An Evening Out
Following my coffee with Mary ( ) she sent me a text and we arranged to meet…

Following my coffee with Mary ( ) she sent me a text and we arranged to meet after work on Wednesday. Apparently, her husband, Simon, was away in Birmingham on business. I wasn’t quite clear why that was relevant, I imagined she could legitimately tell him we were talking about me helping out with Katie’s competitions, but no doubt I’d learn more.
She suggested a hotel bar, as she didn’t much like entering pubs on her own. I thought that was an attitude that had died a generation ago, but I wasn’t bothered where we met. In fact, I quite liked the idea of a hotel bar. I had an idea if the meeting turned out not to be fruitful!
I bought myself a tonic water as I’d decided to keep a clear head. I didn’t want to end up saying the wrong things! As it turned out that was a fortuitous decision. I chose a table in a corner with two low armchairs and picked the one facing the bar.
Mary arrived shortly after. I had wondered how she would dress and whether that would give me a clue as to whether this was going to just be the chat she asked for or something more. In the event, she was dressed casually in smart trousers, a sweater, and high heel patent shoes, which told me nothing.
I got her a drink, a tomato juice and we started chatting. Naturally enough it started with horses, but no matter how I tried to steer it she was reluctant to change the subject. She was clearly trying to avoid any mention of sex. Eventually, as she stopped to take a sip of her drink, I stepped in.
“Mary, don’t be embarrassed by the subject. We’re both grown women, it’s okay to talk about sex. (God, am I getting pompous?) What did you want to ask?”
Silence. She was nursing her drink, looking at it as though searching for words.
“I’m sorry. I really think this was a terrible mistake. I’m so sorry to have wasted your evening. Let me buy you a drink then I’ll go.”
Oh wow. That was a disappointment, but I couldn’t give up that easily.
“No, hang on. Look. I know how difficult this can be. The nerves I had at the start! And I didn’t have a husband to consider. Look, just talk. You’re here now. Have an evening out. A girly evening!”
She hesitated, but said, “Okay then, but let me get you that drink.”
While she was at the bar I noticed two businessmen, reps probably by the look of them, away from home having to fill in the evening talking with their colleagues. I decided I might liven it up for them. As it looked as though I was unlikely to be lucky with Mary I might as well have some fun. To see these men succumbing to my flashing would be a real turn-on!
I’d come to the hotel directly from work so was still in my suit and stockings. I didn’t want to be too blatant with Mary there so simply edged my bottom forward on the chair slightly, crossed my legs (elegantly) but made sure my skirt sat away from my leg. I felt certain my stocking top and possibly a suspender snap would be visible if either of the men looked. I’d leave it like that and wait to see how the evening went.
Mary walked back with the drinks. She was watching the glasses rather than looking at me so didn’t notice my display. At least if she did she didn’t react.
She’d bought herself a brandy. I hoped that might give her the confidence she needed to at least talk about sex, but I let her lead the conversation. It was wide-ranging, including horses (obviously) children, education, work, and even politics, but not relationships or sex.
While we were having our chat I kept a surreptitious eye on the two guys at the bar. It took about ten minutes but then I saw one survey the room and his eyes stopped when they got to me, or more accurately my legs. He nudged his mate who looked too. I didn’t let on I’d seen them but went back to concentrating on our conversation. That they had spotted my display though made me desperately want to do something sexier.
Then suddenly Mary asked out of the blue, “Are you gay?” There was an almost accusatory tone to it, which I wasn’t overly impressed by.
“No,” I replied, “Why? Would that be a problem?”
“No,” she responded, but with a huge question mark as if she wasn’t sure. “I just wondered if that would have been part of the reason for your marriage breakup.”
“I didn’t even realise while I was married that I did like women.”
“But you do?”
“More than men?”
I didn’t want to get into the whole ‘man phobia’ scenario so deflected the question, “Why do you ask?”
“I’m not really sure. I think… I can’t think of what else to ask. Stupid.” She took a large gulp of her brandy.
This was definitely weird. She was clearly having a huge internal argument.
“About me, or sex with a woman?”
