A new Elizabethan Era?
Friday night. Elizabethan night! That I was looking forward to seeing Elizabeth again goes without saying, but I was also a little on edge…

Friday night. Elizabethan night! That I was looking forward to seeing Elizabeth again goes without saying, but I was also a little on edge. Firstly I wondered how John acted when he arrived home. I can remember as a teenager when I’d been on a sexy date that had gone well I was on a high and mum instantly knew. John had supposedly been discussing a dry topic from his course not something that would have him whistling and skipping. Secondly, it was the first time we were meeting since the evening at my house when Elizabeth and Chris had ‘made out’ in front of me. They hadn’t fucked but at the time Elizabeth had been embarrassed, mortified even, to have done it in front of me. I assumed she’d reconciled herself to it now as she had been the one to contact me and ask to meet for a drink, but even so, I wondered how she would be.
I’d dressed for action as I hoped she’d be in the mood to join me. Rummaging around my wardrobe I’d found a dress I hadn’t worn for ages. It was strictly a summer dress but it was mild for the time of year so I didn’t think it would look too ridiculous. What attracted me to it was its wide hem and short length. Not too short, I wasn’t going to impersonate a middle aged chav. It was a dress designed to make flashing easy.
We’d chosen a different pub again. It was a good job we still had a number of watering holes open in town but I guessed I’d soon run out and have to return to the scenes of previous misdemeanours.
Considering it was a Friday evening I was surprised to find the bar quite deserted. I had a choice of tables and choose one that gave me options for displaying my wares if Elizabeth was okay with it.
She arrived shortly after me and we air kissed and she got her drink.
The conversation opened as I suspect every conversation at this time of year does with the question, “Did you have a good Christmas ?” We spent a few minutes telling each other about our experiences and veered towards our children. I told her I’d stopped at Kaz’s on the way home but left out the detail. I didn’t think she was ready for that yet. Certainly not with my daughter involved. It led us on to John and I waited for any sign that he’d given away what we’d done. The fact his mother and I were chatting amiably suggested he hadn’t but her question begged to differ.
“Talking of John, what on earth did you do to him the other night? He came home as animated as I’ve seen him since he morphed into a teenager?”
Hopefully, I didn’t blush. I tend not to have that problem but I felt heat rise in my face. “Really? I did manage to clear up one concept that he was having a particular problem with. Perhaps he was relieved he’d crossed that hurdle.” Fairly truthful statement I suppose!
“In that case, I’ll send him round more often. (Yes please!) He’s actually been a pleasure to live with. No that’s an overstatement. Is any teenager a pleasure to live with? He hasn’t actually annoyed us since!”
“Good. All part of the service,” I replied with a smile. “Now on to more serious topics. We on for some fun?”
To ensure she knew what I meant I uncrossed and recrossed my legs and in the process ensured my stocking tops came into view.
Elizabeth beamed. “You’re incorrigible! But yes in answer to your question. Probably.”
“Yes. Can I just say something first? Without distraction?” She’d gone all serious and was looking at my thigh and suspender clasp. I pulled my skirt down wondering what she had in mind. “Go on.”
“Okay, now Chris and I have discussed this and we’re on the same page. First that evening at yours. I said at the time and I’ll repeat it, we hadn’t planned to do that, not in a million years but I did enjoy it and without being vulgar we had one hell of a night when we got home!” I went to reply but she held her hand up. “Let me finish. We talked about it. Ha, I guess we haven’t talked about much else since and that night has had several repeats. We’ve talked about what exactly it was that turned us on so much and concluded it was the whole evening. Not just you stripping off in front of us at the end. I don’t think that would have had such an effect on me had I not been so hot from what I’d done, or at least nearly done earlier. Telling Chris about it later got me quite, hell, can I really be talking like this?-quite moist. Chris too. Telling him about undoing things in the bar. I’ve not known such a quick recovery for years! Anyway enough rabbiting. It boils down to us agreeing it would be fun for me to join in, but Chris wants to see it. Mainly because of the turn on. Partly because he’s nervous about men coming on to me and my safety. So the thing is, would you be happy if he joined us?”
I couldn’t see any downside. Having a man around would deter approaches which was good and if Elizabeth felt more relaxed I was sure I’d get her doing all sorts of things.
“Absolutely. No problem. You want to invite him along next week?” She looked a bit sheepish.
“No, actually he’s waiting in the car in the car park!”
I laughed. “Poor soul! Bring him in.”
