A Surprise Visitor 2
Best start at Part 1 of my surprise visitor if you haven’t yet read it here…

Best start at Part 1 of my surprise visitor if you haven’t yet read it here: https://medium.com/@TracyTrouble/a-surprise-visitor-717647eca95e
Also if you want to catch up on all my adventures to date you’ll find the list of all 101 blogs here: https://medium.com/@TracyTrouble
John looked mortified that he’d come so quickly again and I wanted to reassure him it wasn’t a problem. However, I had a more immediate concern; what to do with the mouthful of his cum.
How kinky would it be for me to kiss him with it in my mouth and let it drip over his face? Would it be too much for him? Too kinky? I needed him to relax more. To be able to control himself. There would be other times when he was more in control so I opened my mouth to show him, (as all good sluts do!) and then swallowed the lot. By his expression that was quite kinky enough.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled, “I know I’m supposed to hold it, but you’re so… so… I’ve been thinking about you all over Christmas.” It was said in a rush, blurted out. I had a horrible suspicion he actually wanted to say he loved me, poor lad. I needed to nip that in the bud. I certainly didn’t want a love sick teen stalking me. But that was down the road. Sexy fun was still my overriding priority. I replied, “It’s not a problem John, you recover quick enough. There’s plenty of time to do it again. Or something else.” He didn’t ask what that might be and I didn’t enlighten him. I’d keep my options open. “Have a seat. I’ll get you a drink. A beer?”
“Yeah, that would be good.”
I found a can lurking in a cupboard and poured it for him. He accepted it and took a swig. He sat perched on the edge of the sofa like a ten year old who’d been found scrumping.
I also handed him his mother’s knickers, “Here before I forget, you best take these before she misses them. Has she mentioned missing them?”
“No, don’t think so.”
“Has she mentioned anything about our evenings out?”
“No, well I did hear her saying something to Dad about it being scary fun. Don’t know what she meant.” He looked at me for an answer but I wasn’t about to let on what we got up to.
“Strange. No nor do I. Tell me, did you get to wank in any of her knickers over Christmas?” I wanted to get his thoughts moving in the right direction. I helped by taking my bra off and tossing it to him. “You can wrap that round it if you fancy.” I also parted my legs. There was definite movement where I wanted movement.
“No,” he answered to my query, “we were away at Grans and there wasn’t a chance.”
He’d kicked off his trousers and pants after the blowjob and had been sitting quite comfortably naked from the waist down. He’d caught the bra and did as I’d suggested. “You like the feel of the material don’t you?” I asked as I idly tweaked one of my nipples. The sight of me and the sensation from my bra were producing the effect I wanted. His cock was definitely stirring again.
“Your turn. Come and lick me out,” I ordered. “Stuff your head up my skirt.” He didn’t react facially but simply stood up, came over to me, and knelt in front of me. An automaton! Given what I desperately wanted to do that was perfect. Subject to a malfunction in his circuitry I had control!
My legs were open and his head disappeared up my skirt which was short and tight, so it didn’t totally disappear. I felt his tongue on me. My knicker choice was partly based on what I thought he would like. He made no attempt to remove them or even pull them aside but simply started licking the material over my pussy. Oh boy. The sensation! After a while, he stopped licking and started kissing. I started leaking. “Pull them aside. Drink my juice!” No hesitation. That slurping noise! Drives me wild! I put my hands behind his head, widened my legs as far as I could, and held him in tight to my cunt. He couldn’t drink anymore. I doubted he could breathe. At least not through his mouth. But he wouldn’t be there long. My climax was building. It was going to be epic. Not sure what the signs were but I just knew. I’m sure the reason was because of that decision I’d made. My famine had to end. One way or another I had to know. I’d told myself, if I freaked out or found an excuse not to go through with it I’d give up trying. Live my life as a full blown lesbian. Hardly a hardship but at that point, I wanted cock even if strictly I didn’t need it.
