A walk on the wild side
Where I take young Debbie for a walk

My previous encounter with Debbie seems a century away, so much has happened since but I clearly remember the day https://medium.com/@TracyTrouble/young-friends-ca55326c15e7
and it’s probably best you read that first if you haven’t already.
She was only eighteen but had so much maturity in her sexuality.
I was more than eager to see her again. Her previous visit had been before I’d had any interaction with Katie and I’m convinced she played a large part in getting her friend to play. I wondered if Debbie knew about Mary’s involvement but I’d not mention it in case she didn’t. Although worldly wise she did have limits as I’d found out when I’d suggest some pee fun, so a mother screwing her daughter might be taboo too.
One thing she had enjoyed was a spanking and it was that that kept coming to mind when I thought of her impending visit. Or at least her requirement for it. A need for pain? Presumably so. A need to be humiliated? I hoped so. I’d decided I wanted to explore that aspect. To see if it turned me on. I had an idea I wanted to enact. One I could do alone but would certainly be more fun with two of us.
Her text asking if she could come round also had another question. ‘Could we role play? Teacher/pupil?’
Her last visit had been early on in my new life and I was naive in the extreme (still am I think in many areas) and have not explored that area much since, but if it’s what she wanted I was happy to give it a try.
I dressed appropriately. White underwear, stockings of course (perhaps not appropriate!) and a long skirt (appropriate!)
She arrived on time looking as elfin as before. Her short hair suited her cheeky demeanour.
“Hi Tracy,” she said as I opened the door, “Great to see you again.”
“Hello Deborah, come in. Great to see you too.”
I led her into the lounge and offered her a drink. She stuck with water as she had before.
“So how’s Uni?” I asked.
“Great. I’m enjoying the subject and the crowd I’m with is fun.”
“Plenty of sex?” Given how open she had been previously there seemed little point in beating about.
“Yeah, that’s good too!”
“A couple. They weren’t bad but I’m getting more of a kick from girls, definitely.”
So matter of fact! It still surprised me.
“That’s good. Any older women?
“Nah, we’re pretty much separated from other generations. Don’t see many down the clubs and I don’t fancy the tutors.”
“I’m still on your fancy list though?”
She laughed. “Why do you think I’m here Ms Parker?”
She put emphasis on my name and the ‘Ms’. She wanted ‘role play’ for sure. The only time I’d done it before was with Charles’s ‘maid’ scenario https://medium.com/@TracyTrouble/maid-for-pleasure-9cc49e1e2078 and they took the lead. Now I’d have to. She was dressed much as before; a tank top and short tight skirt and from where I was sitting it appeared no knickers. Ready for action. Time to start. See where it led.
“You’re here to be taught some manners and to be taught how to dress properly in public.” I tried a school ma’am voice. Listening to myself I almost burst out laughing, but it seemed to work for Debbie.
She didn’t say anything just sat looking at me. Her elfin face causing me problems.
“Am I correct in saying you’re not wearing knickers?”
“Yes, Ms Parker.”
“You think that’s an appropriate way to dress in public?”
“We’re not in public Ms Parker.”
“You dare answer me back?” I stood up trying to display rage and anger. Probably unsuccessfully!
Debs didn’t answer, but looked meekly at me.
“Lost your tongue? I’ll help you find it.”
I stepped over to the sofa and stood in front of her. “Stand up.” I hissed. She did and I sat, took her hand and pulled her over my knees.
“How many do you deserve?” I asked as I pushed her skirt up to her waist. Oh, those cheeks! They are deliciously plump. Not fat but a defined roundness. An arse to be proud of. I ran my hand gently over both cheeks waiting for her answer.
“Six,” she replied.
“Then I’ll give you twelve.”
I could feel her tense, awaiting the pain. I remembered last time starting with gentle slaps and gradually increasing their strength. This time no warm up. I raised my arm and brought it down with force. Not as hard as I could but hard enough for the sound of palm meeting arse to sound like a thunder clap. Her cry was loud. Not a scream. A mixture. A groan but of intense pleasure. “One.”
