A Stable Quickie
Time to pause? Time to think what the hell I’m doing with my life? I’m not sure.

Time to pause? Time to think what the hell I’m doing with my life? I’m not sure.
Tuesday was in some ways a watershed. The relationship between myself and Katie was different from any of the other women I’d bedded. God, that makes me sound like a female Casanova. Perhaps my mind is running away with me.
It’s about six months since I came on Twitter. Since I made that decision to get a life back. I had no idea it would lead where it has. That I’d end up with a harem of women I’d be having regular sex with. Women ranging in age from 19 to 60. Married. Single. Divorced. Friends. Relatives for god sake!
I think what I’m trying to do, trying to convince myself, is that Tuesday was not an indication of how low, how debauched I’d become but an awakening of what I wanted, needed from these sexual encounters.
Six months ago I would have settled for an occasional romp with a woman of my age group. An afternoon or evening out and a bit of sexy fun between the sheets or even in the back of a car.
Now my needs have moved on. Those needs I realise are greater than I’d imagined. After my sexual drought, which followed my disastrous marriage break up, I’d thought my needs were minimal. Mind you at that time I had no understanding that those needs involved women. That was one of the difficulties I faced in April. There I was putting myself in the public domain wanting some virtual sexy fun but not having any idea how I would enjoy it. Or with whom. I knew then men would not play a part. Not physically. Not then. Perhaps when time heals me, but definitely not then.
Then suddenly, overnight, I had 1,000 men (I’m fairly certain you’re all men, if there are ladies amongst you please do make yourself known) craving my attention. Telling me I was special. Wanting to bed me. I’m not naive enough to think there was not a huge amount of hyperbole in the comments made but they made me feel good, encouraged me to think positively about myself.
Now. Now I feel confident within. Able to let my inner feelings take charge. Not to be embarrassed that I crave a 19yo and want to make her sexually dependent on me. Not to be embarrassed that I want to bed her and her mother together. Not to be embarrassed that I want to bed my own grown-up daughter and have her partner watch us and wank off over us. Not to feel embarrassed dressed as a maid and let my best friend's husband piss all over me. Not to be embarrassed stripping off in public, letting strangers, men, and women gloat or berate me.
It’s my body and I’ll do as I wish with it.
Which brings me back to last Tuesday and 19 year old Katie.
She wasn’t a virgin, that was obvious but neither do I think she was that experienced with men and definitely not women.
I’m not sure how promiscuous the current generation of teenagers is but she seems more naive than most.
I suspect that’s partly, largely perhaps, due to her father. I assume you’ve been following my blog so you will know what a shit he is. Thoughts have idly crossed my mind as to whether he is a true puritanical father who can’t absorb the idea that his sweet, beautiful, young daughter is now a grown woman or whether it’s a cover to hide his secret sexual lust for her.
If the latter I have to ask how I feel about that. I’m seeking to bed my daughter. Is that the same? Kaz is nearly ten years older than Katie. A full grown woman with a partner of her own, not a child metamorphosing into adulthood.
It’s not the same legally. What I seek isn’t illegal. But morally? Is it the same? One big difference is that Kaz and I are like sisters. No secrets and we genuinely get on. Simon and Katie don’t. If he were to touch her sexually I’m sure it would not be appreciated. (Understatement!)
I digress. Katie is a mixture of hot womanhood and naive adolescent and endearing for it. I wish I were more experienced in lesbian lovemaking as I’m sure I would fulfil all sorts of dreams for her, but the old adage of ‘in the land of the blind the one eyed man is king’ rings true and at the moment I seem to have satisfied her.
Of course, the other concern is my relationship with her mother, Mary. I’d told Mary I wanted Katie and she voiced no objection, but saying something’s alright in theory is one thing. When it happens attitudes can change.
Sunday I’d find out. All three of us were likely to meet at the stables.
I’ll report back
As most will know I live in the county of Suffolk in the UK. Anyone who knows the country will know it as a sleepy backwater. Which only increases my surprise that I have stumbled across such a hotbed of wanton sexuality.
Perhaps it’s the horses. Woman around horses tend to be more direct, more ‘earthy’.
Whatever the reason I seem to have struck gold which perhaps given my previous thirty odd years of panning without a glimmer of anything glitzy is about time.
I’d had my ride, returned Jack to his field having enjoyed my usual ‘bareback’ exercise (see previous blogs) and wandered around to the sand paddock where I expected to find Katie and perhaps Mary. I was in luck, they were both there with Katie putting her horse through its paces and Mary leaning on the fence watching.
“Hi,” I said as I stepped in close to her and kissed her as she turned to face me. I instantly knew things were okay. She returned the kiss with interest.