“Both, either, oh god I don’t know. You must think me a real drip. I’m confused. One part of me, a small part wants to try it, but so much of me is desperately trying to think of reasons for not doing it
“Why do you think you don’t want to do it?”
“That’s the thing, I don’t know! I think it’s because I don’t want to give him a reason to divorce me.”
“Do you think he’s looking for a reason?”
“No! At least I have no reason to think he is. I’m sure his work is all consuming.”
“You do know that sex with another woman is not adultery?”
“What? Isn’t it?”
“No, honestly you can look it up on the internet if you don’t believe me.”
“Oh, no I’m sure you’re right, but I’m not sure if that changes anything.”
I was getting frustrated. I didn’t want to upset her and still desperately wanted to get her into bed, but I had a need, and the two guys at the bar were still eyeing me. Let me be clear I wasn’t thinking of letting them fuck me, I just wanted-needed-to give them a good show.
We’d finished our drinks and I offered to get refills but Mary wouldn’t hear of it. She insisted on buying the next round as she felt so guilty about bringing me out.
While she was at the bar I uncrossed my legs, let my knees drift apart, and pretended to adjust a suspender. I could watch the two out of the corner of my eye as I did and they were now staring. God, that was hot! I stopped my pretend adjustment, dropped my skirt, and recrossed my legs. I had two very attentive admirers! At the next opportunity, I decided I’d wriggle out of my knickers, there in the bar, I was that hot.
Mary returned with the drinks. I noticed she had a large brandy this time and that she swayed slightly as she returned. Surely not tipsy from a single brandy? I wondered if she’d had some alcohol to fortify her before she came out. As she put the drinks on the table her eye caught my errant skirt hem.
“Tracy, you’re showing a lot of leg!”
“Mm? Yes, probably.” Mary looked around the bar and saw my admirers.
“Those two men are looking!”
“I know.”
“You know? You’re deliberately showing them?” I couldn’t tell from her tone how she felt about it, there was a definite slur in her words.
“I suppose I am.” I’d now decided this wasn’t going anywhere with Mary so it didn’t matter if I upset her. I uncrossed my legs, hoisted the hem of my skirt to just below my stocking tops, and let my knees drift apart about a foot. I didn’t look at the two men but at Mary.
“It’s a delicious feeling Mary, being this wanton. I’m not going to let them touch me but the feeling of stirring their hormones is mind-blowing.” I expected her to stomp off in a huff, but she just sat there looking at me, her mouth literally agape. She glanced at the men, then back at me, her mouth still wide, then out of the blue she giggled. “You’re a one-off aren’t you? I have an idea being around you is not likely to be dull.”
Is? Was she really contemplating the possibility?
She took a large swig of her brandy. A very large swig. I hoped she was used to the spirit. If not her head in the morning was going to be full of men with large hammers.
She sat forward in her chair, leaned over conspiratorially, and whispered, “I was so scared coming here tonight. I had a large scotch before I came out and I think it’s gone to my head… I don’t normally drink much… I needed courage… Didn’t help much, did it?.. You are fun… I’m not scared now… Just a bit horny… I wonder what you’re like in bed… Do you fancy either of those two?.. I don’t… Too smarmy… You’re not smarmy… I could fancy you… Oops think I need a pee… ‘Cuse me.” Each phrase issued like a machine gun firing. Each word more slurred than the previous one.
With that, she got up and staggered towards the Ladies. I’m not sure I’d ever seen anyone go from apparently sober to roaring drunk so quickly. I guessed it was the mixture of Scotch and Brandy especially if she’s not a drinker.
I couldn’t let her go on her own. I had a nasty suspicion she might not make it both ways. My admirers would have to wait. I stood up and followed her. I caught her up just as she entered the loo. “Oooo. Tracy Tracy, is this where you seduce me?” She giggled like a schoolgirl again. Quite endearing!
Oh, don’t tempt me I thought. “Not tonight Mary, wait till your sober.”
