A new Bedfellow?
I was up early to go to the stables. The forecast was for a pleasantly warm day in my corner of the world and I fancied a long ride. It had…

I was up early to go to the stables. The forecast was for a pleasantly warm day in my corner of the world and I fancied a long ride. It had been a rollercoaster of a week. The previous Sunday had been sexy in spades, exhibiting myself on the seafront then having Charles explode over me and to be topped off with him revealing a hidden kink, one I looked forward to sharing, hopefully soon. Then Friday, a day I’d rather forget. Horrendous at work, staff being imbeciles, clients being imbeciles. I was glad when the weekend arrived but then the run in with the idiot at the coffee shop on Saturday. That had initially unsettled me, but with so much support I realised it was actually a bit of a triumph for me.
Come Sunday morning I wanted an uncomplicated hack around the forest. A simple ride to enjoy the summer sun and my horse.
It worked; by the time I returned to the yard, I felt deliciously relaxed.
I‘d just dismounted when I heard Naomi’s gruff tones calling, “Hey Trace, when you’re finished come up to the kitchen, I need a word.” She didn’t wait for a reply but stomped off on some urgent errand. I wondered what she wanted. Given the last time I’d been invited in led to my meeting Jane, I was intrigued.
Having put Jack back in his field and not being able to do my ‘usual’ due to there being little ones around I felt a little frustrated and hoped Naomi had something exciting to tell me.
“Ah, there you are. Good. Come in. Now, how's your sex life with Jane going?” Dear Naomi, direct to the point of bluntness.
“Er, okay thanks, but I haven’t seen her for a while, she’s away on business.’
“Know that gal, that’s why you’re here. Thought you might be short of a cock substitute, so found you one.”
I wondered if she’d been at the gin bottle early. She was renowned for liking a drop, but normally not until after ‘sundown’. Perhaps the sun had set early today.
All I could muster as a reply was “Pardon?”
“Do you want another female bed partner or not?”
Horse people can be direct, some more than others, and Naomi was certainly in that category. Her family had lived and dealt with horses for generations and she was generally a lot happier in their company than with people. Given remarks like that, you can understand why. But I liked her.
“Er, well, yes, I suppose so.” Did I? I certainly didn’t need one. Want was a different matter.
“Good. When I first saw you wanking on your horse, I said I knew two who might suit you. Here comes the other one now. I haven’t mentioned the reason for introducing you, by the way.”
I heard the back door open and a woman about my age walked in. I’d not seen her before.
“Ah,” said Naomi, “Trace, this is Mary, she’s Katie's mother, you know Katie, the one who is training for the County showjump team.” I didn’t really know Katie, I’d seen her about and watched her schooling and was impressed. “Mary meet Tracy.”
We shook hands and sat down and started talking horses while Naomi organised the coffee.
Mary was tiny; short in stature and in girth. She wasn’t anorexic but certainly slim. She struck me as being very reserved and quiet. How Naomi had come to the conclusion she was looking for a lesbian love affair I hadn’t a clue. I’d have to wing it as I did with Jane. Looking on the positive side that worked out okay, didn’t it?
Mary was so quiet I wondered how on earth I was going to be able to invite her for a coffee or anything as Jane and I had done. I said above we started talking horses. In truth, it was our hostess who did most of the talking but eventually, I realised how she was steering the conversation. “…and so I remembered Trace here saying she’d always be happy to give a hand at any of your competition dates, so if you want to chat about it do, but not in my kitchen, I’ve things to do.” Gruff and hardly subtle but it gave me the lead I needed.
“Oops, let's get out of here before she throws us out Mary. Fancy a coffee and we can see if I can help.”
Half an hour later we were in town sitting down for a coffee (not in the same location as the previous day). Mary seemed to relax a bit being away from Naomi, perhaps she found her a bit daunting, but I was still at a loss to know how I could possibly steer the conversation around to sex.
We talked for a while about Katie's competitions and I volunteered my assistance. Katie, as I remembered, was not only an accomplished rider but very attractive as well. I wasn’t sure my mind should be going in that direction! I asked how old she was. Just coming up to nineteen, “she’s not going to university; doesn’t want to be parted from her horse!”
