An Afternoon with Carol and Charles (2)
If you haven’t read Part 1 I’d suggest you start there.
If you haven’t read Part 1 I’d suggest you start there.

“What now Hun?” We’d been sipping our Scotches in silence. I didn’t know what to say. I wasn’t exactly embarrassed, after all, it hadn’t been instigated by me, but when you have the impression of someone, straightlaced, upright and correct and suddenly you find them wanking off in front of you I think I had a legitimate reason to be just a teeny, weeny bit non-plussed.
To answer Carol's question I replied, “Your turn, after that I want some naughty pictures of you.”
“Fair enough,” she replied. I looked at her. There was no hint in her demeanour that she was feeling sexy, but the fact she had so readily agreed to ‘naughty pictures’ suggested otherwise! I wanted to get my own back. I was managing to treat the whole thing lightly, but his confrontation with a waggling cock was an eye-opener. Even now, writing this, I can’t comprehend how easily I accepted that cock’s presence in my personal space. You all probably think I’m bordering on needing psychiatric help, and to be honest, before I dipped my toe into the Twitter-sphere I was beginning to think I did. I doubt what Carol, or more correctly Charles, did will mean I’m happy to fuck men, but it’s certainly moved me down the path in the right direction.
So what to get Carol to do? I had a sudden desire to ask Charles to fuck his wife on camera, but he’d only just cum, and unless he was a super stud, especially given the quantity of semen he’d shot across the room, a re-run would be some time away.
I decided to see how much I could get Carol to show. Would she show her tits? Pussy? If she would, I wondered if she’d let me post the pictures. After this last week her wishes were definitely sacrosanct, but no harm in taking the shots anyway. I had many of myself stored that won’t see the light of day. At least for a while!
I went up with her to choose an outfit and decided on something I felt showed her glamorous side. She would certainly be a shoe-in to win any glamorous granny competition. If she’d had grandkids.
Charles was in tow again, but this time contributed to our decision. My impression of him was changing. Carol had him under her thumb, no doubt about that, but he’d been a successful businessman before retirement so there must be a spark of something in him. Ha! This afternoon had been a revelation of biblical proportions and I wondered where it might go.
We decided on Carol's clothes and stayed chatting while she changed then went downstairs, avoided the soaked carpet in their drawing room and started shooting in the lounge.
Carol’s demeanour had given no indication she was feeling sexy so her willingness to pose and to pose in provocative ways, was surprising. Skirt up round her waist, legs in the air, wide apart, knicker gusset barely hiding her pussy lips. She was turned on and her poses were having an effect on me too. I glanced at Charles. Yep, pretty sure he was getting the vibe. Impressive; it was less than an hour since he’d shot his load!
Carol was being reticent about showing her tits. I could hardly remonstrate with her considering mine don’t come out to play much, but then I had an idea. Oh wow. I wondered if Carol would let me? Even if I could muster the courage to ask her. I think I was projecting my wants onto her, and I decided then that if she said no I’d swop places.
“Is this sofa any more important than the carpet in your drawing room?” I asked. It wouldn’t have taken an Einstein to work out why I was asking and I expected a flat “No, we’re not doing that here!” from either or both of them. Instead, I saw Carol glance at her husband. He replied, “Not really, I’m sure it’s cleanable. What’s your idea?”
They probably thought I was going to ask Carol to pee on it. Wrong. “I thought you might like to pee over Carol, Charlie.” I’d never, ever called him Charlie before. Nor had I ever heard anyone apart from Carol, who used it as a term of endearment. I felt it right though. Couldn’t I be familiar with a man who I’ve just watched wank off?
“Er…” oh dear perhaps that was a kink too far. I was about to backtrack, offer to swop places, when Carol interjected. “Charlie! Don’t be so stuffy. I thought we’d agreed to explore new things with this young trollop.” Trollop? That’s a word you don’t hear much these days. I wondered if I should take it as a badge of honour or an insult, but Carol had said it with a smile so definitely the former I decided.
Charles seemed a little reticent but replied, “Well, fine. If you're willing.”
“Let’s see. If I scream you’ll know to stop.” Carol was trying to make light of it but I could see and feel that my suggestion had raised the temperature. God, I was jealous. I so wanted to experience this. Subconsciously I’d been hoping she’d say no, so I could take her place. Not that what was about to happen wouldn’t be a huge turn-on.
Charles unzipped for the second time that afternoon, dropped his trousers and boxers. (I’d half expected his underpants to be festooned with Union Jacks but they were plain black. I definitely needed to reassess my impression of him.)
In the back of my mind, I wondered if he’d be able to unleash his stream. My ‘research’ had thrown up any number of accounts of people not being able to pee due to the stress of the moment. Charlie continued to surprise me. He’d no sooner grabbed his cock and aimed it than a steady stream came forth! Oh god. It hadn’t registered with me until that minute that this was the first time I’d watched a man pee. At least with sexual connotations, and it had those in plenty. He didn’t waste time, he aimed the flow directly into her face. I thought he might work up to it, to see how she reacted but no, straight in. Carol's mouth was not clamped shut but neither was it wide open. She wasn’t going to drink, but happily let Charles spray her face. Oh my god. She moved her head from side to side as if under a normal shower. So, so horny. I couldn’t just stand there. I was supposed to be taking pictures, but I needed to join in this before the stream dried up. I knelt down by her head to get it into the path of the steaming piss. Charles needed no prompting; he swung his cock round and his pee hit my face. I opened my mouth just in time to catch the last few seconds of the stream. I let what there was partially fill my mouth and when the flow stopped I swallowed.
Jeez. The depravity. Drinking Charle’s piss. How far I’d come. The degrading act opened my juice gates even more. My head was next to Carol’s and she had not voiced any objection so I went to kiss her but she moved her head. “No, not there, down below.”
Can you picture that? A cat that had the cream. So, so debauched, it was surreal. At the start of today, these two had almost been surrogate parents to me, especially Carol during my hours of need. What had occurred in the last couple of hours bordered on the incestuous. Given my debased view on things though, that was hardly a problem.
I did as bid and pulled her knickers aside. She’s natural down there although her hair is nowhere near as bushy as mine had been. My tongue touched her lips and I heard a soft moan. She wasn’t that wet which I found surprising as she was well and truly enjoying the experience.
My experience of woman-to-woman sex is very limited as you well know, but I did what I thought was right; doing as I had with Jane.
I could feel her body start to tremble. Noise escaped her mouth. Incoherent phrases, but satisfying to me. I’d given her an orgasm.

Part 3 to come. Sorry for the delay to the other more intimate pictures, my home broadband connection is down and it’s not something I dare do from work!