Diary of a MILF is intended for adults only. Did you read that? Adults only! If you aren't 18 or over please leave. Now.
I launched this site in May 2024. It records in words and pictures my adventures as a MILF.
I'm being rather presumptuous saying that aren't I? It's up to you to judge if I am a Mother you'd like to fuck, rather than me, but I hope I'm right!
What's inside is my blog. A diary of my experiences. My sexual experiences. They are true so not every blog has the silver lining of a multi orgasmic climax. Most do, but not all!
There are pictures too, but PLEASE don't expect hundreds of photos of each and every experience. I've said to those following me for some time, the pictures are very much ancillary. If I am in the mood to take them, or have them taken, and it doesn't ruin the sexual atmosphere then I might snap one or two.
What turns me on is the experience and then relating it to you all.
What you get is a blow-by-blow, detailed report on my sexual encounters. If you have an imagination, then you will not need the images!
I'd love you to start following me. PRETTY PLEASE!
If you subscribe today, you'll get full access to the website as well as email newsletters (at least weekly) about my experiences. I'm not here for the money although your contributions do make my lingerie drawer fuller! Thank you!
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By signing up, you'll get access to the full archive of everything that's been published before and everything that is still to come. I've said above I only started this site in May 2024 but I have been writing a blog about my sexy life for three years and all of those (224 at the last count) are here for you to read.
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