“Hi, yourself, glad I’ve seen you.”
“Me too, but why?”
“You seem to be some miracle worker.” I laughed. “Oh, yes, didn’t anyone tell you Jesus was my middle name?”
“Hardly likely given the things you do to women, but it’s true. I know Katie told you how much more relaxed I’ve been since meeting you, well, now it’s Katie's turn.”
“That's good, so I assume she enjoyed Tuesday. Did she tell you much about it?”
“She’s hardly stopped talking about it.”
“Not in front of Simon I assume?”
“Not directly, but she has waxed lyrical about what a super friend you are to us both.”
“That must upset him.”
“It does, and I’m sure that’s why she’s doing it.”
“Anyway, you don’t have a problem with it?”
“Why should I? She’s over eighteen, she needs to experience things and she needs to get out from under Simon's control.”
“It was fun, I have to say. Have you seen the photos we took?”
“Wow yes. She’s shown me those tribute photos too. I’m jealous!”
“Let me take some photos of you then. I’m positive my members would happily do the same for you.”
“I don’t know, that risk.”
“Katie seems to think the chances of Simon trawling porn sites are somewhat tiny, besides my followers are really good and no one shares them.”
“I’ll think about it. Perhaps next time we have some fun.”
“Great, how you placed this afternoon?” I joked.
Mary laughed. “Oh, yes, I’ll just text Simon, ‘Don’t expect supper tonight I’m off to have sex with Tracy and Katie.”
Whether it was deliberate on her part to include Katie I didn’t know but it was encouraging. I didn’t pursue it though.
Katie had finished her exercises and rode over to us, a wide smile on her face. No regrets there!
“Trace! Wanted to see you.” She pulled the horse to a halt, leapt off, threw the reigns to her mother, and enveloped me in a hug and a wet kiss. I glanced at Mary. No jealousy, just a look of mild amusement.
“Will you help untack?”
“Might as well now I’m here,” I said and the three of us went to the stable block and led Rebel to his stall. It didn’t take long to rub him down and settle him with a hay net and I was about ready to leave when Katie piped up, “Can we do something?”
‘Something’ didn’t need explaining, but it took me by surprise. I looked at Mary, who looked as surprised as I felt, but she simply shrugged her shoulders.
“Good,” said Katie taking the silence as agreement. she closed in on me and kissed me full on the lips. We were still in Rebels box, but he was peaceful and quietly munching on some carrots. For those of you who are not familiar with stables and horses, we were in a large barn with small areas segmented off to make individual boxes for each horse. The bottom half (up to about five feet) was stout wooden planks and then grills for another few feet so the horses could see out but not bite each other. At that moment we were the only people in the barn.
That kiss triggered me. I should have said no, not now. Wrong time, wrong place, but I didn’t. I responded and pushed her back against the partition. Her hand went down between my legs and started rubbing. My hand nestled a breast. Then she pulled her head away from mine and breathlessly muttered. “I want to watch. You and mum.”
I was torn. God, how depraved would that be? Fucking this girl’s mother in front of her in a straw-strewn stable. But. But I decided I’d chicken out of a decision. She was Mary's daughter. I’d let her call it. I looked over at Mary. Shit. She’d already undone her blouse. Pulled it out of her jeans. Her half cup bra temptingly uplifting her tits. I thought I was the debauched one. Apparently not. I fleetingly wondered if they’d engineered it. Agreed to see if I was as crude as I made out. If we were discovered I suspected we’d be looking for new stables, but you know how it is. With the libido up in the red who cares.
I left Katie by the partition and went to Mary who was leaning against the open door to the box.
“Shit Mary. You sure?”
“Yes,” came the breathless reply. “But let’s be quick.”
I pushed her bra cup off her breast and started suckling and at the same time undid her jeans and ferreted my hand down her knickers. She was already wet. The sheer depravity of what we were doing was providing all the stimulus we needed. I eased her jeans down so I could get a finger into her. That’s when I felt two hands undoing my jodhpurs. Katie! She’d joined in. So much for watching. I soon felt her fingers. One hand filling my cunt, the other my bum. Oh, shit, shit. It only took seconds. A sudden gush of juice and I felt my orgasm build and explode. Mary started trembling and soon followed.
I turned to Katie and fumbled to get her jeans undone. I didn’t make it. Her knees bent and she threw her arms around me as she joined her mother and me in coming.
God the whole thing was probably over in less than a minute. Hardly satisfying by most standards, but speaking for myself I’ll remember it for a long, long time.
On the positive side, we’d cleared that hurdle, that concern we shouldn’t be doing such things. For better or worse we’d done it now.