This was only the third time he’d done this. Or was it the fourth? I couldn’t recall. I didn’t care. Whichever, his technique had improved. Not perfect, far from it, but sufficient for my needs given my state of mind. My body began to tremble. I kept his head locked against my cunt. I could feel my juices oozing out. He was doing his best to lap them up. He couldn’t but the tickle against my lips caused by his tongue sent more spasms through me. My tremors were as powerful as I can ever remember. Not because he was a brilliant lover. Because he was nineteen. Because he was a virgin. Because I’d worn his mother's knickers. Because I was going at some time to have sex with his mother. In other words, because it was degenerate. Depraved. Debauched. Which turned me on. Massively. By the time my orgasm arrived I’d locked my legs behind John's head. Held him tight to me. My hips kicked up. I screamed. Really screamed. I was fucking his face. My hips moving as if I had a penis. He absorbed it. I’ve no idea what his thoughts were. He may have thought he was dying. Suffocating. He may have thought he was in heaven. Making out with a nymphomaniac.
The orgasm subsided. I released my legs from around him. He collapsed on the floor. I collapsed back in my chair. He looked dazed but content. I imagine I looked the same. His cock was rock solid. My body was shrouded in the afterglow of my orgasm. I wasn’t going to waste it. I virtually crawled out of the chair, slithered across the floor to him. He looked concerned.
“Time for you to experience it,” I said. I didn’t define ‘it’. I doubt I needed to. If this was really going to happen I needed control. I gently pushed him onto his back. Kissed him. Long. Hard. Open-mouthed. He responded well. I daren’t touch his cock for fear of him losing control. I straddled him. Sat across his chest. “Relax John. Follow my lead.” In the land of the blind… How long was it since I’d fucked a man? How long since I’d fucked a man and been willing? I couldn’t remember. I didn’t care.
I slid down his body. Felt his erect, engorged cock touch my back. No demons shouted at me. I raised my bum. Now I had to touch him. I put a hand between my legs. Grasped his cock. The point of no return. I held it erect and lowered myself towards it. Still no demons. John's eyes were closed. He was biting his lip. I imagined his mind concentrating on controlling himself. It should be easier I thought, given he’d only come a short time before. I prayed to Aphrodite to give him the control for me to at least feel his whole length in me before he came.
His tip touched my lips. My wet lips. I hesitated. There was a demon locked in the cellar but shouting. I pretended not to hear him. I lowered myself millimetre by millimetre on to his stake. I felt his intrusion. My lips made no objection. John was rigid. Fear? Concern? Panic he’d come too soon? My descent was nearly complete. My god. I had a cock, a real live male cock inside my body. The realisation was overwhelming. I held myself as still as John. Frozen like two statues. Both afraid the next movement could cause my young Romeo to explode. It felt so good just to have him-it-in there. But I had to move. I wanted to move. To feel it traversing my love hole. Banging into me. I raised my body and felt it leaving my tunnel. I stopped before the end. Well before. I didn’t want it dropping out. I lowered myself again. Gorgeous, gorgeous feeling. I began to increase the speed of my rise and fall. John still had his eyes closed. Still his face screwed up in a look of concentration but his breathing was quickening. Mine too. Not from exertion but from nervous excitement. I was now riding and falling continuously. Not stoping at either end. Then the inevitable. He uttered an “Arg!” His hips pushed up into me and I felt him cum. Sweet Jesus!
I didn’t follow. I was elated, satisfied, but not orgasmic. Nowhere near one.
Perhaps too much nervous tension. It wouldn’t go down in history as the greatest fuck ever. It would go down as the one that severed my demon. At least in part.
At that moment the ramifications of what I’d done didn’t matter. John looked concerned still. I leant forward and kissed him long and hard. “Brilliant John. Well done.”
“Was…was that alright? Should I have done more?”
“Yes, that was alright. Yes, with practice you will do more but I think we both got what we needed.”
Part 3 Epilogue to follow.