I administered the second. Her cry, as loud. I could already see redness in her cheek. I aimed at the other one. “Three.” I took a detour with my hand. Felt her cunt. Soaking. She was enjoying it
“Four.” Both cheeks now were equally red. Her last moan sounded different. More a grunt. More pain related.
“Five.” No cry this time. I imagined gritted teeth. I made a decision. We hadn’t agreed a safe word. Very remiss of us. A sign of my novice status. I’d give her an out after the next slap.
“Six.” I could imagine what her bottom felt like. My hand was stinging enough.
“Good girl,” I said, “I feel lenient. I will stop there if you will assist me in having an orgasm.”
“Yes please, Ms Parker. I’d be pleased to help.”
I let her sit up next to me. Her bum had barely touched the seat and she had her arms around me kissing me open mouthed. God, I thought I was on heat! You’d have thought she’d been deprived for years. Her tongue lashed mine while our hands found each other’s breasts. She wasn’t as large as me but more developed than Katie and I loved the feel. There was too much urgency residing in both of us for that to last long. We were soon fingering each other. Her hand didn’t have trouble getting into my knickers and I reacted to her touch by getting wetter.
I can’t remember an occasion when both of us, no matter who the partner, needed it so urgently. Nor could I remember an occasion when I didn’t understand why either of us needed it so urgently. Debbie had said she’d had plenty of sex at university. The only conclusion I could draw was that she desperately wanted an older woman. Or the punishment. Age was the only conclusion I could draw for my urgent need. An eighteen-year-old. Feeling her young supple body. Her firm young ripe breasts. Her firm tight cunt. God.
That first orgasm of the night was quick in coming for us both. I was pleased Debs was first. It demonstrated perhaps that I still had some control. Not that my explosion was long after hers.
The orgasms dissipated the urgency.
I kissed her and gently turned her over to look at her bottom.
“Do you want some lotion on that?” I asked having seen how red they still were.
“No. It’s part of the pleasure. I need physical and mental punishment.
“Then you’d better stand up. You’re coming with me.” She looked at me, “Where? Upstairs?”
“No, out. Get undressed.”
She looked confused which pleased me. I hadn’t realised how inferior I’d felt following this young lady last time, rather than leading.
“Undressed? You want me in a special outfit?” She asked.
“No, I want you naked.” I got hold of the bottom of her singlet and pulled it off over her head before she realised what was happening. She was braless as well as knickerless.
“You’re not serious?”
“I am.” I put my arms around her and found the zip for her skirt, undid it and let the garment fall. “There, perfect.” I undid my own skirt and let that fall to the ground and blouse, bra and knickers followed. I kept the stockings and suspenders on.
Deb's eyes widened. “No, I’m not doing this. You’re crazy. We’ll get arrested.”
“Ha. You should be so lucky. At this time of night in this part of the county, I should think the nearest policeman is an hour away.”
“Yeah but that’s hardly the point is it.”
I looked at her. “You came here looking to be humiliated. That’s what I’m doing. You don’t want to do it? Fine. You can go home or I’ll find my horse whip and give you twelve stripes with that.”
I was playing a part. I think. I didn’t need to consider what to say. What was coming out of my mouth was what I wanted. Purely coincidental that it fitted the scenario(!!!). Whether I’d be able to administer the punishment I’d specified I had no idea. Probably not, but I hoped it would convince her to come out with me. I had desperately wanted to do this for ages.
I live on a newish housing estate, not mega large but a number of separate developments which have merged into one. The streets in the evening are quiet. Pedestrians almost an endangered species. The likelihood of meeting authority was as I’d said virtually non-existent.
“I’ll come” Was that because her pain threshold was not high? Or perhaps she was turned on as I was at the thought of parading naked through the streets. She could have gone home. I was excited she hadn’t.
I left her in the lounge, went out, rummaged in a cupboard and came back with her coat and a raincoat for me. “You may wear this to leave the house. You will take it off when I demand it. Understood?”
“Yes, Ms Parker.”
I was nervous but excited. Debbie just nervous. Or possibly not.
