — were so sexed up nothing would prevent the coming climax. Katie was near orgasm. Her breathing was staccato. Whimpering sounds escaped as Charles's cock continued thudding into her. Through the coming climax, I heard her speak, “Fuck fuck fuck. Don’t come, Charlie. Mum. You got to let him do you.”
There was silence. At least, no word was spoken. The noise of the screwing continued. Eventually, Mary did speak. “No darling, I’ve gone quite far enough. You finish him.” She would tell me afterwards that she’d had to wrestle with herself to make that call and doubted the answer would be the same if there was a next time.
“Okay,” answered Katie more as an exhaled breath than a word. She pulled herself up so she was sitting over Charles and rode him. Hard and fast. Over the finish line. His exploding into her triggered her orgasm and mine. I realised someone was fingering me. In the tangle of bodies, I had no idea who. If it was man or woman so what. It brought another shuddering orgasm. We were all reduced to a sweaty pile on the bed.
“I’ll clean up though,” announced Mary. She wasn’t talking about washing the sheet.