She took out her phone and sent a brief text. Seconds later he was striding across the bar with a smile on his face. I re-crossed my legs and pulled my skirt up as a welcome. He bent down and kissed me on the cheek, his eyes widening as he saw the amount of thigh I had on show. He took our order for more drinks and went to the bar.
I had a feeling this might be an interesting evening.
The pub was filling up. Over half the tables were occupied and the noise level had increased. There was no TV screen thank god, so no football. The customers were a mixed bunch but mainly young; teens into mid-twenties.
Chris brought the drinks back and went to sit down opposite me but I stopped him. “Not there, Chris, it will hide me from view come and sit here.”
The table I’d chosen would accommodate six people two on each side and one at each end. I was sitting on a long side with Elizabeth next to me at an end and I’d indicated to Chris to join me rather than where he’d planned. I kept a careful watch on Elizabeth’s face to be sure she didn’t think I was coming on to her husband. I wasn’t and wouldn’t do anything without her permission but didn’t want the thought entering her head in the first place. Chris certainly didn’t mind. It gave him an unfettered view of my exposed legs. I now had the skirt hoisted into my lap. Not that risqué as the table obscured most of me below the waist. Which meant only one thing. I’d need to start revealing above the waist.
But not yet. With him there I thought I had a much better chance of getting Elizabeth involved and to a more revealing level. She was sitting side on to the main bar area so there was no impediment to seeing her legs. Her skirt was knee length and like mine wide hemmed. I doubted she’d chosen it by accident. I had to make the most of the opportunity in case this was a one off with Chris.
“Are you wearing tights?” I asked.
“No. I had a clear out of my undies drawer the other day looking for a pair of knickers that seemed to have gone astray (Opps! I wonder if they were red?) when I found a pair of hold-ups. I can’t even remember buying them but thought I’d give them a try. So far so good.”
“Let’s see then.”
Elizabeth looked around the bar, which was now three-quarters full, but no one was paying us any attention. That I hoped would change, but for now helped. Satisfied she didn’t have a crowd of men leering at her she eased her chair back from the table so I could see her thighs and nervously hiked her skirt up a few inches on one leg, to half way across her stocking top. They were pale tan and the tops were lacy. Sexy. And I said so. She pulled the skirt back down. “I suppose so. Chris seems to like them,” she replied smiling at her husband.
He wouldn’t have been able to see his wife’s quick flash but it didn’t seem to worry him, his attention still on my exposed thighs. I did want him to see her revelations but for the moment would concentrate on getting her to show more and be seen. It’s that first time I realised men were ogling my undies that did it for me and set me on this path. I was hoping it would do the same for Elizabeth.
“Don’t hide them,” I said, “they’re pretty. I leant across, put my hand on her thigh and pushed the hem up her leg. Her hand clamped on mine in a show of trying to stop me but it was half hearted so I carried on. “Tracy!” she hissed. “No!”
I looked at Chris who was now taking an interest in what I was doing. “Come on Chris. Be authoritative! Tell your wife to do as she’s told,” I smiled as I said it. I wasn’t going all Dom, I wanted to keep it light and fun.
“Yes, come on Lizzie. A bit of stocking top isn’t a huge deal.”
“Huh. It might not be,” she replied with plenty of humour in her voice, “ but you don’t know this woman. Next thing she’ll be asking me to take my knickers off.” But as she said it she released my hand and let me push her skirt up. I was kind. I left it across the lacy tops. She went to pull her chair back in but I stopped her. “No you don’t. Stay there. Give the guys a chance to spot you.” Lizzy looked around in panic as if expecting all the men in the bar to be staring and waggling their cocks at her. Later, hopefully!
I felt for Chris not being able to see his wife’s legs. We needed a better seating arrangement and by luck a couple who had been occupying a bench seat under the bay window left. I suggested we moved there where we could all sit side by side. The table was plain and modern and there was a step up to the bay. Almost like being on a stage.
“But we’ll be more exposed,” protested Elizabeth. I simply looked at her and raised my eyebrows. She appealed to her husband, “See Chris? She’s incorrigible.” Chris didn’t seem averse to the idea so it was two to one. We moved.
Much better. I sat Elizabeth in the middle so Chris could see everything she did and also so he was out of my reach. I had a nasty feeling when things hotted up I might be tempted to have a feel and I needed to take that temptation away.
I carelessly crossed my legs and drew my skirt up my thighs while pointedly looking at my friend. “Oh god,” she sighed, but followed my example, just perhaps not to my extreme. My skirt was bunched as high up my thighs as possible, hers about where it had been before.
