A Text Book seduction (hopefully)
Not having Mary and Katie available yesterday I decided to pay one of my sporadic visits to the local hockey club for their training…

Not having Mary and Katie available yesterday I decided to pay one of my sporadic visits to the local hockey club for their training session. It’s mainly fitness training so anyone can turn up which I do occasionally and usually regret the following morning with multiple sore muscles. This visit was no different, but it is not the purpose of the blog to complain about aching thighs!
There were a number of new faces there amongst my old playing colleagues. (I did play regularly until the problems of my relationship scuppered my ability to concentrate on anything) and it turned into a fun evening.
No, I didn’t end up having sex with multiple women in the changing room! Although I’d have been happy to.
What I did do and is the reason for this blog is meet a woman, about my age, who lives only a street away from me. I got no vibes from her at all that she would be interested in anything sexy, but she did tell me about her son. The conversation had got on to children and the joys and sorrows they bring and she’d mentioned that he was very introverted, had few friends, and spent most of his time playing computer games or studying. (I assume you can see where my thoughts were going-he’s the same age as Katie).
He has a job, but is studying part-time. Not in my field but in an area that I had to cover when I did my OU degree and my razor-sharp mind (!!!!) immediately thought of a plan. A plan to eventually do what, I wasn’t sure, Oh god why do I keep lying to myself? Of course I did. He was the right age. I fancied seeing how far I could go with him. Whether age made a difference to my man phobia.
The razor sharp mind is a lie too. I’ve been thinking about trying to seduce a young man for a while and had worked out a possible scenario in my head. This seemed a perfect opportunity to try it out!
In other circumstances, I’d perhaps have thought about it for a while. Tried to find out what he was like, but I had an ache from missing my two friends and enjoy a challenge. So I stepped straight in. “Oh, I’ve still got all my old textbooks in the loft. Would he be interested in having them? I doubt the theory’s changed in twenty-odd years.”
“That could be helpful if he hasn’t already got them. I couldn’t believe the price of books. Can you give me titles and how much would you want for them?”
“Yes, give me your number and I’ll text them over. I don’t want anything for them.” (Lie! But I could hardly tell his mother what I had in mind!)
I’m an evil witch, aren’t I?
I got home, had a rummage around, and found the tomes, and they were tomes, probably the last generation of student text books on this scale, and sent her a text with the details.
I didn’t expect anything to happen or if it did to be a no thanks too old ( like their owner!) but within half an hour my phone pinged with a reply:
John says v interested. Tutor has specifically mentioned one, but he’s had trouble finding it. Did you want to bring them next week to training?
No, I didn’t! Not the idea at all! I replied.
Not sure I’ll make it next week. Could John pop round for them? I’ve more than those listed. He can sort through want he wants and I’ll run him back with them.
I hoped that was enough to dissuade her from bringing him.
A reply pinged back
Ok, when’s convenient?
How about Saturday afternoon about 3?
Perfect. He’ll be there.
So. Predatory Tracy. He is 19 and if he looks as though he likely to run for the hills screaming if I flash a boob I’ll not do anything, but it will be an interesting experiment
Watch this space.