“Oooo, Tracy Tracy I’ll look forward to it.” She pushed on a cubicle door and nearly fell in. I grabbed her, turned her round, and undid her trousers. Pushed them and her knickers down and guided her backward onto the seat. Oh that she wasn’t drunk. I certainly know one man that wouldn’t have been bothered by that, but I was. No way was I taking advantage.
“Thanks you. You are a sweetie.” She murmured. I wondered if she was going to be sick. I hoped not. She finished peeing and stood up. God if she was sober this would have been so erotic. I pulled her knickers up for her. this time I noticed them. Very expensive, very sexy. Satin. Mmm. I did her trousers up and led her outside.
“My car’s over there somewhere I’m sure,” she slurred, waving an arm vaguely in the direction of the car park.
“And that’s where it’s staying,” I said. “I’ll take you home.”
Luckily we’d exchanged addresses along with our telephone numbers so I knew where to go.
I poured her into the passenger seat did her belt up and drove her home.
I hoped Katie was in otherwise I had the problem of finding her house key and putting her to bed. Not in the manner I’d been hoping!
I left Mary in the car and rang the bell. Luckily it wasn’t late and I heard footsteps. A voice from behind the door called out. “Who is it?” Sensible girl not opening the door late in the evening. “It’s Tracy, I’ve been out with your mother. I’m afraid she’s a little bit drunk. Can you help bring her in?”
“Mother? Drunk? I don’t believe you!” This was turning farcical. Certainly not the evening I’d been fantasising about. “Honestly. Look I’ll get her from the car.”
I went back to the car and extricated Mary who was now asleep. It was a good job she was so tiny, I had to virtually carry her, her feet dragging across the gravel drive.
I got her to the doorstep and the door opened. “Mummy! What on earth? How did she get like this? How much has she drunk?”
“Hardly anything,” I said. “Two or three measures of Brandy.”
“Oh wow. She knows brandy has this effect on her and I didn’t think she was supposed to drink with the pills she’s on.” That could explain it!
I helped Katie get her mother up to her bedroom and left her to deal with her saying I’d phone in the morning to see how she was.
“Thank you. Where’s her car?”
“Ah, yes, still in the hotel car park, the Grande. Do you want help to pick it up?”
“Er, well hopefully she’ll be able to in the morning. We’ll need to do it before Dad gets back, he wouldn’t be happy to know she’d been in this state.”
“Okay. Look text me in the morning. If you need a hand I’ll nip off work for an hour and take you.”
“Oh thank you. That’s much appreciated. Are you the lady that’s going to help with my show trips?”
“Well nice to meet you.”
We formally shook hands and said goodbye.
Well, that was an evening to remember. I hope Mary meant what she’d said before she became totally wasted. I assume she thought the alcohol would help with her nerves!
It was the first time I’d seen Katie up close and she is stunning. She’s taller than her mother but not by much, has a gorgeous figure, and long blonde hair. Oh, that I can bed them both!
Thursday morning. About 8.00am my phone rang. A very quiet apologetic voice on the other end.
“Tracy, I’m so sorry. What an idiot I am. The doctor and the chemist warned me, absolutely no alcohol with these pills, but I was so uptight, about seeing you, discussing what I wanted to discuss, I thought a glass might help me relax. Did I embarrass you terribly?”
It sounded as though she couldn’t remember much.
“No, not at all. We’ve all been there.”
“I know, but I should have known better. Can we try again next week? Wednesdays really are best for me. I think with what occurred last night I won’t be so embarrassed, and I promise I will be prepared to discuss it. Oh, and I thought your little display fun!”
So she could recall!
“Were you okay with that?”
“Oh Yes. Harmless. Not that I think I could do it. You see how embarrassed I get!”
“How’s your head?”
“Full of the London Symphony orchestra playing out of tune.”
“Oh dear. Are you alright to collect the car?”
“Oh shit! The car! Oh yes, I should think so. I’ll take some paracetamol, if it doesn’t clash with my pills, and go later. Again I’m so so sorry.”
“Don’t worry. It’s certainly broken the ice.”
She laughed and immediately groaned. “Ow! I shouldn’t do that. I must go. Thank you again. See you next week.”
I can’t wait.