A young Pervert Revisited

We drove for a while and got onto the dear old A12. Being that it was Easter Sunday there were fewer lorries than usual, which meant our…

A young Pervert Revisited
A lot of requests for a photo of Debbie — she was happy to oblige!

A Young Pervert Revisited 2

We drove for a while and got onto the dear old A12. Being that it was Easter Sunday there were fewer lorries than usual, which meant our nakedness was going unnoticed. I decided my young friend needed some prodding. (Not that sort you dirty buggers!)

She was slouched in the passenger seat, totally relaxed in her nakedness, idly fingering herself.

I had an old (clean) horse rug on the back seat and suggested Debbie folded it up and sat on it to see if it raised her enough to give drivers I passed a view of her tits.

She eagerly grabbed it and tried it.

“Shit. It’s itchy. Glad I’m not a horse.”

It did the trick, though. If she sat up straight, her nipples were level with the bottom of the window. She giggled.

“Okay, let’s show ‘em!”

I accelerated up the outer lane and drew level with the first car we approached. They might not be able to see her pussy, but I guessed they might appreciate her tits. Wrong! At least for that first car.

“Bloody stuffy old fart. He saw them and mouthed something that looked like ‘you slut’.”

“Badge of honour, Debs. Bet he has a wank over them when he gets home.”

“Probably kill him. He looked ancient.”

The comment reminded me of my old man from the pub. I really ought to get in touch. I still dreamt of his tongue.

“Never mind. Here’s another.” I drew alongside and matched speed.

“Hey, that’s better. Great smile.” I noticed Debbie grabbing her tits and pushing them together. She burst out laughing. “His partners just spotted me and given him a slap. Haha!”

I accelerated on.

Ridiculously, I’d forgotten about my own nakedness, but then realised being taller than Deb drivers glancing across would be able to see my tits too. Leak time!

The next couple of cars produced much the same reaction. Guys out with their wives were a bit inhibited in showing their appreciation. Can’t think why! Then we hit pay dirt. A good old white van man. His elevation gave him a splendid view. Both of us I guessed.

Debs half turned in her seat and repeated pushing her tits together.

“Hey, he’s enjoying that. Got a thumbs up.” I was getting jealous of her getting all the attention.

“Can he see me?”

“Dunno I’ll ask him.” Debbie did some weird hand signals pointing over to me. “Yeah, looks like it. He did an air wank.” More leaks. I had an idea. I hoped I wouldn’t regret it. “Willing to let him closer? Give him a blow job or something?”

She glanced across at me, then back at the van driver. “Yeah, why not? He looks alright. But how you gonna do that?”

“Look in my bag on the back seat. You should find a pen and a notebook. Write as large as you can ‘follow me’. See what his reaction is.”

I dropped speed and went behind him while Debbie rummaged through my bag. “Got ‘em.”

She wrote out the note and I drew up next to him again. “Ha. No surprise there. Big grin and a thumbs up.” Shit. Suddenly I panicked. “You really okay with this, Debs? You know I don’t want him touching me?”

“Yeah. Sure. Had plenty of one one nighters. What's the difference?” I’m clearly old-fashioned!

“Okay, next decent services.” Unfortunately, they happened to be some way. Time to reflect. My body was saying I had no problem with what I was doing. My mind had other ideas. My body was in charge though.

The services appeared. I indicated left, and the van followed us. The parking area was reasonably large. I drove to the back, where it was quieter. Like a re-run of the time with Lizzie and Chris, the driver was out of his van almost before it was stationary. Luckily, he went to Debbie’s side. She powered the window down. He bent down so he could look in and see us both. Two sets of tits. Two naked pussies. He looked happy.

“Fuck, girls! You two are bloody amazing.” I could have kissed him. He called me a girl!

“Guess you’ve struck lucky,” I said as I leaned over and pushed a finger into Debbie. You may not believe this, but the main reason I did that was to check she wanted to do itand wasn’t just humouring me. Judging by her wetness, I needn’t have concerned myself.

He had his hands on the door. I admired his self-restraint. Debbie’s tits jiggling about as I increased my finger fuck, and amazingly he hadn’t reached in for a handful. I didn’t want to suggest it. I wasn’t about to offer Deb's body to a stranger. If she wanted it I’d leave it to her to ask but I couldn’t stop myself from saying, “We’re showing you ours. How about showing us yours?”

He didn’t need a second invitation. Zip went down. Hand went in. Hand came out. No great gasps. No 12” gigantic cock. About the size of Charles’s, I thought. He seemed happy to watch me finger Debbie while he masturbated. I was happy watching him watching us. Debbie wasn’t. She stuck an arm out and grabbed his cock and pulled it towards her. He didn’t resist! His cock entered our space through the door. I was still fingering Debbie. My head and his cock. Less than half a metre apart. I told myself I should be screaming ‘get away’. I told myself to shut up. The cock wasn’t for me, anyway. Debbie’s mouth enveloped it. I watched. Partly envious. Partly relieved. Debbie’s juice production went into overdrive. I continued to leak. I continued to finger fuck her. Then he came. Debs made no attempt to remove his cock from her mouth, taking his load. When he’d finished he withdrew and my young friend turned to me with an open mouth and I took her offered lips. My tongue invading her mouth. Stealing this stranger's cum. Her hand now found my cunt. Our hands mutually working each other. Sharing his bodily fluid. He stood there. Cock in hand watching our lesbian lovemaking. It was the icing on the cake, having him watch. Our orgasms weren’t simultaneous but were not far off. I’ll swear the car rocked with their ferocity.

We came down from our highs. “Fuck me, ladies! Talk about making my day. Here buy yourselves a drink.” He blew us a kiss and let a £20 note flutter in and was gone.

Debbie picked up the note and looked at it. “Is that the going rate for a blow job?”

“Shit, I’ve no idea, I’ve never done it for money.”

“Me neither, but it’s better than two hours cleaning loos!”

“I bet. Time for a career change?” I asked.

“Not yet, but it’s a thought.

We laughed, had a quick kiss and decided we’d been lucky with both our ‘punter’ and not being spotted, so slipped some clothes on

“What’s next?” Asked Debbie.

“What indeed?” I asked myself. The day was young!