Like so many new(ish) housing estates there was little sense of community. There was a neighbourhood watch scheme in its infancy but that was not exactly the same as having hoedowns in the village hall every Saturday night so I was confident that by the time I reached the end of our close no one would know me from Adam. Or at least Eve. Hence the coats to leave the house. Quite apart from the temperature. If the cold snap of last week had still been upon us I’d not have suggested this but the temperature whilst not tropical was not freezing and I was confident what I had in mind would keep us warm.
We reached the corner of the close.
“Right. Take it off Debbie.”
She had adopted a subservient attitude which I took as a sign she was happy to stay in a role-playing mode. Her head was bowed and she undid the coat's belt and buttons. Her head came up. A final plea to keep it on. “Don’t think I’d ask you to do anything I wouldn’t do,” I said and unbuttoned my own coat and slid it off my shoulders. That seemed to give her the impetus she needed and the coat came off and she handed it to me.
The sensible thing to have done would have been for me to carry the coats so that if we did meet anyone we could quickly cover up. And you know me. Sensible’s my middle name. Yeah right. At the end of the close, there’s a small area where we park our rubbish bins on collection day so the lorries don’t need to go down the close. As usual, there were a few there that people were too lazy to collect. I took the coats and pushed them behind a bin. So there we were, Debbie completely naked, me in nothing but suspender belt and stockings. “We’re walking round the block,” I said, “then we’re going to fuck when we get back here.” The street lights were not exactly Wembley stadium standard but they were bright enough for me to be able to watch Debbie’s expression. And it surprised me. I’d expected abject fear. I got neutrality. She could have been standing bored at a bus stop. I assumed she remained in role-playing mode. That excited me.
There was no one around. I’d read a book in my teens, sci-fi, about the future, where no one ventured out of doors. Where there was a permanent curfew. Our estate felt like that. I approached Debbie, put my arms round her, whispered, “Good girl,” and kissed her. I thought that would be the best way to judge her true feelings. I reinforced the action by putting a hand between her legs. Both confirmed she was with me. Being turned on by the situation. There was no hesitation in returning the kiss, our tongues duelling in each other’s mouths. Her pussy high on the damp scale.
When I’d originally thought of doing this it was summer. Even with the heat generated by our passion and the comparative warm evening compared to the previous week it was freezing. A touch of each other’s nipples confirmed that. Hard as grapefruit pips.
I took her hand and started our walk around the block. A fast pace purely to warm up.
My mind went back to my walk down the promenade topless back in the summer. The feeling it had given me. The sluttish feeling. Those that saw me leering or disgusted. The empowerment I felt.
Now again that same feeling. No audience but this time I was naked. Should someone come out of their front door, or a car drive by, they’d see me, and my young companion for what we were. Total sluts.
We were half way around the block. A few hundred yards from home. Close to the next corner. I heard a car start up somewhere around that corner. If I’d been on my own I’d have kept walking. No doubt. But I didn’t want to completely freak Debbie out. She’d complied with my wishes and from the kiss was enjoying herself. I wouldn’t push it too far. “Let’s go back,” I said and turned round. There was a moment’s hesitation from Debs but she turned and we continued our quick pace back. The car went the other way. We arrived back at the bins. Time to do something worth getting arrested for. I turned to my young companion and there on the pavement put a hand between her legs and used two fingers on her cunt. A cunt that was screaming to be violated. A cunt dripping juices as soon as I touched it. It took Debbie seconds to come. To moan. A long soft moan of contentment. I didn’t ask her to repay the pleasure. Time for that when we got home. I retrieved our coats but didn’t offer one back to Debs. Sod it. If the neighbours saw so what?
We arrived back indoors. The warmth hit me. We were both cold. I threw the coats in the corner, took Debbie’s hand, “Come, let’s warm up.” I led her upstairs into the bathroom and turned the shower on. It’s not a large cubicle but when you did what we did you didn’t need much room. Sorry, eco-warriors but I ran the water hot and long. As soon as we stepped in we kissed. Hands exploring. Tits, pussy, arse. Debs as willing to explore every part of me as I was her. I had enough space to kneel in front of her. Close my lips around her folds. Suck in a delicious mixture of steaming hot water and juices which were running almost as fast. She came quickly but I carried on attending to her pussy. She deserved it. I extracted a second orgasm. Now I needed her. And she didn’t disappoint.
Part 2 to follow.