Mother and daughter? Dare I think like that? (See above, there’s me saying my thoughts were getting too kinky, and not a few hours later I’m fantasising about having a mother and daughter!). But I was getting ahead of myself.
Then I thought of a possible intro to the subject. “Is her father not able to help?”
“Oh, he’s able all right. Just won't. ‘I’ll pay the bills but don’t expect any help.’ Too interested in making money.”
“So you’re left to do it all?”
“Well, it’s not too much. Katie does all the hard work, I just really drive the lorry, but an extra pair of hands at shows with all the tack and everything would be useful.”
There was a wistfulness in Mary’s voice, a plea for some attention, I thought. I took a chance. It would either work or she’d tell me to bugger off.
“Is he inattentive in other areas too?” It was obvious what I was referring to. I waited for her reply. By that time I had already decided I‘d love to go to bed with her. She was so different in personality from both Jane and Carol.
She looked long and hard at me. Damn, I’ve blown it, I thought.
“That’s an incredibly personal question, considering we’ve only just met,” she said in a stern voice.
“You’re right. I shouldn’t have asked. Sorry.”
She went quiet and sipped her coffee. I was getting immersed in this sexy world with Jane and Carol and Charles and starting to think everyone was the same. I needed to reflect back only a few months to realise that was far from the case..
I repeated my apology.
Mary looked at me.
“Oh sod it what the hell. The answer is yes.”
I took a chance again. “Do you want to discuss it?” Listen! Aunt Tracy, Agony Aunt. Another pause but shorter this time.
“Why not? We’ve been married twenty years this year. the last time we had sex was in 2016.”
“Wow, worse record than mine,” I said lightheartedly. Not a true statement but I didn’t want to get into too much despair exchanging.
“Really? It’s nice to know I’m not alone.”
“Well, that’s not totally accurate, but believe me I know all about not having the enjoyment of a man's cock inside me.” I’m not sure why I phrased it like that. Very crude. Almost as if I was trying to put her off. “You seem very sure of the date.”
“Yes. He’d just won a huge contract for his company, one that put it up a rung or two and he was over the moon. Since then though it’s the company that he’s in love with.”
“Oh, I’m sure that’s not true.”
“You don’t know him. I’m purely there to make sure he has clean shirts and food on the table.”
“Have you thought of leaving?”
“Yes, but why? Katie would lose a lot, the upheaval would be enormous. I’ll soldier on.”
Here we go I thought.
“Well, take a lover.”
She didn’t react, simply took another sip of coffee. Eventually she replied, “I don’t want to give him an excuse for divorce by sleeping with another man.”
An interesting choice of words, ‘another man’. Was it deliberate?
“Well a woman, then.”
“I don’t think so. Besides what difference would that make?
”Well, the jealousy aspect. He wouldn’t feel as though he was being supplanted would he?”
“I suppose that’s one way of looking at it, but I doubt it would change his attitude if he found out.”
“Would he? Find out?”
“Probably, he seems to know most things I get up to. Anyway, I don’t fancy women, I doubt women would fancy me, and I’ve no idea where I’d go to find one.”
“I tell you Mary, I didn’t realise I would find women attractive until a couple of months ago, and you are attractive to other women,” I took a gamble, “you certainly are to me.”
Whenever I come to write these blogs and type what I said as best as I can remember, I’m amazed at the words I uttered. Can I really have said that?
I left it there and looked at her. Her eyes were on mine, trying, I think to work out if I was serious or if it was some sort of wind-up. Eventually, she spoke.
“You know, I am so fucking bored, it’s a tempting proposition, but no, thanks. Are we still good for the help with Katie?”
Damn! I suppose I can’t be expected to always strike lucky. I assured her we were still good for the help and then we fell into silence while we finished our coffees.
As we were leaving she turned to me. “Thanks for listening Tracy, I’ve never mentioned that-about the sex-to anyone. You wont tell will you?” She was obviously referring to Naomi. “No of course not.”
“Thank you.”
We air kissed and she went on her way.
I thought that was the ned of it but later that evening I received a text.
‘Re our convo this pm. Still think it’s a bad idea but could we talk more? Wednesday evening if you’re free.’
What a surprise. I can’t wait to see what transpires, but I’ve set my sights low!