I was pleased to see the demographic of the customers had changed and there were now virtually no teenagers, the crowd being made up of mainly thirty-somethings, men and women.
Flashing at teens didn’t worry me but I feared it might inhibit Elizabeth realising they were the same age as their son and that in turn might trigger thoughts about him and me.
I leant across Elizabeth to talk to Chris and put a hand on her thigh, easing her skirt up further. Her hand came down onto mine again. “No! That’s enough!”
“What do you think Chris?” I asked.
He looked at his wife trying to assess, I think, how serious her ‘No’ was.
“I doubt another inch or two will make much difference,” he replied.
“Great,” I said, “you do your leg.”
So we both eased her skirt up a little and both left our hands on her thighs. Elizabeth had frozen. I felt her whole body tense. Whether that was due to our hands — my hand — or the minor flash she was giving I didn’t know but it was time for me to take some of the heat off her and show them what real flashing was.
I patted her leg, removed my hand and looked around the room. My best targets were four people sitting together at a nearby table. Judging by their ages I guessed parents and an adult child with their wife/husband. It was the younger couple facing us. The woman was better placed to see me as there was a pillar that obscured the man’s view of me but he probably had a clear view of Elizabeth. So be it. As I’ve said I get a perverse pleasure out of getting a negative reaction from a woman anyway. I just didn’t want that with Elizabeth and Chris in tow.
I’d see what happened and call a halt if I thought the backlash was getting too negative.
I looked at my two friends. “Time for knickers to go I think.” I slipped my hands down, grabbed the waistband, lifted my bum, dropped them to my ankles and left them there. I didn’t need to look to see my friend's response. I could sense it, but I did anyway. There was a small exasperated sigh from Elizabeth, a ‘here she goes again’, but a look of excitement in her eyes that belied the physical reaction. Chris had eyes that, to use a favourite expression of my mother’s, stood out like chapel hat pegs. My skirt was tucked up to my waist still, but my pussy would have been hidden from Chris’s angle. Shame, but it didn’t seem to detract from his enjoyment.
Unfortunately, the family were in an intense discussion about something and hadn’t noticed my display. I turned to Elizabeth. “Your turn.”
“My turn? You don’t mean…doing that! You are joking?” She turned towards her husband, “See, what did I say? I said the next thing would be her asking me to do that!” Her face was still telling a different story to her words. She wanted to do it I was sure. She just needed a push.
I peered round her at Chris. “You hold her, while I pull them off!” I was joking but I hoped it would create some reaction that might attract the attention of my potential viewers.
It worked. In a rather too loud voice, Elizabeth said, “Don’t you bloody dare!” I put a hand on her leg as if I was going to attempt it and she shrieked. All the while trying not to laugh. It reminded me of what now seems a millennium ago when I had a cushion fight with Kaz and we all know where that led. I had hopes. High hopes.
But it had attracted the attention of the young couple sat facing us. As Elizabeth and I playfully struggled over my hand on her knee I left my knees well apart. A surreptitious glance in their direction confirmed the young woman was staring but not scowling as I’d feared she might be. She just looked vaguely amused.
Having got their, or at least her, attention, I needed to encourage Lizzie.
“Okay, spoilsport, just open your legs a bit. Reveal your knickers. I assume you are wearing some?” There was a mischievous look in her eye. “No! Not on your life! But yes I am. We’re not all like you!”
“Oh come on, we’ve got some admirers. They need rewarding.”
“What?” She hissed. “Who?”
“That table slightly to our right, with the four people. The woman spotted me dropping my drawers. I bet the guy’s admiring your legs.”
She took a quick glance. “Oh shit! He is!” Her hand automatically went to tug her skirt down but I grabbed it. “No. Think about it. Let the feeling sink in. A thirty-something. Getting a thrill out of seeing your legs, your stockings. Think. How do you feel?” I dearly hoped Chris wouldn’t intervene. I’d bring him in if she needed to be reassured he was okay with things, but I wanted her assessing that magic feeling of power, satisfaction that she was turning a man on. Making him want her.
She didn’t fight my hand. I was still holding hers with them both resting on her thigh. She didn’t answer my question in words. She didn’t need to. Her knees moved. Parting from each other. The gates to heaven opening.
Her hand didn’t move so I encouraged it. My hand was on top of hers and I eased it up her leg taking the skirt with us. She didn’t object. I felt a small tremor in her body. I knew precisely what feeling she was experiencing. She was onboard!
Part 2 to follow.