A new Elizabethan Era? Part 2
Best read Part 1 first! https://medium.com/@TracyTrouble/a-new-elizabethan-era-b2bf8a26efc3

Best read Part 1 first! https://medium.com/@TracyTrouble/a-new-elizabethan-era-b2bf8a26efc3
Also if you want to catch up on all my adventures to date you’ll find the list of all 103 blogs here: https://medium.com/@TracyTrouble
Lizzie looked at me, her eyes twinkling. My hand still rested on hers on her thigh. Above her stocking top. Inches from her knickers. Pale lemon and lacy. Dare I? The closeness was enticing, but I worried it would break the spell. I resisted. Her knees were a few inches apart. A chasm for her. But room for improvement. I encouraged her hand to the inside of her thigh and pushed. Surprisingly she didn’t resist. Her knees parted further. I looked up to check we still had an audience. Leaning towards Lizzie I could see the young man with his family. He appeared none too interested in their conversation anymore, his eyes riveted up Lizzie’s skirt. “Look,” I whispered, “he’s almost drooling. Doesn’t it make you feel good?” She stared at him and he caught her looking and, embarrassed, averted his eyes. She turned her head to me almost as if coming out of a trance. “You are a witch. Hypnosis. Is that how you do it? I must be mad.”
She took hold of my hand to remove it but I held it firm. “Tell me. Tell me how you feel…” I leant in and whispered, “…about being so naughty. Letting that man look up your skirt. Imagining how it would be to have his head or cock up there. Look at Chris. See how excited he is by what’s happening. I bet he’s as hard as a rock. Have a feel. See if he is. Go on dares ya!” I was keeping it light. Two teenage girls having a giggle after a couple of glasses of wine. Chris certainly looked as though he was enjoying himself. He’d not said much but he didn’t need to. I was sure there was a bulge in his trousers. Lizzie was hesitant. I gave her a nudge, “Go on. He’ll love it. If you don’t, I’ll check.” I know I’d said earlier I didn’t want her to think I was coming on to Chris but we were past that now. I sensed a charged sexual energy.
“Huh, you keep your hands off. I’m quite capable.” A wide grin crossed her face. We were jokey, but underneath it was simmering. She turned to her husband whose attention was wholly on the two pairs of legs and underwear on display.
“My friend has instructed me to check on the status of your manhood,” Lizzie announced as she placed her hand firmly between Chris’s legs.
“My god, you’re right Trace. Solid as a rock.”
“Best relieve it then,” I said as I placed my own hand between my legs and touched myself. I didn’t need to check my status. I knew full well I was soaking. The back of my skirt was sopping. It was at that moment I knew what I was going to do. Consequences be damned. Lizzie’s head had turned to me after my last comment. “You can’t seriously be suggesting I…oh my god, No! You’re not are you?” She’d seen where my hand was. Needed no help in deducing what it was doing. The feeling was taking me. I looked up to see my family leaving. Fuck! But I couldn’t stop now. I glanced around. No one else had a view. Not a huge number of people around. A band started playing in the adjacent bar. The reason for the exodus.
This would be a first for me. Perhaps a small audience was sensible. Frigging myself off in a bar even if no one saw it. I wasn’t bothered what my friends were doing. I was simply reveling in the thought of coming in public, but I glanced at them. I had their attention. I don’t know if there is anything harder than stone but my betting was that if it existed it would be softer than Chris’s cock. Not only were his eyes glued to my hand but his wife’s hand was massaging him through his trousers. By the look on her face, she wasn’t aware she was doing it. She wore a faraway expression. She was where I was. The sexual need stronger than any concerns. About place. Time. Company. Her husband's fingers were deep into her pussy. The band next door was loud masking the dual slurping sounds from our cunts. it looked as though all three of us might come. If we were spotted? What would the reaction be? Chris’s cock was confined. Still in his trousers but struggling to free itself. Elizabeth’s hand encouraging it to grow but not helping its escape plans. I looked around the bar again. The closest tables were all empty. The pillar that had obscured the view of the young man with the family was also in the way of a group of girls on the far side of the room. Two other tables were at too much of an oblique angle to see much. Other than that the bar was empty. Forsaken for the folk group next door.
My climax was close. My hips bucked. I felt the tremors. Vocally, I kept a lid on things.
I took hold of Elizabeth’s unoccupied hand and placed it over my cunt. She didn’t snatch it away but neither did it move. I wanted her fingers entering me even though I’d just come. But nothing. I wondered if she realised where her hand was. Her attention fully on her husband. Her husband's groin. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, watching his wife’s friend orgasm in the middle of the pub proved too much for Chris. I saw him stiffen (the rest of him) and he gripped the edge of the table. To no effect. It would have been obvious to a nun. He’d come in his trousers. Lizzie’s hand had continued her massage. Did she not realise he was so close ? Or did she want to see how willing he was to be dirty like her friend? Her face reflected her reaction. Half an hour earlier if I’d been asked what that might be in the circumstances I’d have said one of mild disgust. Given how I’d seen her feeling him and sitting happily with him fingering her I’d changed my mind. Correctly. Her eyes widened and she smiled, her mouth gaped open. “Have you? Have you just cum?” An unnecessary question. An almost sheepish nod of Chris’s head confirmed it. Two down one to go. Would she? I was confident she would. We had no one watching us. She hadn’t removed her hand. From previous conversations I’d gathered she was very straight with regard to sex and anything kinky was not really on the menu but she had unzipped Chris and her hand had gone inside. She was feeling for his shrinking cock. I could imagine her fingers touching the warm cum soaking into his boxers. I took the opportunity. My hand went to her leg on her stocking top. No reaction. She’d now leant in to kiss Chris. I moved my hand up her leg. No reaction. I slid it over her knickers. Her kiss continued. I rubbed my hand over her pubes, down to the gusset. Still nothing. I took it as a clear signal. Eased my fingers under the material and found her lips. My fingers slid in. No objection. Physically or verbally. Her kiss continued. Two fingers. Totally immersed. My thumb worked her clit. Not for long. Her legs suddenly clamped together trapping my hand. Her lips and Chris’s parted and a low moan escaped her throat. She hung on to her husband, kept my hand trapped and drowning and her moan increased in decibels. The volume of music from the other bar masking her noise.
Three from three. Not in my wildest dreams had I expected to get Elizabeth to orgasm in the pub. Even to let me finger her. When she’d calmed down she gave her husband a quick peck then turned to me. “You are a witch. No doubt about it. You’re a conniving incorrigible bitch too. And boy, am I glad I met you.” She kissed me on the lips. Not open-mouthed, but sexy nonetheless.
“And me you,” I replied, “Do you think we better go? Would you like to come back for coffee… and things?”
She was silent. She looked at her husband but said nothing. I wondered what the problem was.
“Yes, but no thanks.” She looked at her husband again. “I’m sure Chris would, and I’m sure he’d be ready for some more but I’ve got to be honest. I need to think about what I’ve just done. What I’ve watched you do. My husband do! I know I’ve enjoyed every minute but it’s not me. It’s not us. I need to sort my head out. Does that make sense?”
I was disappointed in the extreme I’d already imagined the possibilities at home with the three of us but said yes I did understand. We left, said our goodbyes outside, and went our separate ways.
She said she’d contact me when she’d clarified her thoughts. It’s a strange thing to say after such a sexy evening but I wondered if she would or in the cold light of day she’d decided things had gone too far.
I hoped to god that wasn’t her decision.
At the time of writing, I’m still awaiting a call.